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Everything posted by gt2003

  1. I'm saying tower just because it may give you the option of bringing some club guests into the fold even if they start out on one of those super wide, short sticks. I've also seen first time slalom skiers use the tower rope attachment to help them get out of the water quicker. Plus, where u gonna put the speakers and how much fun are you missing when someone hits their head on it?? :)
  2. I'm pretty sure my right knee is going to have to be cleaned up soon. I'm going to push through this season and hopefully be able to put it off until maybe next November/December. Had my left meniscus removed over 30 years ago and no big problems/issues with that knee so far. Hoping to have the same results on this one. It currently has limited ROM and will periodically mimic "locking" like the left one did prior to the surgery. Fun times but at almost 48, I'm not ready to stop.
  3. I like this one. No motor, chain drive, low and high gear, reasonably priced. Once again, no link shortener at work so I apologize in advance: https://www.amazon.com/Trailer-Valet-V211-Tongue-Silver/dp/B007G2IH4Q/ref=sr_1_55?ie=UTF8&qid=1485450029&sr=8-55&keywords=boat+dolly
  4. Good Insight. I'll likely buy or borrow the manual one then pursue the other option once I'm sure it will work correctly. Thanks
  5. I just found the EZ Tug automated one. Wow, how easy is that?? Would easily be worth the money, time and disagreements with backing into the garage!
  6. Ok, I was picturing something different in my mind. Anyone have a pic of a double wheel trailer jack? I was thinking something similar to a pallet jack. All I find are the usual tongue trailer jacks with 2 wheels. Help please Maybe this is it? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KXH6GF8?psc=1 I apologize @Horton, there is no way to shorten the link on my work computer
  7. LOL, that's something I would do as well. Agree with a double wheel trailer jack. Not sure how much they are but pretty sure they are cheaper than $1800 in storage fees each year. I'll empty the garage at first and decide what works best.
  8. I measured last night and the 3rd car door is only 8 feet wide so that's out. The depth is only 19'6" but I have 2 stalls I can use and one side is about 2 feet deeper. I'm planning to run it slightly angled and the measurements come out OK. Just gotta get the boat now!
  9. @Horton, I don't think she will mind a bit. It's time for a new rope and handle so why not go with a BOS advertiser??! When's the first ride on the Honeycomb??
  10. Ahh, best news I've heard all day. Thanks MS!
  11. Hmm, may move the wife to the single bay...
  12. Most importantly, a membership to a local ski lake so I can be in the course on a consistent basis. In addition, a new handle since mine got lost in the move to the new house, new rope and a new boat (to me) once my wife gets settled into real estate in our new area! Oh, and I want to see @Horton ride the classis Jobe Honeycomb!
  13. Yes, but we only use one stall of the 2 car portion for my wifes car. I park my truck outside and would be more than willing to continue to do so if parking a boat angled across the other 2 stalls an option. xince the 3rd car portion is deeper, I should have plenty of space. Just wasn't sure if anyone on here does this on a regular basis.
  14. We finally got moved into our new house. It's got a 3 car garage, right at 21 feet deep. The 3rd car portion is set back about 2 feet deeper at the front and rear than the larger 2 car section. Is this enough room to store a Response LXI/TXI if I remove the swim step? I know it would have to be angled but how reasonable is this? We can rent a storage if needed but sure would be nice to spend that cash on ski gear! I can take pics tonight If needed but looking at my options as I...once again, begin the boat search.
  15. Trent is TOP NOTCH! After a clinic south of Houston early in the year, he initiated the process of getting my Alloy Vapor replaced/warrantied. A couple of days later at work my cell phone rings. It's Trent, just following up to see how things are going with the process and simply being a good guy. Now folks, lets remember I am 100% a newbie, HORRIBLE skier yet it was still important enough to him to provide this level of support/service! I'll be back in Texas next year taking lessons again if he's there. I can't say enough good things about this guy!
  16. It's got to be my work computer. I was able to pull it up on my cell phone easily. Just not sure I want to use that much data to watch.
  17. I can't get it to stop buffering. It times out before it makes a complete connection. UGH
  18. Jerry's a HOOT too! A little hard of hearing but acts very young for his age and he's quite entertaining for the little bit of time I spent around him. Hope he gets a few more folks out to ski his lake. Yes, @bananaron , when I visited last year he was telling us he had just bought an MB and was waiting for it to be delivered.
  19. Thanks. I only have a private lake to ski on right now but that doesn't mean I can't do drills. My stack has never been great but it was better last year when I was able to free ski more often. My endurance this year sucks as well!
  20. Thanks guys. I'll slow it down to 28, keep working on form and more cross course angle. We'll see what the weekend has to hold weatherwise. If it's dry, I'll be back after it.
  21. 28 maybe?? I'm not proud, just want to run this SOB so I'm open to speed suggestions! I'm really close and had not gotten around 4 ball until the run I posted. I went ahead and went for 5 and was surprised when I got the tip around it. I'm going to keep after it, no doubt. I'll run the mini and pick up a few balls on the regular before years end. I'm planning to ski this coming weekend as well. @LeonL , I agree with body position. Mines been better but lack of skiing this year has caused it to suffer a bit. I'll be more mindful this coming weekend.
  22. Ok, a little better than last time but not great. Just made it around 5 ball in the mini course (must use slo-mo to see or looks like I missed it). Made 5 ball again this last weekend with maybe a foot wider width. Creating a tiny bit of angle. Still dropping hips a bit and am surprised at how far handle is from body. Not skiing near as much as last year since we sold boat and this is hurting technique as well as endurance. Will be skiing much more in the coming year. This is 15 off at 30 mph. The gates are SORRY as I started my cut too soon, pulled out of it, then resumed it. What are probably the 1-2 things that I need to make it through the mini and start picking up a ball or two on the regular course? And "NOT SUCK" is not an option... And yes, that is my wife in the boat wondering WHY I didn't go for 6!
  23. They took 100% excellent care of me. I have no doubt they will do the same for you!
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