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New RADAR???


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  • Baller

Well.....that is big news! Bout time too!

The thought of those bungees makes my knees and ankles quiver, it's just human nature to crank them as tight as possible. I was guilty of it myself and have seen the injuries from not releasing properly. Yes, it's the fault of the user for sure but the REFLEX release is pretty fool proof once you get them dialed in.

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  • Baller

1st 2022 vapor ride report…wow

Haven’t skied in couple weeks so didn’t push anything . Ran a couple 22s, couple 28s and up to my average of about midway through -32.

Have to get used to gate pull out compared to 2021. It’s still fast and glides well. Noticed if I even got slightly flat on the glide it was twitchy. I’m guessing the deeper tunnel and new bevels really want to make it roll on edge and build angle quickly. About the 3 or 4th gate I settled down. Still working on the gate timing but was able to keep the glide on outer edge and avoid the “twitch”.

Turns in quickly and builds angle with a solid steady feel. Conditions were calm tonight and it just cut so smoothly. Rock solid feel and felt like less effort. As advertised it skis slightly more tip up then the 2021. Builds crazy angle off the ball and was very early on a few passes. allowed me to get away with a few turns I shouldn’t have and keep moving forward. And my off-side…..wow. Just kept over the ski and carved around with perfect angle when I hooked up. Was just a quick first set. Didn’t push it but this one feels like a keeper. Can’t wait to get dialed in settings. Im exactly at 66” stock numbers from the Radar site. I never skied really well on my 20/21 but the 2022 feels it suits my style better. Go get one!!!


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  • Industry Professional
@fu_man that is now made out of Silicone and is now as rugged as the rest of the boot, the upper cuff can be replaceable on this new boot as well which is an awesome feature!
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  • Baller
Picked up my 2022 at Radar last week. I haven't been skiing at all and skied as well as I can. Combined with the new boot, it's a dream. There was no way I was leaving without that thing! People are going to absolutely love it. It stays tip down very naturally creating a ton of drive and and ton of swing with not much effort. And, the white is super crispy!
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