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Everything posted by Cooper_Trelawney

  1. @ETskierthanks for the info and tips! I talked to the boss (known as the wife) and she reminded me that she has a women's retreat for church that same weekend. We have some logistics to work on but my odds just went down to 'longshot'. Worse comes to worse, I still have the TWBC webcast....
  2. Is there a posted schedule of events for the World's at Travers? Did any ballers attend the '21 Worlds as a spectator and have any insights or advice? (Bring portable shade or not necessary, best days for viewing, what else?) Thanks in advance. It's a bucket list sorta thing. I can't take off a whole week of October but might get a pass from my wife to go out to FL for a couple of days.
  3. Franken-ski. You gotta love this guy's independent approach to ski and binding set up. Variety makes the world go round.
  4. Will @JoelHowley be competing? I saw he'll be in California for coaching soon.
  5. I'm going to guess that the overall record on the 3rd one down is Patrice Martin and that the slalom record of 5 at 38 off is Bob LaPoint. Probably wrong on both...
  6. 17 year trick record would be one of the Larson twins, I bet.
  7. @Luzz and 17 scored toe tricks in 20 seconds! That's extremely fast!! Also, got to watch some of the San Gervasio Pro/Am today. I know you put a lot of work into it, thank you! On another note, it would be interested to see what today's trick skiers can score if they only did 1 flip in their runs like Cory Pickos, Tory Baggiano and Patrice Martin. Would today's guys beat yesterday's guys on a level lake (playing field)?
  8. If you saw this short film in the theater.
  9. The PowerBall jackpot is up there...gonna be some skiers buying tickets. You can drive about an hour or so one way to snow ski and drive an hour or so the other way for some of the best wineries anywhere.
  10. @BKistler @Jody_Seal yall mean on a ramp like this (behind my daughter). Local ski club's show ramp.
  11. @Ed_Johnson have him check Ski It Again. There's a listing at Ski Texas that appears to be a good value. If your friend needs a Texas agent to represent him, he can email me at travissellsproperty@gmail.com
  12. If you subscribed to 3 magazines: The Waterskier, Spray and World Waterski
  13. You know how to read meters and hang a stopwatch along the side of the boat. Bonus points if your favorite handle was a Performer.
  14. @Horton overall, lack of proof from our generation's teens and 20s is probably for the best. 😎
  15. @jgills88 nice article about jumping, thanks for the share. Jumping always was and always will be my favorite event. I haven't been over a ramp in a few years and haven't flown far in many years but there is no sensation that comes close! Although this is primarily a slalom skier's website, @Horton is gracious enough to entertain some jump and trick threads in these forums. Probably because he was a pretty darn good jumper himself.
  16. Just finished this. It's truly superb! It is a love letter to the sport and would make an interesting time capsule to be viewed 25 years in the future to benchmark where the sport has gone since...up? down? You really must appreciate the dedication and commitment of not only the athletes but also all the volunteers, organizers and the team at TWBC. I'm really impressed!
  17. https://www.neso.com/collections/sidelines-series I've used this product for years. Easy for one person to set up and break down. Very durable too.
  18. @Wish I recently contacted Stokes about jumpers. Unfortunately, they stopped making them.
  19. @SlalomSteve I noticed that too. The green color and the white foam that never dissipated on either side of the boat path.
  20. Team USA hasn't won team gold at the Elite Worlds in a while and here, the U21 Team brought home gold to the U.S. Is that common or an indication of some great young talent in the US? Other observations: Charlie Ross is pretty phenomenal AnneMarie W's 38-off was crazy good to watch. Will Robert's crash on the last jump of the tournament was nuts. Kennedy Hanson is a great talent. There is a lot of young talent in the sport. Hope they stick around the sport!
  21. Any impressions from the U21 Worlds?
  22. @ForrestGump any Exocet jumpers on McQueeney in your time? I've never seen any in the wild myself.
  23. Bennett's Ski School in Zachary Louisiana does a great job with beginners!
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