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  • Baller

Let's use this thread to share some details and links to our amateur water-skiing channels.

I'll go first.

I started this channel about 5 years ago in Wisconsin. It's transitioned to Florida now.

It's purpose is slalom course skiing self-critique and self-coaching, for the ultimate goal of improved performance.

I film with a Ski-Doc orbit and GoPro 9 with the GoPro labs speed-enabled start/stop function.

The YouTube channel is Michael Wiebe, with the 5am Ski Club being a playlist of the almost 500 course passes. Yes, we ski early mostly.


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  • Baller

Your onside is tight!  Fix that back foot finish on the off side and 35/36 becomes a joke given you ran it anyway(the 36/35 is on the right hand vertical bar while watching the provided link).  

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