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Everything posted by keithh2oskier

  1. @jordanh i also didn't have a life jacket on my newborn as we skied at a private lake. Mostly due to comfort for the baby. I never felt there was any safety risk.
  2. 1 ball at 38. It ended promptly after this.
  3. Just dont tell them that @bananaron. And especially dont tell your wife about the rotating girlfriends...
  4. I think perfect pass has older user manuals available. I assume your software is ver 6.xx
  5. Didn't you just say the other day you were thinking of keeping this one? What changed?
  6. I just installed zbox and took some initial rides last weekend. When driving my buddy, 36/-35, I couldn't really hear the engine speeding or slowing up. Buoys times were good but not sure how to tell if the box is working. We did end up raising the zbox setting from 8 up to 15 and didn't notice anything different either.
  7. @Horton you said no more talk about skiing... so what comes next for the average baller. Its not work that I care to discuss. :)
  8. Can you just back it down the ramp and let it run on the trailer?
  9. I had an Ho animal and went to a r style. When I went to the hardshell I had issues with the flexibility (perceived at least). At first I just didn't tighten the laces, then I eventually went to the r style. The r style took me a while to get used to as I just didn't really trust how much room I had back there. I wouldn't go back now and love it.
  10. Just starting to get caluses at the joint between my palm and fingers.
  11. @cougfan if he does that would make him the ultimate best friend
  12. @GaryJanzig if you already have perfect pass cant you just use the digital speedometer that displays?
  13. @Windsurfnut this was from earlier in the thread. Looks like your 1 ball was .03 fast. Based on the below you can start by lowering your ball 1 to maybe 20 and see what happens. From what I gathered its best to work 1 setting at a time... The boat starts timing at the gate, the first time interval is one ball it looks at the time and makes a correction. If you are getting a surge at 2 ball that tells you that 1 ball was slow and the correction shows up at 2 ball. This means the 1 ball setting needs to go up. It is counter intuitive in my mind but that is how it works. The perfect pass people won't explain it this way. So 1 ball adjust affects what you "feel"at 2 and so on. Start with 2 ball and get the time right and go from there.
  14. Want to have a small bag that I can put in the boat or my ski bag that can carry my calipers 12" long in the container, spare fin, screw driver, wing gages and other random things. Any recommendations or ideas?
  15. Trying to ski 2x a week. Full time remote work allows me ski mid week occasionally and get other chores done during the day. For example I mowed the lawn between meetings today which will free up the ability to ski one evening. Next season will be better as my kids get older and can come out to the lake for longer periods.
  16. @LOTW from what I gathered searching for older posts yesterday you are correct. C65 had traditional sizing (66,67,68) and c75 is one size with adjusting widths.
  17. @RichardDoane not 100% sure. Just saw one on SIA and have always wanted to try one.
  18. resurrecting this. I am 5'3" and at 160. thinking about picking up a 66" C65 second hand. Is that size okay especially if I am trying to loose weight to get down to 145/150#?
  19. @Horton do you use any tail weights to help Buford keep the skis straight when getting up? Just starting with our 6 year old on two skis.
  20. Does anyone have a zbox that they are no longer using and willing to sell?
  21. I was browsing the goode dealz site and came across a lot of skis that fell into those categories. Does anybody know what those are and what a reconditioned ski is?
  22. @Tbub I have a 02 196 and had the same issue with my glovebox. I ordered a set on ebay (only need 1). Its a 7.5# and I recall the original being like 4#. This is harder to close which is nice since it won't fall down even if you're driving. I replaced mine a few years ago and just have the spare in the glovebox for when I need it eventually or someone else does. https://www.ebay.com/itm/372973602949
  23. Oh the other one for open water is you don't want the driver to make long bending turns. If you need to adjust course the general preference for the skier is for the boat to quickly adjust course and head straight.
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