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Straight or a radius handle


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  • Baller

@The_MS You must have been watching my skiing, lol. I did say the radius makes it a "little" easier on the arms.

I actually added a second sentence (then deleted it) that said, eliminating (or greatly reducing) my on-side slack hits BY FAR had the most impact with reducing my elbow pain. I skied a ton this summer, and had almost no elbow pain. Year before last, my left elbow was on fire all summer!

That said, I like my radius. But, go back and forth with a spare straight handle too.

To your point, no handle will prevent elbow pain if you subject it to the amount of on-side slack hits I was taking 2 years ago.

Q: Would you understand the "physics explanation" even after @Than_Bogan gives it to you?

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  • Baller_
I would love to hear a physics explanation on this. All I have ever heard was its easier on the elbows, but from my own years of skiing, and watching my parents they never used them. But I did, and I never noticed a difference, if anyone has a "Physics explanation" please tag me in it, always looking to learn new things!

Performance Ski and Surf 




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  • Baller

I have been buying my Radius ERGO from Mike at Performance for years now and about to go get another one soon. I really don't care about the Physics of it, all I know is it totally eliminated Tennis Elbow in my left arm which was EXTREMELY PAINFUL !!!


Also, the curved ends eliminated mis-grabs.... Exactly the same results for one of my ski partners in his 60's.



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  • Baller

If your hands are (more) in alignment with your forearms, as would be the case with a radius handle, there is closer to equal pressure on your exterior and interior tendons. That spreads the pull or slack hit more evenly over both tendons rather than more the unequal pressure you would have with a straight handle.

Try holding a handle, under tension, with one hand and cocking you wrist out of alignment and feel the uneven tendon pressure on either side of your elbow. Then un-cock your wrist and notice the more even tension of the elbow tendons.




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  • Baller

@Ed_Johnson couldn't have said it better.


I went from miserable tennis elbow to absolutely nothing. The only change for me was a straight handle to an ergo radius. Somebody can research the 'why' if they want to, but I'll just keep buying the radius handles.


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  • Baller
I am with Mike. A radius handle is not better for everyone, as in most things..it depends. I have bone spurs ( can not straighten my arm) and elbow tendonitis and using a radius handle is much harder and essentially unusable for me. I suggest you don’t know if you don’t try.
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  • Baller
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I was THE BIGGEST SKEPTIC about curved handles keeping my elbows healthy...until a brutal case of golf elbow that didn't get better over the off-season and was so painful I couldn't do a pull-up prompted me to eat crow and give a curved handle a try. 6 weeks later, my elbows were feeling much better and by the end of the season the pain was gone. I can't explain the physics, but I'm a convert.
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  • Administrators
I have a lot of inflammation issues ( RSIs ) and I am sure the bent handle is one of things that helps. I am not a doctor and do not play one on TV.
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  • Baller
I own both, most of last season on the radius, but my revelation of healing wasn’t from that. A few years ago I developed bad elbow pain in right elbow (LFF). One run mid set I decided to reverse my grip and it was immediately 100% gone. Never went back. I’m used to the feel of the radius, like it, but when I do a quick run occasionally with a ski buddy that has a straight 12” set up already I find it feels very good and helps keep me hands closer together in better position . So to the topic of radius vs straight and the Q of elbow pain and physics I have no idea as what fixed my elbow was the grip. I recommend own both and ski both. Not everyone could be ok with reverse grip.
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  • Baller

Been on the radius for years, really miss it when its not available for a pull


Straight handle- I think the wider the shoulders, the more acute the angular misalignment on the wrists to forearm, and beyond power-robbing uncomfortable, one tends to maintain constant bicep tension to give relief to the wrist angle, inducing tendonitis


Radius - one can really let he arms out and be extensions of the rope, improving technique, and efficiency of energy. also inhibiting bicep tendonitis


If someone already has tendonitis and jumps on a radius handle, i also see a chance the more open angle can not feel like an improvement


Generally the narrower the shoulders, the less advantage to the radius, and a straight handle can feel entirely proper

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  • Baller
I had tennis elbow both sides. Could only ski 1 set every 2 weeks. My sports med doctor who is a 38off skier told me to get a radius handle. Said the slight angle change is a massive difference. He said if that didn’t work go to a clincher style glove. Went to a radius handle, never had another problem with my elbows
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  • Baller

I have gone back and forth. In 2020, I switched from straight to radius mid season (so presumably my skiing was about the same) and pain shifted from top of right arm to bottom of left arm. Don't know why.


(I am RFF so right palm is down, left palm is up).

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  • Baller

Not having a constant elbow issue, But few years ago had to borrow a bend handle for couple of months as in mine the rubber was turning and had to get a new one. (Only one I could find at same size)

Elbows felt a lot better, but crossing behind the boat felt that I had slightly more power with the straight one. More of a feeling though. Went with straight after that.

I would go back to radius if I develop an elbow issue, but so far all good.

Question is, if the benefit is higher than any downside, why most people ski with straight handles?

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  • Baller
Both Masterline and In Tow have a multiple options for bend handles. From the pictures on the websites it's hard to tell if there's differences in their shapes. Has anyone compared the shapes to see if they are all bent the same amount?
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  • Baller

@Dacon62 they way most handle measuring devices at tournaments are made, don’t think it makes much difference between straight and bent ones.

You need to keep the handle level and in order to do that you either need a larger base or two touching points for the handle bar to seat straight.

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  • Baller
From looking at a few bent handles my ski buddies have, I don’t think there is more than an inch of difference between the end points of the handle and its middle point. Would that really make a difference at tournaments?
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  • Baller_
@MBD3 if you did a survey of tournament skiers, I’d bet it would be about 9-1 straight, but I don’t know what conclusion you could draw from that. I bet five out of 10 are 1”. I don’t know what conclusion that would draw either, other than that’s what someone has always used. My data is a rough guess based on personal observation while measuring a crap load of handles at tournaments.


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  • Baller

High end tournament skiers are going to be overwhelmingly using straight handles. I couldn't think of any pros who use a radius handle.

I think it is a non-issue for young fit pro athletes. It is an issue for my tired worn out elbows.

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I too feel less strain on my elbows and wrists when using a radiused handle. I love my US Gear Radius handle, but it is reaching the end of its life soon :(. I like the look of the Masterline Radius ERGO handle, but curious if I'll notice a difference between a 1.0625" dia and a 1" dia handle. A 1/16" is nothing, but I know with riding Motocross, I am very picky with diameters of different grips.
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  • Baller
Radius handle seems like an obvious ergonomic benefit, again, maybe just moreso for us old folks. Lay your hands, face down on your desk in front of you, handle width apart. Now roll your hands into holding on to a handle position, without thinking too hard about what you are doing. You will see they end up in an obvious arced position. To get them straight requires some effort that would seem to put stress/strain on your wrists. I am not a high end skier by any stretch, but went with a radius this past summer for the first time ever, despite thinking it made sense for the above reasons, for years. Since our shoulders are like 2 feet apart and our hands on the handle are about 9 inches apart, it makes sense to have a handle that accommodates that angle inward.
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