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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. Sadly we had to move the date to 12/4 after a docktastrophe On the positive...we are at about 10k in donations!
  2. I kid...I kid :) https://electrek.co/2021/11/23/this-powerful-electric-boat-from-ex-spacex-engineers-is-the-latest-e-watersports-startup/
  3. @klindy https://www.autoblog.com/2021/11/22/gm-buys-stake-pure-watercraft-electric-outboard-boat-motors/
  4. Outboard ski boats always seem like a solution searching for a problem to solve.
  5. @Broussard That is one reason I loved that 6.0...good power and would burn lake water if that's all you had.
  6. @AdamCord I am whole heartedly in favor of feeding the beast the gasoline it deserves, but I can't quite get behind us being harder on our engines. Yes, there is abuse that goes from full to no throttle over and over again, but you don't have the drag that an SUV has, the sudden shocks, and most boat owners warm up the engine first and an endless supply of cold water (which is both good and bad), not to mention the lack of accessories.
  7. @vtmecheng That was the impression I got as well. I can tell it's getting to the silly season where I am not waterskiing as much and not snowboarding yet, because I was wondering something along similar lines like how do pros wind up on skis...do they like the ski and hope to get picked up or does someone say...we like the cut of your jib...learn to ride this. It is my impression that many of the top skiers have a lot of input into the skis themselves, so it would surprise me to see a top skier not on a new ski (I know Whitney was riding the 22 with 21 graphics). Does any of this influence my purchasing decisions? No, but it certainly gives me a list of skis I want to try.
  8. I was surprised to see the electric boat thread shut down...was that because it got political or repetitive?
  9. I look at a company like Gekko, who made a really great boat with some innovative stuff at the time. It has to be priced SO low that people will take a gamble the company won't be there to support the warranty, but high enough that dealers are going to take risk and us slalom snobs will want tournament certification. The ONLY way I see any of this happening is if there is a name like Tesla that has enough cache to do a direct to consumer product. Right now, I think we should probably count our lucky stars there is a big 3 and not just a big 1.
  10. Being in the motorcoach business, I actually can't wait for the days of electric being viable..and trust me, I am a total gear head who loves the sound of a 427 big block...the real one...by GM. 90% of the issues we have with ICE is the stuff tied to emissions. Simplicity + Instant Torque? Yes please...it sounds a lot better than Cats, dropping cylinders, and DEF/DPF systems. I am all in...when it's ready...not when it's mandated.
  11. @rfa I will bring the bourbon, you bring the port and we will fix all the worlds problems except why I have such a hard time being first off the dock the next morning :)
  12. Reading some reviews...it might be awesome for waterskiing. Snowboarding...probably not :( https://www.pcmag.com/reviews/dji-action-2
  13. @DW I don't think it is a stretch to say the best thing the British ever engineered was Freddie Winter :)
  14. I have owned multiple gopros and every single one there was SOMETHING about it I hated. Being a waterskier and snowboarder (donate to https://www.websterwaterski.org/events/swaterski-2021-to-benefit-the-national-brain-tumor-society-and-webster-dudley-food-bank/)...the biggest thing that irked me was the AWFUL battery life in the cold. I was anxiously awaiting this: https://www.dji.com/dji-action-2?site=brandsite&from=homepage and then Gopro just announced their 'winter max' batter or whatever. I dunno...but I am leaning towards the DJI chinese spy cam on this one.
  15. @jpattigr just because we are in the minority, doesn't mean we are wrong :) I prefer my measurements based on a king, than some scientist who one day said...THAT is a millimeter! It's like soccer...if we wanted to watch someone rolling around grabbing their knee crying all the time, we would just watch women's figure skating (too soon?)
  16. It was just a funny situation...we were in the boat, it was cold, wet/dry suits are choking us out and @pregom is changing the handle...he just starts laughing and showed us what he did. Love skiing with great people.
  17. Waves, no...Rain...I swear I ski better in it because I am not staring at the balls.
  18. I now know why Italian engineers get such a bad rap..and all this time, I thought it was just because they used the metric system :) With a starting air temp of 37 and a water temp of 50...a certain amount of brain freeze is understandable
  19. Never seen them in the wild... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/916401255752483/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Ad3170060-3c48-43a5-b1ac-7c06414abe7a
  20. @Ali I am right in your range...67.
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