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Everything posted by wtrskior

  1. I love talking to newer skiers about the start. I tell them that even running short line I think about my start every pass. Much of its ingrained muscle memory now but I still think about what I need to do to get pulled out of the water smoothly. Losing weight and getting a stronger core definitely helps.
  2. 5 minutes is about 4 minutes longer than most course skiers are up for... I assume you're free skiing? Unless you're practicing to ski in racing events, drop, rest and repeat.
  3. With winter approaching most places not socal or Florida I Just popped open my DVD cabinet which like most these days isn't growing. I do have a few vids produced mostly through the latter part of the 00-10 decade However, I'm missing a few that Id love to add to my collection. I have and would highly recommend: - Gifted by Brad Prekuils (sp). One of the best skiing DVDs ever produced - Slash. Chris Rossi. Amazing footage and soundtrack - the 32 accounts. Similar to Gifted with some great narration and in depth skier focus - edged in water 2. Risto/Waterski mag. A global perspective. Probably the best overall ski "film" I've seen - west coast advanced slalom instructional. Syderhoud. "Controversial" Need/want: - Edged 1. Seen it years ago but couldn't put my mitts on a copy - anything from PJ Macmillan - drew Ross slalom instructional - mapple instructional. Saw it years back when it came out and thought it was the exact opposite direction ski vids needed to go at the time with wakeboardings increasing popularity and the overall confusing content. Woukd like to revisit though, especially after having met Mr mapple and his unfortunate passing Can't recall any others, please list and any sources to buy any of them or thr ones ive listed.
  4. Skiing in varying wind can definitely help. You have to stronger and quieter. White caps are a negative, can be pretty dangerous
  5. the best tip that has improved my stack and moving my weight forward was to practice standing forward right from the moment you are pulled out of the water. Yuu only have 16.95 seconds in the course and 6-8 passes; good luck changing your balance point in such a short time! Meanwhile each pass is going to be about around 1 minute or longer depending on how long a run in and out you have. Practice when you pull up and when you are out the gates to when you drop. get your hips over your feet and stand tall with front foot pressure, arms straight and fall away from the handle. same thing when you come to your gate glide. @Horton's tip of straightening your back leg has helped me to naturally move my hips forward. Try it on dry land - it works!
  6. I did the same move years ago and never looked back, but I did not take to the vector like some others. I may have been between the size range of 7-11 (which is fairly broad) and it didn't have the support I was looking for so I went to the then RS1 binding double boot setup and have never looked back. I also found the release more consistent (less 1/2 in/out) with a properly sized RS1 vs the vector. my 2
  7. sounds like rotator cuff tendonopothy of some kind or possible tears (which in most cases heal without any chemical or surgical operations). Pretty common in our sport; I've dealt with varying degrees of it in both shoulders and in a few of the rotator tendons. rest, rest, rest is the best recipe IMO, a little ice in the first 48hrs if its truly inflamed. If it does not improve in a few days or you have trouble sleepin on the shoulder and have pain, see a doc. take a trip to a physio, they will be able to pin point which tendon(s) are the issue and provide therapy to reduce inflammation as well as exercises and stretches to get back out there 100%. The pec muscles and lats are a huge pull on the rotator cuff muscles, so stretching them can really help.
  8. Also check boattrader.com and onlyinboards.com
  9. Totally agree getting a coach who is same ff can be very beneficial. Especially for gates
  10. I like kevlar in colder water. Warm water I like amara; it's softer on your hands. I really don't think it's just the warmth of the water in Florida, there has to be something with the mineral content Compared to up north that destroys hands. It would make sense with how different the soil and ground water composition is.
  11. It's a barefoot boat. Never skied one but have sat in one, they have a nice flat table and 2 defined crests that footers look for at 75' they are a v bottom not flat. Doubt they can compare with a slalom tug for serious slalom.
  12. I don't believe they were ever gone, they are essentially a custom boat. The choice of footers around the world. There really are not many other options.
  13. Doesn't look at all unorthodox to me, early edge change, level shoulders, lots of angle. If everyone skied the same, boring...
  14. @lpskier Swiss for this trip. My first time there, staying in an igloo too! Pumped
  15. That's a gorgeous Malibu!
  16. I've had my sportube 3 for 6 or 7 years. I only use it a few times a year but no issues. There were posts on here about making it easier for the TSA to open and close such as using a C clamp on the bottom part and hooki by a caribeaner on a bungee to it as for some reason the tsa can have difficulty with the pin sport tube provides... ask me how I know.. know a lot of skiers that use softbags without issue. If they have wheels they are easier to lug around compared to the tube and tsa has an easier time with them. When I get to my rental car one of the nice things about the tube is you can take it apart, slide the peices together and put some items inside so it doesn't really take up much space.
  17. @oldjeep I agree to an extent but the market just isn't there for big r&d and the system were talking about is essentially a modified alpine touring system. I've alpine skied and raced for over 30 years and the idea behind most expert skiers i's skewed more towards a late or non-release than a prerelease. Ripping 60mph turns down a mountain is probably infinitely more dangerous than running a slalom course though.
  18. Thanks for the tips guys keep them coming. I sk in Florida a few times every fall so I know the drill with respect to my hands. I have vice gloves that I haven't used in years, could not get used to them and they wear a blister in an unusual spot. I need some liners and tape for sure. My biggest concern is my arms and back. Part of my problem is I tend to pull to much. Pull ups, rows, squats are all on the list now. @Horton. I am a cyclist and usually ride a fair bit through October when skiing dies down in the north pole. At last it gives me a bit of upper body.
  19. That's about double what a New tranny costs. Pretty simple install too. I'd get some additional quotes...
  20. Headed to ski school this fall a few times. First time I only have 3 days and want to ski every day, 2 sets. I normally only ski about 5, maybe 6 sets a week during the season and I won't have skied for about a month by the time I go What should I do to keep my arms and back from seizing up when I get to ski school? I've always found my arms are the hardest muscles to recover.
  21. @wish HO did as well with the EXO.
  22. got to ski with Brooks a few years ago at the boarding school and it was a stellar experience. I could tell he had a mind for the business side of the sport, but I'm sad to hear he will be moving out west, that is a great loss to the boarding school!
  23. I get about 70 in a year total. Our season is about 4.5 months on average with 1 month of that cold. I also get down to Florida usually twice in the fall. I'd love to start skiing in march and end in November it takes me at least 4-6 weels every spring to get reasonably comfortable. This year it wasnt until August. .. I need the time off in the winter to recoup and do other things
  24. LFF is considered "regular" footed, most right handed people will fall into this category for board sports. Goofy is RFF, so I don't really agree with how you've described the options and not sure how dominant eye ties in. In slalom there are lots of right handers skiing RFF. I'd love to know how many left handers are skiing LFF. I'd guess not many
  25. As a usa waterski outsider this is entirely too complicated. Does it need to be this way?
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