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Ralph Lee

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Everything posted by Ralph Lee

  1. @DW Do you ever have a problem smelling gas?
  2. My wife just informed me the links are appropriate
  3. Oh crap!! Links are probably too long
  4. I enjoyed watching these last night, I have never saw them before, only read the articles.
  5. I'm sure you wouldn't hit the dock but I'd like to see some proof. Does anyone have a video of someone barefooting that close and crashing?
  6. Great ski no matter the fin setting! Cant blow the tail no matter how hard I try.
  7. @socalskier Lake Windy is close by, its a man made lake that Terry Winter use to train at I believe. People there are easy to get along with, it gets pretty windy in the afternoon though. Their website is on USA Waterski. Lake Billy Chinook is a little further away, not private, but it does have a course. Lake Cultus, not private, usually has a course up in the summer
  8. Love watching Asher in the finals. Time to shave the beard
  9. Just kidding, our Nautique is actually half ski equipment half fishing gear. That said, my personal tackle box only has binding and fin tweaking tools. :o
  10. @Orlando76 fisherman must be different in Orlando. In Oregon they are horrible people!!
  11. Like my fat lazy fisherman brother always says, ''slalom skiing is a drag!'' Some fisherman are pretty cool, most are slobs trying to get away from their wives and children.
  12. If we can figure out a way to get fat, lazy guys who don't want to expand more energy than suddenly jerking on a 8 ounce rod, then moving their wrist in a circular motion a few times a day into slalom skiing, our sport would sky rocket!!
  13. Who ever is pulling them is a true skier. Love the Masterline rope hooked to the tube.
  14. @Razorskier1 Right now I weigh 2,052 lbs!! That's how it feels anyway... 6 foot, 240 pounds, 3 at 38 off, at 34 mph is my average when skiing well. Goal is to be at 200 next summer. I didn't feel like I gave the T3 a fair shot at my current weight, but I could feel attributes of the ski that I loved!! Plus having Kris to text is a HUGE upside.
  15. Kris Lapoint had me ski the 67 inch while I was waiting for the 68 mold to come out. The 67 is quite a bit too small for me at 34 mph, but I wanted to test it out anyway. For me the ski was easy to ride out of the box, and had an amazing good side!! Off side was comfortable for me, but not great. Acceleration from buoys to wake was fantastic!! Lapoint was very accessible, and helpful with the ski set up, Unfortunately the 68 mold didnt make it to me this year and the 67 is too much work for me. Im guessing the delays may have to do with Radar pounding out the new Vapors.
  16. Moving the front binding back makes the most sense to what Ive always felt when setting up a ski, but I half assumed it was cause of personal skiing style/bad habits more than the size of my foot.
  17. @Horton Makes sense. I never thought about this much much till my Kid starting getting more serious about the course. I always just experimented till things felt right. He's skiing great, but has a difficult time explaining how the ski feels to him. Thanks for the advise! @RazorRoss3 I kept slowing the boat down till he could get the gates and six buoys at 15 off. He was having so much fun shortening the rope, I told him have fun and once you get into 35 we are speeding things up.
  18. @Horton what you said makes sense, spread seems to be vital for me. Moving the front forward has got me scratching my head a little... What got me thinking about this was a post I read a while back from one of the Adam's who mentioned being back one hole to achieve stock due to foot size.
  19. @RazorRoss3 No video, right now just testing out different skis and bindings for him. He's got through 32 off at 25 mph, and moving to 28 mph now. He seems pretty balanced, but I'd like to have him demo everything on stock settings first. Ive always skied at least one hole back on every ski Ive ever owned, always wondered if one hole back for me was actually ''stock'' because of my size of foot.
  20. I have a size 13 foot, my son is a size 13.5. Is one hole back actually stock for us? I can always find my balance point, but the boy is just getting serious in the course and trying out new skis, new equipment, and we are looking for some help on where to start out with his bindings. Is there a formula for foot size? He is 150 pounds with a size 13.5 foot, maybe he should take up barefooting instead. :)
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