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KD Titanium - unboxing


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Cool. Looking forward to it. A ton of people that have had a Redline or 7000 20-25 yrs ago. Other than touting KDs heritage and rebirth, there is scant info on their website and lots of links to pages that are empty.


TWinter has moved (back) to D3. Who is the driving force? Where are they made?


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KD is now being distributed in the USA via Pure Fun sports an off shoot from Masterline. The Titanium is made in the USA in a well recognised factory. We are keen to regrow the brand on the world market. We are very strong in the development of the KD trick skis and continue to develop our team. We have been pleased with the Platinum feed back and want to continue the growth with the Titanium. We want to grow our Slalom ski market and seek to expand our current team. Don’t hesitate to drop us a message or contact Masterline in USA for further information. Hope this gives you a little more insight. Wayne Briant
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Set #1 4 @ 38

Set #2 multiple tries at 38 - 5.5 @ 38 & 5 @ 38

Set #3 2 @ 39 off the dock


FYI My all-time PB is 3 @ 39. I've done it once in practice and once in a tournament. 2 at 39 about as good as I ever ski unless Mercury is in retrograde and the moon is full and the ducks are flying west.


I am wicked stoked about this ski. A friend of mine asked to borrow it and I told him he could have it when he pried it from my cold dead fingers.

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I weighed in at 179 this morning (after a poop and before breakfast). At my weight the 66 does not feel small at all. When I rode the Platinum a few years ago I rode the 67 and 66 but in the end preferred the 66.
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I'm conflicted. I wasn't really with it when I skied this morning and feel like this video is ugly. On the other hand it is 6 @ 38. I think the takeaway is that the ski is ridiculously forgiving.


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That 38 is impressive. I have to kinda laugh at beautiful openers that people post, because that tells you nothing about what the ski does. If you want to see the contribution of the ski, you need to see a pass where the person on top needs some help.


Looks like this ski is a winner!

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Okay do I really have to write a review for this thing? The curse of writing reviews is that when I really like a ski it is usually super hard to describe it.


l confess I skied poorly on it for a couple of days but I was not feeling well that week. So I guess my one criticism is if you're not feeling well you may not get a big score on the ski. Yesterday was kind of a "pull my head back out of my ass ride". I ran up the line and struggled at 38 until I finally ran one.


As much as any ski I've ever ridden the titanium is just an extension of me. Obviously if I'm doing stupid crap I'm not going to run a ton of balls but if I just execute the basics I'm going to ski right up to my PB every time. I'm not thinking about special stuff I have to do to make this specific ski work. I'm just working on skiing.


Yeah this ski is going to make my short list of all time personal favorites. It's just so good.

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@coach3 yes I rode the 66 KD. Most skis I ride I go 67. I tend to weigh between 180 & 185.


I would not call the KD a big ski. I have just skied better on the 66s of that ski. I honestly do not have a good explanation.

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