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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. It's funny how many people sat out the vapor from 2017 until this one.
  2. @slalom frog What did that do for the ski?
  3. This year marks the 5th anniversary of losing my Mom to Glioblastoma...a cancer I know touched a lot of people here. Our 2nd Annual "SWATERSKI" Event is Saturday, November 27th (Black Friday Weekend!) and will feature brave skiers tackle ice-cold water and snow as we tackle both water skiing in Webster Lake followed by Snow Skiing at @wachusettmtn. This years event will raise money for National Brain Tumor Society and the Webster Dudley Food Share. Donations of non-perishable foods will be taken at the water-ski portion at Point Breeze. Swaterski is open to ALL skiers from any club and organization. We also want to take this NATIONAL this year with skiers participating virtually. Last year, we had skiers from Florida, Maryland and Utah ski at their home ponds and help raise money! Our first event last year blew us away - as we raised over $14,000 for the National Brain Tumor Society! We hope to exceed this goal this year! Skiers can sign up at https://WebsterWaterSki.org/Swaterski If you wish to sponsor a skier you can donate at https://WebsterWaterSki.org/SponsorASkier We are a 501©(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible.
  4. I am thinking boat...best of all time :)
  5. Don't get matching bags...because that 2017 66" Vapor, doesn't ski like the 2021 67" Vapor.
  6. @elr I swear that 'named storm' thing was a gift from weather stations to their insurance company advertisers. EVERY storm is named now.
  7. I swear it was on here not long ago, but I can't find the thread about who people are using/recommending for boat insurance
  8. When I know I didn't drive particularly well, I always end the pass by saying...good thing we don't have sure path :)
  9. @Roger give her the 21 as a 'gift'
  10. Leave it to @pregom to point out the form is all wrong :)
  11. Our local public lake just issued another advisory for this weekend asking people not to go past idling speed. When I got back from Coble ski school in July there was about 3 weeks we couldn't ski because there was too much water in the pond and they are trying to decrease property damage. I laughed a few years ago when ski resorts shut down because of too much snow. I can't believe we are now there with too much water to waterski. :) Rant over.
  12. I couldn't get along with the inside outs...I miss my old boa vapors so much. The closest I can find are the engineers. They get you about 85% there
  13. @ALPJr I don't want to be that close to you when I spot :)
  14. Inspired by the straightline vests... My one item if I could go back in time and buy ALL of them...the original radar boat glove:
  15. Similar to the other thread...my ear doctor wanted me to have surgery and I was like...umm no, it's waterski season. When he suggested later, I told him that was Snowboard season though :)
  16. Things are finally starting to click for me and I am making my 34mph pass relatively consistently ( have I mentioned I love the new Vapor?) I tried to shorten the rope to 22 off and it was like I had never skied the course before. Not wide enough on the pull out, felt like I was hitting a brick wall crossing the wake and of course narrow to 1. I am going to take my friends advice and try 32mph to get the feeling, but how did you make the transition to shortening the rope?
  17. My ear drum hole never closed. Hearing is near perfect but my ear doesn't respond favorably to loud noises. I have opted against surgery for now but I wear ear plugs when I ski
  18. Starting a go fund me to get @Horton a pedicure...
  19. @SkiBadger Pretty similar to where I am...very happy with the 67
  20. I am surprised there hasn't been much chatter about the ski... people just not had them long enough?
  21. @bigtex2011 I think the 22 is a whole new profile
  22. I still want to see the new @Horton test series... Horton skies blindfolded to prove scientifically the best ski and fin.
  23. Got my sequence plate last week Love Perf!
  24. 15 off, 34 skier on my best day. 170lb, 67", just matched my best pass on it after about 6 times on the ski. Vapor front kicker rear. I will say, it rides different than my 2017 vapor...similar, but different. I was going to tweak the fin a bit, but found it more effective (right now) to stay stock and learn the ski more. It likes to lean, it does NOT like to be turned. I learned that last night at 4 ball :)
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