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Everything posted by keithh2oskier

  1. I would focus on safety first. Especially if he has some background driving watersports. Just like anything, people develop bad habits that they don't even notice. Listen to the first few minutes of the spraymakers podcast on driving. You don't need to go into the course rhythm but the discussion on turning the boat off, Predicting where the boat may float to when a skier is getting ready, basic communications is all good. As far as pulling up skiers, every skier and boat is going to be different. Just getting practice. Key is make sure the slack is out and you roll the throttle smoothly.
  2. In a race with the ski, you won. Congrats.
  3. @6balls good tip. Something I have been trying to work on since we have been doing video recording is saying the speed/pass right before we take off. I noticed this helps a lot when we go to do video review later. As a skier, its a good confirmation as well.
  4. @ESPNSkier I recommend just looking up the spraymakers podcast on where ever you listen to your podcasts. The Radar guys have about a dozen on some great topics, not just driving.
  5. @Luzz @JackQ @MrJones you can't call out these epic photos and then not post them...
  6. I didn't even think about taking a picture when my boat had 196 hours... doh
  7. How fast can that old boat go? I would be hussling to out run the volcano.
  8. @skinut according to D3, anything over 200 should be on a 68. Maybe you can find something on SIA
  9. Where did the boat originate from. Could harm have been done due to weather and not being winterized during transport?
  10. At the end of the day, its a 10 year old boat with several hundred running hours. There was no warranty provided so I would expect 99% of the time its bought as is and is on the buyers responsibility to get the PPI done. It sucks as a buyer. I have been there with a dirtbike at a time i really didn't have money for an engine rebuild which it fully required. I like to think I keep my vehicles in above average running shape but when I sell something its now the buyers problem.
  11. I belong to a ski club. No club boat. I primarily ski behind mine or a buddies who is identical. Don't even bother exchanging gas money at this point. Usually just coordinate a ride here or there. Occasionally I will buy or sell a ride from someone else. Everyone brings their own equipment. Driving is okay but it could be better. Its not necessarily a lack of desire, but more a lack of understanding 9n what is a good pull for the skier. We have a lot of 15-22 off skiers and most have been skiing for 25 to 30 years so if I go up to them and say their driving sucks, its gonna piss some people off. Nobody runs deep shoreline. I have experience pulling into 38 but its been 10 years since I did so consistently. I ski with a buddy who will run into 38 but it accounts for 10% of my overall driving. @jimski perhaps you can find someone in the club who is interested in learning to improve. One of the best drivers i has in college was 115 lb skinny blonde who ran 26 mph long line but could drive 35 off skiers well and was a rated driver, regular i think. She just took it super serious and was more interested in driving better than skiing better. Not saying your gonna luck out that way but it can happen. We don't have the ability for end course video and often don't have a spotter. So as a driver, its really hard to improve. Like skiing without any coaching bad habits get harder to break. @TFIN @Chris Rossi The podcast was excellent along with all the others. That 40 min is a great time that you can get into the details but not so long that I forget what you said earlier. I took away some great nuggets of info. Will probably listen to it a handful of times. And work to improve my driving.
  12. Do you or someone need to be there to supervise usage? Or is it just let them use it on their own? Would the lake normally be used during the time?
  13. Just like this thread, nothing can stop Jeff.
  14. I didn't touch the settings on the camera. This is the camea mount I use. I got it for free from a local Baller.
  15. I just got a andoer 4k on ebay for about 100 a week ago. Here is a video from last week. I was recording in 1080/60fps.
  16. Yes, drastically different on the 80s and early 90s. I forget when the NWZ hull started but it was around 90/91 and has the slant back. In 97 they came out with the TSC1 hull. Thats the famous bubble back. In 02, they came out with the TSC2 hull. Then in around 06 they came out with the TSC3 hull. Then in 2010 they came out with the 200 Basically anything after 97 is a really awesome ski boat. The NWZ is an okay wake but not the same class as your buddies 02. I have a 2002 196 and i am biased but its obviously the best of the TSC generation.
  17. I have had a frustrating experience trying to dial in my SG without zbox. I also was getting a massive surge out of 2 ball that I can hear as a driver and feel as a skier. I notice when I do timing passes, it's all dialed in, but with a skier I get the surge. I am going to try KX + and see if that helps with my 5.0 engine on my 2002 196.
  18. At home I spend way to much time on my phone. The lake is the one place I am happy without it. Guess I need to tell my wife I need to ski more to avoid being on the phone. I wonder if she will buy it...
  19. Even a bad day on the water is still better than work. I'd ski while I can.
  20. @Ed_Johnson do you have a before and after picture
  21. Thanks. I dont need a travel bag. @disland do you still use some sort of neo sock for the ski or is it fine in the bag itself? I have a fin block but just not sure if it being in the bag is enough protection for say going in the truck bed.
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