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You know water skiing is a problem in your life when....


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You know water skiing is a problem in your life when....

you have a panful orthopedic issue but ignore it because it does not hurt when you ski.

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@Bruce_Butterfield well the problem is I have do all kinds of normal things left-handed. I can't turn a screwdriver, I can't cut a piece of meat, I can't put on my seat belt, or all kinds of other stuff with my right hand. But it doesn't hurt when I ski so I guess there's really no problem.


Actually the last couple of days I'm skiing the best I've skied in a couple years so there really is no problem. On the other hand my wife bumped my wrist the other day and I screamed like a stuck pig.

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  • Baller

I’ve been to a physical therapist for my low back, teres minor (left), delt (right) just this season.

My social life is planned only after consulting a 5 day forecast

I can’t take showers because that’s where I hang my wet ski gear to dry

I have a BOS account

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  • Baller

@Horton I’ve also been nursing a sprained wrist for 2 months and have found that putting it in traction (tension pulling wrist away from arm) helps… was also confirmed by the doctor.


Similar to you if my wrist gets hit in the wrong direction it hurts like no ones business!

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  • Baller_
When you regret building your home office with a direct view of the course from your desk as it’s now become the mother of all distractions. Ok not really regretting it but dang it’s hard to focus on work sometimes.
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  • Baller
You are at the hospital firmly tied to a backboard, the doctor informs you have a broken neck and need surgery, and your first question is how much time off before being able to slalom again.
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  • Baller

When you are camping and skiing and you turn the wrong way in the boat while setting the anchor upon arrival on your knee with a complete ACL tear and only 30% miniscus remaining pops and instant pain. Lots of swelling, you ice and baby it for a week and then drive to the valley and get some ski lessons. Then you get evacuated from camping at Lake Almanor due to the Dixie fire a month a go. Get home and clean the ash from the boat. Lots of heavy smoke daily. Get evacuated from your home related to the same fire three weeks later.


Move boat farther away for safety from the fire. You spend time in the gym getting in better shape to ski and practice new technique. But something odd happens in the gym to your only good knee the left one. But you think it will be alright and ice it. Hopping for a clearer day in the morning and no wind to get a ski in and you wake up to the clearest day you have seen in over a month without wind and the new left knee problem feels OK getting out of bed.


Then your wife says are you OK to ski today. I reply yes I will be fine. Then ten minutes later your wife says we should not go skiing and she is not going to pull me as she will not be responsible for me not being able to walk. She has been through the brain surgery and balance issues I have and is still here. I replied I will have our son drive. You can guess how that went. I turn 57 tomorrow, having old parts that you have abused your whole life sucks, but I would not have done it any other way. We will see how the weather is and how I feel tomorrow. I think I will be skiing.

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  • Baller
When .......you’ve spent your newer Mastercraft upgrade money on three current model dirt bikes and have only skied a handful of long weekends this season. Got bit badly by the off - road bug. Now that’s a skiing problem right there. Hoping to get bit by the ski bug tomorrow.
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  • Baller_

Returning to water skiing at 75 has fixed my chronic back problems. Better than the back surgery or any exercise program I have tried over the years.


To John's point, I ran a PB in the Regionals of 1 @36off / 36mph when I could barely walk from lifting walls the week before in my carpenter job. (remember 24,30,36 off ?)



But now, this is my clue that skiing is a problem in my life . . . . my 2nd wife just isn't into driving and we are nowhere near other skiers. This is a morning ski-lake and she likes to sleep-in.


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  • Baller
It's a problem when you haven't skied all year because of a torn ACL, then the doctor schedules surgery for Nov. and tells you that you will probably miss all or part of the following season and you decide screw it, I am going to give skiing a shot this year, so I am not missing two seasons. Wish me luck, I am giving it a go today.
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  • Baller
When your Dr. tells you your 58 y/o degenerative back x-ray looks like a 70 y/o, and says you'd be better off finding another sport due to your chronic back pain and neuropathy, but you opt for an epidural injection, a back brace, lots of stretching, ibuprofen, chiropractic and massage, just so you can chase buoys.
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