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Ski recommendations for guy in 60s for free ski and getting after it


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I'm looking to buy a new ski + bindings for my father (and for me). He's in his 60s, mostly a free skier, but has interest in improving and running courses. He's a pretty solid skier, definitely not a beginner, and in pretty good shape for his age.


Mostly skiing behind an older prostar or a jet ski. Conditions won't always be perfect. Normally skis at 28mph or 30mph. Current ski is a 2007ish obrien siege.


I was eyeing the HO freeride, but after reading a few reviews I'm thinking the omni might be a better fit. Not tied to HO. Would prefer to keep cost under $600. Open to any recommendations. Thanks!



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  • Baller
@pbrb - keep an eye on skis for sale on ski-it-again. There are some pretty good bargains out there. Also, @perfski has good sales until the end of the year (no affiliation, just a happy customer). As for which ski to get, there are many different opinions out there and lots of good skis in your price range. Note that I'm interpreting your $600 budget to be just for a blank ski, with no bindings.
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@pregom Thanks for ski-it-again rec, I'll check it out, and perfski as well.


@Clydesdale yeah, I thought the Free ride would be too boring. I was thinking Omni because it's more performance oriented but should be somewhat forgiving... wasn't necessarily looking for something a little wider, but I thought the slightly wider Omni might actually be a good fit. I really like the Radar senate, but couldn't find any after a quick search. Might just hold off until I can find one of those.

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  • Baller
Buy a ski much better than you need . Will help you progress. Ski with the prostar. Not a jet ski. +1 for Ski it again. Tons of great lightly used skis at greatly reduced costs . If go Omni go Syndicate. Plenty of great options from all the top manufacturers
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  • Baller
I’m the same age as your dad skiing -28 @34 mph, love my Senate alloy. We don’t have the best conditions at times and the ski tears right through the chop so I’m sure it would be a great open water ski and give him plenty of performance in the course.

Get high, Get fast, and do some good work.

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  • Baller
I would suggest a Radar Senate. There are 4 different construction/materials versions of this ski. Go with the highest build within your budget. For boots, match that Senate with the Radar Vector Boa boots or a front Vector Boa with a rear ARTP Boa for a toe loop set up. This ski rips turns and accelerates like a sports car on both open water and in the course.
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  • Baller
Several great ski options listed here. One thing I like to point out is making sure he has a binding that he likes. I got a package deal on a Carbon Omni last year. It was a different binding than I was skiing and I hated it. $300 for my favorite bindings later.......
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