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Everything posted by Cooper_Trelawney

  1. The World's will be upon us soon and at a great site too. Has the US team been chosen? What are your predictions and what do you look forward to?
  2. Derrick knocked out a few complete passes at -41 Llewellyn joined the 230' club and set a new world record for overall Quinn Haines popped a 197' collegiate record jump. That's off a 5' ramp at 32 mph Who else???
  3. He ran 41' off 3 times in one weekend??? That's awesome!
  4. Thoughts and prayers for Louisiana indeed. I hope this storm is not nearly as bad as Katrina was. @Broussard thx for the update. I hope your hometown and Tri-Lakes make it through with minimal damage.
  5. I'm not sure what is so hard about saying that: "the standard rope length is 75 ft. Beginners use a 75 ft rope. Our professionals are so good, they start with 32 feet taken off the rope and with each completed pass through the course, more rope is taken off; making it shorter. The guy who completes the most bouys on the shortest rope length wins." Idk, I understood it as a kid. I think we don't give Joe Public enough credit.
  6. Rolling Stone magazine had Charlie Watts rated as the #12 drummer on their list of greatest rock and roll drummers of all time. He actually had to be convinced to join the Stones and had to learn to drum to rock music. Prior to that he was a HUGE jazz guy. Keith Richard's credited Charlie Watts for being the mvp of the band. Quieter and more unassuming than the rest of the group he was the perfect counter balance to Mick and Keith.
  7. I did the bulk of my competitive skiing in the 80s and 90s and we had to ski behind everything. Ski Nautique 2001 had a large wake, Ski Supreme had a large bump and a ton of spray. We had to ski behind whatever the draw was or the local tournament had brought. That included Ski Challengers (can you say chime lock) and Ski Rays and all sorts of other things. The wakes on these relics could be tough. The spray could be bad. The tracking could be iffy. BUT we skied. We did what we could and posted scores. I was lucky to run -28 @ 36 mph in those days but I had guys in my division who were running -38 behind those boats. I can't believe all these years and may tens of thousands of dollars later that boat wakes haven't improved for all brands dramatically. The new Nautique is an enigma to me. I've been in a couple. They don't feel particularly luxurious. I'm baffled by the need for trim tabs and hydro gates. It seems like with today's technology and engineering the hull should be better and not need those "extras" to make it work. But what do I know? I'm just an old-ish guy who mostly follows the sport that I once loved competing in.
  8. The last thing waterskiing needs is another arbitrary rule. Just start a line length longer. No big deal.
  9. @BrianKennedy91 @MrJones Man, I really liked all my Wet Tech gear. I still travel with my old Wet Tech duffel bag to this day. It looks like Tom Sexton has a pretty good Nashville music career going now.
  10. Check into Flyman skis. They are making short jumpers for show skiers at about the same price 20-40 yr old used jumpers are listed on ski-it-again. Lots of kids on my home lake are riding Flymans for wake jumping and in the local ski show.
  11. I didn't notice he was on KD. I did notice how neutral and balanced he appears on his ski. Honestly, I don't know if I've watched him ski before but he is very good.
  12. I second using old jumpers to teach beginners. Using older EP type low wraps or loose-ish old school Kidder/Wiley bindings. Jumpers have the width to get on plane and are easier to control.
  13. @BoatyMcBoatFace best user ID on this forum. I love it!
  14. I'm sorry for your losses. Cancer sucks and everyone has suffered losses of loved ones due to cancer. It is a bitch to see them in pain and a shell of themselves. Take care of yourself and love your friends and family!
  15. Freddy Krueger and Scot Ellis are total legends and we are fortunate to be able to still watch them put up big jumps. They've been at it since the 90s!
  16. My brother was stationed in Yuma with the Harrier jump jet squadron when he was in the Marines. I visited several times and we skied on the Colorado River. Yuma is a trip. It's just so wild, we got up to all sorts of stuff. Back then, it was normal to cross the border into Algodones. Not sure now though. Here is some info from the Visit Yuma website: https://www.visityuma.com/things-to-do/colorado-river/access-points-and-map/
  17. ⬆️ How to bring your boat and your designated spot for your pre-jump dump to the starting dock. Brilliant!
  18. I love the scores Cory, Tory and Patrice put up with no flips or only 1 flip. Super fast, super clean and doing tricks you never see now a days.
  19. I'd be curious to see a build with Sandstone and Combat Green.
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