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Everything posted by foxriverat

  1. @dislandThat may have been a good thing. If a skier complained about conditions they may have been banned from competing next year.
  2. Found another one on ebay. Also a small they think. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134430132319?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11051.m43.l1123&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=53c1f42c77d3429d99e6095d80da6f3b&bu=43066575616&osub=-1~1&crd=20230527084255&segname=11051
  3. @dave2ball if you reread Fred's comment above. He said there was no name calling or threats.
  4. Not too bad a price on this 2018 TXI $47.500 https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/boa/d/commerce-township-2018-malibu-txi-mo-cb/7607318915.html
  5. @Buxrus that is a nice boat. I was down there a few weeks ago with my buddy Bob skied with Gary, Allen and Greg.
  6. @ISP6ball if Freddy came on this or any other Forum and told his side of the story and it made Nautique look bad he would surely get a longer ban from skiing. He should be allowed to compete.
  7. I love the way my 2016 vapor boots release. Unfortunately they are going to need replacing soon. I guess I`m going to have to find an old pair since the new one`s don`t seem to release as well.
  8. I've ordered them from skidim before. Put in one of the big 3 boat names as a promo code for a discount.
  9. I`ll have to check it out when I`m in Clermont the end of April. Found a video of their ribbon cutting.
  10. Who won the overweight while drinking a beer division?
  11. When I had my 95 malibu flightcraft barefooter with 200 merc outboard and stainless high 5 prop. Trim was as far down as it would go for skiing or footing. I would only raise it for wakeboarding or going 60 mph. If I remember right there may have been a steel rod that you could take out and slide in different holes on mount to let it go further down.
  12. On page 127 of this old waterski boat buyers guide they give the slalom wake decent reviews. Are you skiing with motor trimmed all the way down? https://books.google.com/books?id=oic2AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA5&dq=mastercraft+powerstar&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiulMS_4bD9AhVlHjQIHSGdCCoQ6AF6BAgGEAI#v=onepage&q=mastercraft powerstar&f=false
  13. @m_pagsTalked to an old friend over the weekend who retired in Cortez and wanted me to come out and visit. Looks like your about 68 miles from there.
  14. It depends how bad of shape the teak is in whether it needs to be sanded or not. You may be able to just use a cleaner as in this system. http://www.starbrite.com/item/premium-teak-care-kit Apply teak oil to a rag and rub into teak so you don`t have a mess.
  15. Take up cycling. You can ride anytime. 7 degrees Friday when I took this ride.
  16. Supra started getting rid of wood stringers in 1992. Long line wake is terrible. But good for wakeboarding with that tower lol
  17. I went to catholic grammer school in the 60s @scuppers you must of had some damming evidence for the church to believe you let alone take action against there priest. That's not something they even admit to now days let alone back then. Sorry that had to happen to you. If it did.
  18. @Barley14 Thats a fair price for the ski. It is a 2013 radar senate Alloy. I have an old one 67. It was my first course ski.
  19. Jimmy like skiing with @bananaron
  20. @Bionaraq Its not a LXI but still nice ski wake and you can wakeboard on it and room for the family https://charlotte.craigslist.org/boa/d/middleburg-1999-malibu-sunsetter-lx/7518067398.html
  21. Believe thats a 2018 with the green graphics. My ski partner had the same one broke in same spot. Luckily he caught it before it broke all the way through.
  22. Also if the river come up a lot after heavy rain. Current moves faster and grabs all the logs from shore and there's a good chance it will screw your course up unless you cut the buoys off.
  23. We tie a cinder block to middle of the pvc between every gate and sink it. If you let it float on public water someone will hit it and brake the pvc. You might have to straighten the gates out every once in a while but they won't move down river. If you try pulling course tight with boat you will bend the gate pvc in half. Been there done that. We use individual heavy cement anchors for turn balls as the pvc arms always bend over time even with the ends anchored with cinder blocks. Yes it's a pain taking care of a course on a river. We cut the buoys out end of season and leave everything in.
  24. @C5Quest Thanks for that info. Very helpful.
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