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Everything posted by foxriverat

  1. Mid 60's in IL today. New Syndicate Omni and boats in storage :'(
  2. Looks like there was a party again last night on Hortons boat.
  3. Looks like a good deal for what you want to use it for. He was originally asking $15000 https://lacrosse.craigslist.org/boa/d/la-crosse-2002-calabria-wakeboard-boat/6960380096.html
  4. @Ewojer on page 52 they give a short review of the Calabria https://books.google.com/books?id=oSw2AQAAMAAJ&pg=PT197&dq=ski+january/+february+2002&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWhL2Z3IPlAhUcFTQIHeEHCecQ6AEwAXoECAIQAg#v=onepage&q=ski%20january%2F%20february%202002&f=false You have to scroll from the bottom of book to the top.
  5. https://milwaukee.craigslist.org/boa/d/sullivan-1999-malibu-sunsetter-lxi/6985746956.html https://tallahassee.craigslist.org/boa/d/tallahassee-beautiful-2001-malibu/6986819051.html
  6. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_Cover&postid=26507
  7. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=52756
  8. I was at the Malibu open in 2015 in Milwaukee sitting next to the parents of a female junior skier. I heard the young lady say to her mom "Nate wants to take us for ice cream" The mom replied "stay away from Nate he likes them young" at the time I thought she was joking. When all this came out I said to myself people have known about this for a while. It`s a free country and you can defend and justify his actions if you like. I know how I feel about the POS and I even had lessons with him twice and thought he was a nice guy. And Michael Jackson. He paid the ultimate price. Karma is a bitch.
  9. As what @Zman asked anyone know what happened with Ryan Dodd?
  10. according to this brochure the pro was the only one that didnt come in 65 in 2019 https://issuu.com/radarskis/docs/2019_radar_brochure-euro
  11. Checked this morning. I lost my points for T Winter who I picked and now have points for Ryan Canepa who I did not pick. So I lost a round.
  12. If you have a trailer plate from any trailer bring it with and put it on the new trailer for the ride home. Thats what I did when I picked mine up in NC to IL
  13. I figured out its a 2016. Posted that here around a week ago. Surprised it hasnt sold yet.
  14. Seem like a good price for a blemished Senate if someone wants one on the cheap not sure what year 2018? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Radar-Graphite-Senate-Slalom-Waterski-65inch-NEW-scratch/401856614661?hash=item5d90855105:g:5HoAAOSwy8FdXdY1
  15. Same as @Lars when I first put it in burned my finger on packing nut. Loosened it up and it was good to go. On my 3rd season with it and no drip at all and stays cool.
  16. I used 3 rings of the Gore gfo on my 2000 Response and it worked great. https://www.themalibucrew.com/index.php?/articles.html/shaft-packing-replacement-r33/
  17. Exactly as @vtmecheng said. Most people have access to these so called sports and can relate. How many have access to slalom skiing let alone a course. I live 2 miles from the river and each year I get closer to throwing in the towel on this sport I love. With all the traffic, constant maintenance from boats running course over or using it as an obstacle course its starting to get more aggravation then fun. If I had a private site I could join with in driving distance I would just sell my boat and join. I know of one but they dont want any new members. I find around here at least most people like to keep there spot`s with a course a secret.
  18. @scottyspin call the people directly at perfect pass and ask them whats the best price you could get one for. They are great. I did this 3 years ago and was blown away at the price they gave me. PS If you found a few friends that needed PP and ordered together you could get an even better price.
  19. @JeffSurdej I`m not having a problem picking my team. Your first post shows me in 1st on leaderboard. Now today on fantasy website marcm jumped up 337 points and is now the leader. Was asking if you found a mistake from last tournament and marcm was awarded more points.
  20. @JeffSurdej Was a mistake found? I see on the website marcm knocked me out of the lead.
  21. @vic ski behind boat at speed and line length you use, Too many people don`t and then complain when it`t too late. Expensive and frustrating mistake.
  22. I had a 96 supra ts6m 22 off at 30 32 mph had a very large hump. Tried everything to tame it. Ended up selling it and getting 2000 Response LX
  23. Last one this weekend at Liquid edge. Wondering why this doesn`t get promoted on LE or Radar website
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