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Everything posted by Cooper_Trelawney

  1. @JeffSurdej that's a pretty cool experiment. Can you share the placement details for each event that gave you those results in the test tournament?
  2. My college ski team had a couple of Brendellas in the late 80s/early 90s, thanks to help from Steve Tyler. They were great little boats in the day. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for them....so many fun memories!
  3. I bet that mahogany Chris Craft sounded great!
  4. My Instagram feed has posts from usaws doing athlete profiles of skiers competing in the pan-am games so in a way, they are promoting the pan-ams. I hope they do some social media posts for the US world team skiers before or during the worlds. The Canadian association is recognizing their world team members.
  5. It's frustrating to see how seemingly detached they are. The World Championships in Florida is HUGE! They can be doing a lot of promoting and marketing. I wonder if they don't have the budget to pay someone for web page updates.
  6. @jcamp thanks. Last time I checked waterskiresults the team data wasn't available. I remember on the old USA Waterski Website that I was able to go to the collegiate tab and somewhere there pull up the actual scorebooks. I appreciate the thought.
  7. Are the collegiate tournament score books posted somewhere? I'd like to see the team scores from the recent tournaments. Thanks!
  8. @liquid d and another youngster, Nicolas Nelson running a silky smooth 39 in the second round and scoring 2 at 41. I think he's 17 or 18 years old and looks like he has a bright future too.
  9. With the wrap up of Travers Grand Prix Tournament at Sunset Lake, we are just a few weeks away from the World Championships scheduled to take place at the same site! Many times, the TWBC commentators and competitors referred to this weekend's tournament as a warm up for the World Championships. We saw incredibly high cut lines to make it to the finals this weekend. The site looks amazing. What are your predictions for placements at the World Championships? Individual events and team standings? Who are some under-dogs that you are rooting for too? OK - ready, set, GO!
  10. Great tournament with plenty of excitement in the finals, especially watching the last skiers off the dock know what it would take to win, stand up to that pressure and achieve victories. True winners!
  11. @UWSkier Joel Poland set a pending world record for Overall. Hanna S became the 3rd woman in history to jump over 190. Luca R had a PB in jump for a new Austrian record. I think there were a few other PBs or PB ties in there too.
  12. @broussard if my memory is right, there was a big women's world record jump there. What was the other world record? 21 years is a long time...
  13. When was the last time we've seen 2 World Records and so many PBs in one tournament? Especially considering the lake is not in Florida and the majority of the skiers aren't regularly skiing behind Malibus (conjecture). Even the jumps were huge although there wasn't a very good headwind situation, it was mostly flat. I'd say this was a big success for Malibu and Lymanland.
  14. @ToddL if memory serves me right, she had a very similar 1-ball on her previous record too. Maybe that's the trick? 😆 Whatever it is, she makes it work. She went further down 41' off than any of the guys did this weekend.
  15. It's amazing watching her ski through the course at 41 off knowing how short 41 off is and how short Regina is (compared to the typical men's slalom competitor). It's truly an incredible feat.
  16. Men's jumping was entertaining with the top 7 jumpers all at 220' or more. I notice some big names missing from the tournament. Is it too close to the Worlds for some? They missed out on some good conditions. Lot's of PBs and a World Record!
  17. @Horton I believe Richie Cunningham is a senior rated driver.
  18. Another great event with an excellent webcast by TWBC. I enjoyed the Kiwi team of Kyle Eade and Aaron Larkin doing slalom commentary. Got to watch some great slalom and jump too. Freddy Krueger is amazing, jumping 230+ in both rounds and taking the win. The guy is 48 and is jumping like he's 28.
  19. On the other hand, T-Gas on a ski is a good thing.
  20. I think this is a pretty good example of the Reverse-C. Tom Poole at the LA Night Jam at Bennett's.
  21. @Kelvin thank you for the webcast! Grateful to watch it live on YouTube.
  22. Poland blew my mind going 235'. That might be a British record. Then, it was so good to see Freddy jump 237' like it was the year 2013! He's phenomenal for a guy who's twice the age of some of his competitors. Wouldn't count Dodd out either. Tomorrow will be great to watch!
  23. I worked in luxury hotels and resorts for a long time. I learned that guests who had an error happen during their stay and that error was corrected to or beyond their satisfaction become more loyal to the brand than the guest who had no negative experiences at all. It's all about being human and the subsequent recovery.
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