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Everything posted by Brewski

  1. Well for me I can not afford new skis... So I work with a certain manufacturer that barters with me for boots. I am currently making 3 boots with my "Hollow Body" plates. Compared to what I get paid for Short Track Speedskating boots that would = over $4000.00 for a new ski~~~! GET SOME~~~!
  2. @jayski ? Sure you not in Texas? ?.
  3. @thager I love my US Gear handle. #1 IT FLOATS, #2 CURVED ENDS #3 ELLIPTICAL, #4 SPECTRA LINE #5 BEND IN MIDDLE (whatever you call that) just wish I had a 13" to try. I used Masterline 12" and 13" for years. Always preferred their 12" . The US gear 12 seams a little small because the bends go into the 12" taking it to like 10-10.5" before the bends start. OH AND CHECK OUT THAT COOL "NO NOOSE" HoOT~!
  4. Which handle do you use 12" or 13"? What do you feel are the benefits?
  6. @skialex I thought the same thing but the release mechanisms are really not that tight. I did tons of testing, when one goes they both go.....+ on a custom boot you really don't even have to tighten the rear boot at all. I have had my rear foot come out with out either release activating.
  7. @aupatking I still ski on them and LOVE them. The greatest and safest feel ever. IMHO. @BraceMaker THANKS~! I have a few sets of plates, being they are all custom they are not a simple thing to make. I have been on this set since 2014. Very little sign of wear. Absolute perfect edge control. I was supposed to go to Orlando and work with Andy at his new shop but due to his demise that never happened. Still would love to work with a manufacture to build a better boot~!::::::::~~~~~~~
  8. I have a 1993 Sanger, Just over 300 hrs. Still absolutely perfect. Do a compression check. Our 1981 Cobalt had only 1100 hrs on it. Still perfect. Depends on how it was used and cared for. Sounds like you got nice boat~!
  9. Could be as simple as the fuel filter. On quadajets they are at the inlet to the carb....
  10. Why does HO and D3 both have skis named EVO? Lack of imagination? LOL
  11. @Horton Not sure.... I was working with Russell Gay in Orlando on skis. There was a wakeboard maker that stopped by that we discussed production with and told me all about it..... Lots of good core information here: https://google.com/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image%3A%2F%2F%2F5eb4ce5b24bd54fbcd37bbca26b7044216da6b211a8450442b8a86b6465f6b7a&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdpi.com%2F2504-477X%2F3%2F2%2F40%2Fpdf&docid=UNqGJ85DdhJvrM&tbnid=-1S9JFvOtF6o4M%3A&vet=12ahUKEwinhfzGh_LjAhWPWM0KHfhXBNE4ZBAzKAswC3oECAEQDA..i&w=663&h=319&safe=active&client=safari&bih=878&biw=1628&q=through%20thickness%20core&ved=2ahUKEwinhfzGh_LjAhWPWM0KHfhXBNE4ZBAzKAswC3oECAEQDA&iact=mrc&uact=8 More https://researchgate.net/figure/Through-thickness-view-of-X-COR-carbon-fiber-sandwich-structures_fig1_312111212 More https://compositesworld.com/products/foam-based-x-cor-and-k-cor-lightweight-structural-cores
  12. Wakeboards have use carbon/foam cores for years. Basically it is a PCI foam with fine carbon rods pressed through it in an offset pattern at about 1" Like a polkadot pattern. Definitely was a game changer in wakeboards.
  13. My feet ski absolutely perfect and saves me a ton of $$~~!
  14. I have been washing speed skating skin suits, barefoot suits, hunting clothes, and waterski gear including boots in this stuff for years. NOTHING works better. Get it at Dicks sporting goods or any good hunting sports store
  15. Buy Reflex or Edge. The one with the shorter cuffs...
  16. I know 249.95 for a barefoot front toe. RIDICULOUS
  17. Call Mike at Barefoot International and see which one fits your boat.
  18. Buy a Sanger Barefooter. Great slalom wakes and you can get to and hold 47 for all your pro footer friends.
  19. "White Lightening" LOVE it
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