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  • Baller

OK....I'VE SOLVED THE PROBLEM! All the bs with safesport and background checks, and taking the course.....


Just video all the judges all the time! It's cheap. Put a little camera in the tower so they don't sexually abuse any minors while counting bouys, and we can watch the whole tournament and make sure they don't put the organization at risk!


For Drivers, Put a camera on them for the entire 8 hours....Good drivers are Hams anyway and would LOVE the attentions and cameratime!


Put a camera on the dock starters just to make sure there's no shenanigans going on while measuring handles or anything like that!

I think i've saved us a TON of money! Please take care of my $395 annual USAwaterski fee. thanks!




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  • Baller

I have owned my lake for almost 38 years and we don't have changing areas but we do rent a portable toilet for summer. Somehow, we manage to get changed in and out of ski gear behind cars, towels, or some in the portable toilet, without incident. Men, women, boys, and girls...


How on earth does this happen??

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  • Baller

In my experience AWSA doesn't like to think out of the box. I asked, for a C tournament, to allow the judging of tricks via live "zoom" for 1-2 of the 3 judges since it is a review of a 20 second recorded video segment...... I thought this could include more judges and expedite the process.


But we can all be trained as judges and certified for SS thru the convenience of our computer screens. Hmmmmm

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  • Baller
@lpskier I never put my cell phone in my ski trunks. I also have never changed in the portable toilet. I prefer to stand behind my car door on a mat I carry with my ski gear. But we are fairly isolated with no homes or roads, oops, will the SS police stake out my site now? At tournaments, I did the towel thing.
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  • Baller

@Mrs_MS ”flagged”?? As in somewhere that discrepancy is noted and somehow “used against” that judge? If that’s what you mean, absolutely, positively not - NO! There’s no way nor is there any system to track if even if it was desirable to do so.


If you mean something else by your statement, please let me know.

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  • Baller_

@klindy @Mrs_MS makes the fundamental point about background checks - what conceivable offence will be uncovered by a BG check that will make a judge a risk or threat to a minor? I can't think of one either. This should be one of the main points of push back against the powers making these decisions.

I could see a sex offense being an issue, but sex offenders are already publicly listed by law so a BG check won't provide any new info.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

I think @Bruce_Butterfield has really said this in the way most against this have been feeling. What is a BG check going to show? You may as well be requiring a credit check. Maybe in sports where there is 1 judge, maybe a case could be made, but not our sport. The only thing even close is trick skiing, but still is judged by a team of 3, and RECORDED! For slalom judging, this makes zero sense. Any skier at a tournament knows the tower judge is one of 3 judges, who usually rotate fairly often in our tournaments as they are almost always skiing in the tournament as well. Jump isn’t even judged or scored by a person/people anymore, so should be irrelevant here.

I said it once before that it is “conceivable” that an argument could be made that a judge could have influence. But, that influence is almost nullified by (get this) the current rules. So it’s a garbage argument.

Coaches, yes do some type of meaningful check.

I’m guessing that changing facilities are now a requirement? I have not done my “training” yet. A “changing station” makes it where everyone is REQUIRED to change in the same place? You’re kidding me if you think that’s a good idea. I’m guessing we’re going to need an adult men’s, adult women’s, youth boy’s, youth girl’s, and are we now opening our sport up to the full on ridiculousness of more genders than that? “If we keep on segregating this place is gonna be nothing but bathrooms”.

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  • Baller

I started getting my judges rating last year. I now, not only have to have a background check, but I have to pay for it as well? Goodbye to new judges.

Our governing body has become reliant on government money. Our sport has not. If our governing body had focused on the sport, not the welfare check, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

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