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Everything posted by GaryJanzig

  1. Would the PCM H5 Engine fit in a 1994 Ski Nautique? I have 2060 hours on my boat. The last compression check had all numbers well within tolerance(200 hours ago). Any idea how many hours I would expect to get before I need a rebuild? It is a carbureted 351 PCM Ford. I am hoping parts will continue to be available.
  2. I get the white bumper marks on the rub rail. Acetone takes it right off. If you get it on your gel coat it will work there too, but follow it with some marine cleaner wax.
  3. I think you will be seeing more of this as new boats get more expensive.
  4. Gatorade Zero and get the tennis ball out so my black lab can do some dock diving.
  5. @GSchmid your final settings are pretty close to what I have mine set to. I have ball 1 at 45, ball3 at 25, and ball 4 to exit at 31. What engine/ boat do you have? I have a 1994 Ski Nautique with the 240 HP engine(351 FORD). I am thinking your settings may work on my boat. The settings I have corrected the surge, but still trying to get the times dialed in closer, but they are still within RC tolerance.
  6. @Windsurfnut this is the link for the timing charts https://www.usawaterski.org/pages/divisions/3event/AllBuoyTimingChart.htm
  7. @windsurfnut If you have your manual they have a chart showing the record capability slalom times. If you search usawaterski.org you can find the chart that shows the tolerances for all speeds. If you are within the tolerance and don't get surging then you are probably good to go.
  8. I checked. Each number on the background settings for ball 1, 3 and 4 to exit all go up to 100. My 9.2 upgrade is off I wanted to test it on factory first. My ball 4 time was almost 0.11 fast. The tach setting on mine was on inverted from the factory, but before the upgrade it was standard. Before the upgrade and the GPS antenna upgrade most of my buoy times were within +- .02 with ball 3 being -.04 to-.06 and ball 4 reading -.03 to -.04 and full course times usually coming out 16.97 and 16.98. I always have Kx set to +. The next time I go out I am going to try Ball 1 45, Ball 3 20, and Ball 4 to exit 35 with the zbox turned off and see what happens. going to change tach back to standard.
  9. They changed big time because I was still on the factory settings. I have some settings I am going to try next time I am out.
  10. The above are some of my sample times before installing v 9.2 and zbox.
  11. @hemlock, shoremaster may make docks that can roll too. The roll-a-dock section that has the wheels can be adjusted up or down. Not sure what the max depth is though.
  12. I always say "in gear" first, then "hit it" or "punch it".
  13. How deep is the water? Check out the Hewitt Roll a Dock. hewittrad.com Docks are good, but I am told their lifts are not.
  14. cover the edges of the platform with shrink wrap tape.
  15. Avoid metal flake. If it gets scratched or when it fades you can't restore it. Get white for the deck, platform, and running surface. Easier to maintain and restore if scratched.
  16. @EFW your times displayed there are well within tolerance. If there is no surging you are probably good to go.
  17. What about a small garage on land with a marine rail system going to it? Might be cheaper and less complicated.
  18. On Lake Latonka in we use the Overton's orange buoys which last several seasons, but a lot of them get swapped out when they get cut loose. The polyform round buoys tend to beak down. The tops get sticky. We use the spongex foam bullet shaped buoys for the yellow gate buoys. I don't do any painting of the buoys since it comes off on boats. I just buy new as needed every few years.
  19. The baggy type have worked best for me. If you have close to skin tight clothing underneath. I wear a standard nylon 4 buckle ski vest over it. Make sure to burp all the air out of the suit and make sure the seals are all flat up against your skin. I have an Eagle Sports drysuit. Spray the seals with silicone weekly while in use. I have been able to use aquaseal to repair a leaking seam.
  20. @LOTW If you have ice on your lake in the winter. I highly recommend Hewitt Roll-A-Dock. They are pretty easy to roll in and out. We have two of them and they are 36 feet long. We use a lawn tractor and utility trailer with an electric winch to pull them out. We have a shore that is covered with rocks so we use the ramps that you use to put a tractor or quad in the back of a pickup truck to get them over the rocks, and there are wheels that you can attach to the shore end of the docks. To move the lift there is a product called boat lift helper which allows you to float your lift out. http://www.boatlifthelper.com/ and https://www.hewittrad.com/
  21. I use a canoe to do the major work on an accufloat course. Climbing along the mainline can be painful on the fingersif the line is pulled tight. I have a grappling hook for pulling up the cables and pipes.
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