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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. Senate is a very good choice (IMO). It's amazing how big part of job modern ski does for you. Just keep position, do all elements in time and ski turns almost itself. Like carving alpine skis. I am also intermediate 15off skier and my progress speeded up with Senate.
  2. Never track - I pay per minutes which I spent behind the boat. Looking on records of skiing sessions gives me blue mood. :D
  3. Just had a look into apple music store - it is loaded with Michael Jackson up to the rim. And nobody rises his voice to put his iphone in to 5 years suspension. Instead of this many are using ipads to point fingers to relatively small issue. Double standards? Or big boys know how to drag public from really horrible issues to minor ones?
  4. When travel long distances with wet stuff I do following - -place all things into thick garbage bag with some gel soap and water. -tie it and kicking it for a short time (this is my DIY washing machine :) ) -then rinse it in the same bag -squeeze air and water as it possible -tie it again and put in luggage At home i have fresh and clean things which just need extra rinsing
  5. @Ski_Dad during the water start your ski has to change position from vertical (perpendicular to water surface) to horizontal (parallel to water surface). In fact the pivot point of this transition is located under your front foot. Pressure from water which is above this pivot point - prevents the ski to go horizontal. Pressure of water which is below this point - helps the ski to go flat on the water. Therefore the more of your ski is above the water surface - the easier start goes and less useless drag is created. *of course this is just a part of waterstart physics. But important one.
  6. MY weight is 82 kg, which is 15 kg less than 18 months ago.
  7. Crazy and twisted world, where good boys are labeled as "bad" and really bad ones rule.
  8. I never had a luxury to negotiate with driver the best way how to start - always ski with different drivers/boats. Therefore needed to go deeper into physics of forces and hydrodynamics which appear during the start. Once understood this, starts became the same no matter of speed, boat and driver. In fact when you understand interaction between water and the ski start becomes as easy as a breath.
  9. Experimenting with two RTPs: HO (15+ mm footbed) and Willey (almost zero). The second one (willey) noticeabley transfer more weight to the front boot.
  10. Do not buy. It will be itching you non stop. You will get magnifying glass and caliper to control size of the bulb and will always suspect that something goes wrong during you turn etc.. I am almost serious :)
  11. @Kwoody51 Do tfactors release only through elastic laces like let say Radar or material of the boot may help to release if laces are too tight?
  12. The biggest advantage of rubber - it never gets stinky ))
  13. For me not to buy new sport equipment is the same torture as keping on tough diet. I do think they both are good for me. Although I feel my that my capacity to be tough is about to get broken ;-) -- My modest theory about new sport equipment is to be one year behind the news - to give manufacturer a chance to fix all "childhood diseases" and to collect more "indie opinions"
  14. A bit off.... is XTR wider under the front boot than XT1?
  15. Major ski manufacturers must love Goode because Goode systematically rises the price for top level skis. By doing this Goode enlarging the space where big boys may play with their prices B)
  16. Long distanse free skiing on open water - rivers or big lakes or sea is pretty demanding exercise. Good for building endurance and lot of fun in good company ))
  17. Cannot find any description what carbon core is. Foam with carbon fibres? What foam? What sort of fibres? Ratio of filling? Etc.. As long as no answers to these simple questions it is just marketing slogan and offer to believe in it. Surely there is a certain amount of RnD in it. Why not to share this basic info to potential customers? Otherwise it would be a black cat it the black room - you just have to trust that cat is there ))
  18. First version of HO hardshell did release sideways by destroying 3D printed boot plate which was very fragile. Now it is fixed ))
  19. Very intermediate skier (it is me :) ) tried advise "Just Stand Up" or "Be taller on the ski" this weekend. It works amazingly well! All got smother and faster! Why I did not hear it before? Could save lot of time and energy.
  20. @mmosley899 not sure if this question was already asked: how MOB system behaves in sea or brackish water. Does it need more than regular mainteinance after sking in the sea water?
  21. It would be cheaper to change handle. Once I had the handle with rough rope that really damaged all skis. Changed handle and problem disapeared.
  22. @Tinkerinmatt this is a signal to change bindings. Rubber has a tendency to degrade over the years, now it is not performing the way the boot was constructed for and it is a reason why it broke. And it is not that safe as it was. From this point it would be wiser to change the entire boot. Animal 18 would be seamless transition. 19 maybe even better because now it is pure rubber boot w/o static elements (static laces & almost not stretchy overlay)
  23. I changed from rubber to silvreta type release system. Broke tibia & acl (fall with rotation) Went back to rubber and happy again. Though I am only 15off skier....
  24. When I see video of my skiing I know how I should use the rope.... ((
  25. @mmosley899 Thank you for clear and unfolded explanations. If I can read between the lines it would mistakeproof to use boots specifically designed for waterskiing... @BraceMaker thank you for info and your thoughts. @SkiBeKaus my apologies for invasion into your thread! My excuse is that this info may also be helpful for you to make proper decision )
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