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Everything posted by wtrskior

  1. As an m2 skier who has no desire to ski 36 I agree to a point. I talked to a novice skier recently who wanted to ski tournaments but he "trains" at 32 he said. His max speed is 36. He ran a few buoys at 28 off at 30 mph. Here is a kid who is just wanted to cut the rope. We all know 28 off at 30 is nothing like 28off at 34 or 36. Frankly this kid couldn't run 15 off at 34 for thr life of him. Are we doing him a service if he can ski shortline at very slow speeds? I personally don't think we are. I don't see thus kid skiing at a much higher level unless he gets comfortable with higher boat speeds. To me speed is about timing and time on the water. Shortening the line is about felling comfortable with the timing and speed and focusing on your technique as the rope gets shorter. One definitely comes before the other. The sport needs some new ideas like this but we have to stay focused on improving skiers abilities as well.
  2. I believe the 94s are wood free. One of the nicest looking boats of the time IMO. Still low and sleek looking. Keep in mind that is a 260hp engine which is fine for rec skiing and boarding and Will push that light hull well. It is not the same hull as the malibu sportster/tantrum hull. It has a similar deck and 86" beam above the chines but the hull is the same as the >92 flight crafts.
  3. @Chef23 JB's score was 2@43 in lacanau 2007 malibu open, which would have been the sole record at the time, but disqualified due to lack of boat video? http://www.waterskimag.com/features/2014/04/10/throwback-thursday-jamie-beauchesne/
  4. @FWinter I believe Nate ran 1@43 in 2 of 3 rounds at the Calgary Pro Shootout last year. That is the record on Canadian water, and I don't think anyone has ever run 41 in Canada before or since. Fast and cold up here! Canada being part of the commonwealth with the Queen on the money and all means you're next!
  5. I'd take the 97 205. great all around boat, but you should be able to get one under 15k, not 25... Personally I'd be looking at a 98+ response LX. 99 got some nice interior improvments, but 98 is when they went to the diamond sv23 hull, still great driving and skiing by today's standards, just no Zero Off.. throw a wedge & tower on it and its a multi-purpose boat that you can run shortline on, barefoot and do some boarding.
  6. Its amazing the different responses you can get on gloves specifically. Like I said I've had 2 pairs of red/black 41 tails in small and one has far out lasted the other, who knows why exactly. Unfortunately I can't generally try on gloves before buying so reviews really help me with my buying decisions.
  7. @Chef23 yes I've had that issue. Had to open YouTube directly. However I was just reviving an old thread as Horton just unboxed the kpalms and I'm not sure ever actually used or reviewed them. Thanks @Orlando76 I've had a few pairs of the 41 tails and the first lasted 3x longer than the newer pair. Both red/black smalls. Not what I wanted to hear on the durability but how many of the new green/black kpalms have you used?
  8. Any updated reviews from @horton or anyone else on the new Masterline K-palms? I'm a size small in 41 tails and just blew through a pair in less than 30 sets. They also have stretched out a lot. Wondering if I should order small k-palms or not...
  9. @waternut you will figure it out based on landmarks and doing it over and over. the turn buoys will be easy as they are directly out from the gates. we drag a sinking wide handle, like a barefoot toe handle to find the subs as our lake has zero visability.
  10. do what you suggest for the boat guides but make them green so not to disrupt the landscape as much. green blends in with grass and trees. Also 1 or 2 missing boat guides isn't going to ruin your runs, but missing or inaccurate turn buoys will. put subs on the turns as well as enter/exit gates and remove after every use. Shouldn't take more than 5-10min to install and remove.
  11. @booze. Disagree with some of what you're saying bro. Handle control sure, stance on the ski absolutely, progressive lean yes but the gates are nowhere near where they should be and a big part of @DmaxJC_ski issues. Ski setup is likely a non issue. @DmaxJC_ski In the first video you are incredibly narrow at the gate and in the 2nd video you pull out wider but end up pulling in,l with your arms, letting up then very narrow with minimal leverage across the wakes. This puts you in a vulnerable position coming into and out of the turn at 1. You effectively have no speed and no direction into and out of 1. It's hard to tell by video quality but ARMS STRAIGHT. When you pull out for your gates keep arms straight and feel the pull in your left (outside) arm all the way out and through your glide. Turn in progressively by focusing on being stacked over the ski with weight over your front foot. Focus on always keeping your arms straight, as in the entire pass. Hip up to the handle, not handle to thr hip. In video 2 you are dropping your shoulder at 135 more than vid 1. Level shoulders, smooth reach and leave the handle at the end of your reach, ski back to it with your hip and wait for the ski to come around the tight line before leaning again. You are also riding a flat ski into the buoy, which causes you to ski down course instead of across, partly because of the lack of progressive lean out of the buoy and into the wake. Be strongest behind the boat and through the 2nd wake, not right off the ball. This starts with your gates. You look very comfortable on your ski and agressive, 2 things that will take you a long way in this sport. Let us know if this makes sense and if you have any questions
  12. Dano is skier and one of the most recognizable voices in watersports, thats why hes there. Its not easy calling these events but he comes with an average skiers perspective. A few bobbles in a multi hour event is common, He's the play by play guy and mc, having the skiers up there analyzing the skiing is a great compliment.
  13. I really wanted to hit ASL this year (been wanted to get to Austin for a festival for years) and do some skiing, then this popped up. Unfortunately couldn't make it work. Do it next year and I'll be there, hopefully with some sanctioned scores in the book!
  14. @Karlbach. Get the prime. It is cut lower so better on the knees than vector. There is no safe binding and the issue with a reflex is if you set it low it will pre release. Comsider Wearing a knee brace!
  15. disregard - Radar got back to me and as usual is sending out a replacement. best ski company, best ski ever. RADAR ROCKS
  16. great skiing! where are you getting lessons?
  17. TX is wider, so better at slower speeds. freeride or radar satori may be better suited for a park setting though.
  18. missing a set screw on my 14 radar vapor fin block. Hopefully someone can chime on what size they are and where to get them? they are stainless, correct?
  19. vapor liner is removable. I see them as being safer, as the release is the liner from the boot. I've blown out of my strada boots several times, and its always the liner stuck to my foot coming out of the boot completely. Also easier to dry.
  20. I'm interested to hear how the 16 compares! Just ran my 4th set on my new to me green 67 vapor and I'm glad I picked it up, even though I had already sold my old ski.... Stock settings (6.882 2.475 .765 8. 29 15/16 FB..) and I ran my best set in 2 years, it keeps getting better. HO OWES ME 3/4 OF A SEASON!!! :lol: My early passes are easy, I'm kicking myself for not being on one earlier.
  21. I have no issue with the post here but I don't see any try before you buy or money back guarantee on thr products so why do you expect to return a used product for refund? Why did you buy a second set of "plates"? Why were you unsatisfied with the performance? What is your ability? Coming from vectors which are at best an intermediate binding I can imagine it would take some time to adjust to a full hardshell system.
  22. @Karlbach Most skis have at least a few years lifespan. The flagship skis from various oems are often released after nationals. Full product lines are released at surf expo in the fall for the following season. The "c" models from radar were from a few years ago and depict the more advanced carbon layup. You should be on a theory at most as others have said. It will help you get to where you want to go and not break the bank. Once you start running th full course at faster speeds you will benefit from a lithium vapor or senate but at slow speeds and mini course a wider body ski will benefit you and shorten the learning curve. Simply forget about a reflex boot. Massive overkill for you and if not setup properly could be dangerous. It is an expert level binding. Vector or good still is the prime boot and an RTP. Feather frame is lighter and sits lower to the ski but either will be fine.
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