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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller

@sunperch ONLY those judges (not scorers, not safety, not TCs, not drivers) that are “selected and approved” as judges for the above events. So … ONLY Appointed and Assigned judges. Volunteer officials of any kind are NOT required to have a background check.


Note: some volunteers MIGHT have to have a background check for other reasons - board involvement, coach, etc - but just Mr Regular Judge or Ms Senior Judge that shows up onsite or gets asked AT THE NATIONALS (not Regionals!) do NOT need it.


EDITED - To correct that onsite volunteer officials do NOT need the background screening.

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  • Baller

@igkya first, if you don’t know the answer to that question, you don’t need to worry about a background check.


Second - see here for more official information - https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Water-Ski/Three-Event-Water-Skiing/Officials


For more than 50 years AWSA has had 3 levels of judges, scorers and drivers. Those are Assistant, Regular and Senior. Each requires certain number of events worked, a written test and a practical test. Additionally, each officials RATING is available for each of the three events. Tech Controllers and Safety had different but similar ratings. IWWF also accredits a “PanAm” rating for those of us senior judges who reside in the Western Hemisphere.


To even be considered for an Appointed or Assigned judge (or scorer or driver) you need to be rated a senior level official in all three events (sometimes some exceptions apply but rarely). To be considered for any international event you must be a PanAm rates judge (and now scorer). IF you want to be considered and you meet the qualifications you submit your name when they request volunteers. For Nationals the officials are APPROVED by each regional council from those who submitted their name.


So for the Nationals this year there are 2 Appointed Judges and 1 Assigned Judge from each region (15 total unless some split a week so add accordingly). The number of officials are described in the rule book depending on the number of lakes and duration of the tournament. As I’ve said before, MANY of these same officials are already board members or other which means they already have the background screening done.


Here’s a current directory of all the officials within USAWSWS - https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Water-Ski/Officials-Directory



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  • Baller

So, I did a thing... I googled a ton looking for alternatives to SS for training and compliance. Well, it seems that the government has learned from Google, Facebook, Amazon and the like that nothing works like a monopoly. Their appears to be no entity that I could find offering any alternative to training content to compete with SS... or so I thought. If we change the search terms from "sport" to just "Harassment Training" or "Ethics and Harassment Training" etc. we find there are multitudes of providers and content.


Various hits


https://www.praesidiuminc.com/ (used by YMCA)






The Boy Scouts and Catholic church were ahead of SS in that they created their own programs to address the needs in their organizations. In both cases, the curriculum is fundamentally identical in that all these programs build upon the same social research principles of identifying and preventing abuse.


Still. Though, all of the above would have the issue with tracking and compliance in which using SS is the easy button.


So, if we assume that USAWS will not consider any alternative providers other than SS itself, then my question is simple: Has USAWS leadership asked SS training development team if a shorter awareness module can be used for general membership distribution while the more in depth current training applied to those in direct contact with minors due to roles and responsibilities? Has the question been asked? If not, why not?


PS. I still do not like the language drafted regarding BGC policy. It does not match the verbal explanations. That's a pretty big deal.

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  • Baller

I don’t see how AWSA could allow each member to select the provider for their training. The ship has sailed for this year, we need to move forward and then an assessment can be make if an alternative meets the requirement, is cost effective and “better for the membership”.


If the axiom “A bitching sailor is a happy sailor” holds, we must be a happy lot!

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  • Baller

@JackQ - not each member selects his/her own. (Not sure how you assumed that was what I meant) Rather, I was just stating that USAWS didn't have to select the SS curriculum. They could have responded with another provider's curriculum as the choice for all of USAWS.


@klindy - I have been a L1 Coach for years and years. So, I took the 90-minute version three years ago when that started and the refreshers each time since. I see total applicability to my Coach role. I see the 90-min course as completely excessive and miss-matched for general competitors.


In our sport, what would make sense in my opinion is the following:

Full curriculum for obvious roles (Coaches, Pros who coach regardless of certification, Ski School staff regardless of certification, Jr team leadership, Jr Dev volunteers, and all Officials who work Jr Dev events, the Regionals, and the national event).


For competitive general membership: awareness training of 30 mins or less (program overview (who gets what training /BGC), what to look out for at any event, how/who to report concerns to, how to respond to a report from a youth).


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  • Baller


I'll sign off on a lighter (but sadly true) note.

Had I acted on my earlier impulse to reply to your last post, I was just going to say "good luck with that" on your last paragraph message.

Just a few hours later, my doubts would be validated...I assume you're not surprised.



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  • Baller_

Got my last issue of the water skier. Our executive Director started the SS explanation out with “As you know we currently live in a politically charged and polarizing environment”.

So let’s just add to it and bend over to wokeness.


He went on to explain about how many minors are involved with show skiing. Let them get their own insurance and comply with what’s needed.

We need to find a way out of this until we can get Congress to drop funding for the SS program. If they quit funding them then there are no lobbied insurance carriers that can require us to be woke.


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  • Baller_


We have talked about scheduling a world waterski event here in Panama city.

I am going to register our emerald coast boat and ski club with WWA.

This sport needs an alternative to USAWS



On another note we got our latest water Skier Rag. Mrs Jody handed it to me yesterday said here's your three min read.... went to the head with it and thought about wiping my backside with the ex-directors full page propaganda...

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  • Baller

@The_MS I agree with you.... it is sad to have to give into the wokeness. Best way to do that is like in the old days... if someone hurt the women/children in your community that person was no longer welcome in your community. shunned, runout, ostracized.

However, with the wokeness you speak of we now make excuses, justify, blame the victim etc. so here we are. left with SS because some can not, chose not to behave

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  • Baller_


Funny you write that as the emerald coast boat and ski club is a all inclusive group of boarders as well as skiers. In this part of toad sports galaxy and within:a 50 mile radius we have a number of world level riders.

Not uncommon to have a mixed group up on the main public lakes in the area as well as the private.

And as far as there are no waterski events scheduled in the WWA they are open and would embrace waterskiers to join and produce a competitive series. Your welcome to join and help put something together for sure.

Thats were the industry went!

Again this sport could benefit from another option. How does that saying go? Build it they will come..


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  • Baller

@The_MS there is an endless amount of funding pouring into America to push an agenda. They dangle money in front of people and say you need to do this and we will reward you. My Dr says he gets pressure from Medicare to implement woke bs all the time. The dangle for him is higher reimbursement rates. He says C YA.


When it isn't money, it is the threat to large Coporate CEO's about their jobs.

There are a handful of large brokerage houses that own the world and they use the CEO's as puppets to get their agenda in play:









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  • Baller

@Horton I am not so sure this thread is 100% about skiing. But that is my opinion, and on an opinion forum, I guess I thought I was entitled to my opinion so posted it, even though I knew some would dislike it. I guess I am "woke" in another way....



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  • Baller

This whole topic/issue stopped short of achieving a meaningful outcome. Did our concerns get communicated loudly? Were they heard? Did they result in changes? Yep to all three. Did we get far enough? Some say so and others do not.


IMHO, we did not. Here's where we stopped too short of the goal:

1) We are forcing normal competitive members to be subjected to the same training deemed sufficient for a youth coach.

2) The official policy language on who does BGCs does not adequately specify AWSA roles (despite NSSA having specific language about directors, etc.), and does not match what we were told.


What does the goal look like for me?

1) Members are provided with an awareness training option that is less than 30 minutes to complete. If USAWS insists on using SafeSport curriculum, then USAWS needs to respectfully demand that SafeSport produce and provide this content for these types of audiences for all NGBs.

2) The official USAWS policy language should state what we are told it means. Then, there is no need to "interpret" its application. Further, the slippery-slope text must be removed. If USAWS wants to expand the scope of BGCs, then it can follow the current process of involving division leadership, votes, etc. to make that change.


Regarding #1, Did USAWS even ask SafeSport for improved curriculum? Will they? What's the harm in asking? Having separate content for these very distinctly different audiences is not out of the ordinary and may even improve the quality of the program's safety. It shouldn't be a very hard sell. Tell them we need this by April 2022. Let's push this fast. Surely other NGBs and USOC sport divisions would support this, too.



Regarding #2, There should be no concerns from USAWS about making edits which correctly state what they told us. Right?!? Here are some edits which would align the actual text with what we were told was the intent.



Q: Who is required to complete the background screening?

A: USA Water Ski & Wake Sports requires criminal background screening (‘background screening’ or ‘background check’) for individuals involved with its programs as part of a greater effort to promote a safe environment for members. Background screening must be completed for all certified instructors/coaches, participants and staff of national/international teams, show ski team show directors and assistant directors, USA-WSWS judges that are 18 and older who are appointed or assigned to work National Championship (specifically AWSA Appointed Judges only) and/or IWWF sanctioned World or Confederation Championship events in their respective sports discipline, junior development coaches and leadership, and any volunteer, third-party vendor or contractor who are (a) in position of authority over or (b) in regular contact with athletes. In addition, background screening must also be completed for all staff members, USA-WSWS and Sport Discipline Board Members, and other members/individuals designated by USA-WSWS in its sole discretion.


That last clause is over-reaching, slippery slope.





USA Water Ski and Wake Sports judges (who are 18 and older) who are selected and approved by USA Water Ski and Wake Sports or one of its Sports Disciplines to officiate at a National Championships event (Specifically Appointed Judges for AWSA), or IWWF World Championships or Multi-Sports event, e.g. World Games, or Pan American Confederation Titled Event, shall complete the Safe Sport training and background check as required by USA-Water Ski and Wake Sports. 1/22




https://www.teamusa.org/-/media/USA_Waterski/SafeSport-Docs/SafeSportComplianceChart.pdf (found at https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Water-Ski/Safe-Sport/Sanctioned-Event-Requirements)


Add an Asterisk to "BB/SS*" the AWSA column and row for Officials. Then in the left margin:

"Officials - Judges (selected and approved to officiate at a National Championships event*, or any IWWF World Championships or Multi Sports event (e.g. World Games), or Pan American Confederation Titled Event)

* AWSA Appointed Judges only"


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  • Baller

Well, after 59 pages of posts and numerous threats of not renewing membership due to SS requirement, who stuck with their convictions? May I ask given my membership has expired and not renewed?


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  • Baller
I re-upped as a supporting member only, hedging my move in case I want to ski tournaments again. Frankly I don't think I'll miss it. So, they got my 20 bucks for this year. Florida already got my money for this season last August, won't do that either.
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  • Baller

I sent the following to member services at good old usaws with my completion diploma attached. They must really want to kill what’s left of this sport.


I got an email that said I didn’t complete safesport. Its bad enough we have to waste our time with this useless waste of time, but now to have to waste more time proving its done is infuriating.

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  • Baller_

Actually, it should appear on your member dashboard (to access, select “member login” on the main menu and follow the prompts).

If it’s there, don’t bother bugging Melanie. The info is there, it’s just not integrating, but will when the glitch is fixed .



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