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Everything posted by LK_skier

  1. I know @JoelHowley has done the 2 handed thing at 35 off... was pretty funny to watch
  2. Nice Vids @JoelHowley ... Where do you see Aussie skiing - does the future look bright or bleak?
  3. 1. Nate - Run off 3@10.25 2. TGas Run off 3. Joel Howley
  4. Yeah no skiing happened Thursday which was the second round for juniors - they've made the call the cancel round 2 which means results from rd1 are the final podiums. They are still trying to get the course back into shape today - hopefully will be back soon - was suppose to be now but the live stream still isn't up which isn't a good sign.
  5. Best one yet @MarcusBrown. I really like your insights into why skiing died in the 90's. Geoff Carrington who you mentioned is a family member on my wife's side and he was a super star from all reports. I'm similar age to you and your dead right - Wakeboarding had a huge impact! It was spectacular to watch and you didn't need a slalom course to do it. It's probably a bit different over here in Australia but access to a slalom course is very restricted - waterways to ski on even socially are limited. The good news is I think slalom skiing is making a comeback - but how do we get it back to where it was - we can't even get Moomba on TV and that place goes off on Monday!
  6. @JoelHowley $12 plank ....https://www.instagram.com/p/B5xtGjThODO/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
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