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Everything posted by skibug

  1. got a hero 9 couple of weeks ago, use it with skidoc. It is OUTSTANDING!!!!! I found it best to use https://www.kmplayer.com/pc64x for frame by frame replay
  2. @MDB1056 all of the above. They are very durable, the rubber is grippy, they were made in various diameters, there are no end caps because the ends are an extension of the handle as they turn back in to make the yoke. This is one of the most outstanding features, which really eliminates mis-grabs or mishandles at the ends. You can accidently grab the curved end of the handle and still get leverage. Plus!!!!! THEY ALL FLOAT!!!!
  3. @RAWSki can you elaborate on that transition?
  4. It is sort of an unfair question as the answer is certainly a blend, and it is ski company specific. Goode, for all their shortcomings, have always seemed to be the most accurate in their advertised stock setting, IMHO. The rest seemed to be quite a ways off. A lot of time the pro coaches or ski brand athletes will give you some "alternate" numbers.
  5. we actually protect the hull instead of the trailer bunks. We have been very successful with the 3M paint protector / Rockguard: https://www.amazon.com/Scotchgard-Clear-Paint-Protection-60-inches/dp/B004V9SPX0/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1uiEBhBzEiwAO9B_HZxjaaacIducIWCyOGbO_vmIBUN7AQoNQM-eJBLgjr1MyIab7nTcFhoChaAQAvD_BwE&hvadid=416736707917&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1021222&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9532834763692200119&hvtargid=kwd-387854287893&hydadcr=5734_9590398&keywords=3m+rocker+panel+film&qid=1620752539&sr=8-1 2015 Prostar, ours lasted at least 5 years (sold the boat with it still on and in good shape) and saved our hull from having to repaired, no wear whatsoever. We just put a strip on each side where the front bunks would hit and wear the gel coat. Our boat goes on and off the trailer at least 6 times a week, April - October.
  6. @RichardDoane - yes, that is a fair ask and I would support it at the level I indicated.
  7. I would pay if I were cooped up because of weather. Otherwise, I mostly watch the replays because the tournaments are on when I am at the lake skiing, or I have other things going on during a weekend day. I will catch tidbits live, when the opportunity presents itself, but I don't sit down and watch it from start to finish. I will pick up on the events at night, when there is nothing else going on.
  8. Anybody using Graphene? I used Turtle Wax Graphene on my truck, after a lot of research on the internet, it is working great!! I am going to try it on my boat, after a coat of Meguire's Marine Wax.
  9. I'll sit on some cash and home equity, then pounce when everything comes to a screeching halt....well....maybe after the initial carnage :)
  10. are there membership rates or is it all pay by the set? If there is a membership, does it include boat, or can you bring your own?
  11. my dealer told me they are supposed to be torqued per German specs....guhdntight!
  12. So....if you drag a boat 200 miles to a tournament and it gets used for 4 hours, you get $100. Is there mileage compensation too? Is there a "show up" fee or credit? IDK, seems like someone could get screwed.
  13. Had mine done in January of 1999, hamstring graft technique, been great ever since. It sucks and rehab is paramount to get back to what you enjoy doing. I skied at about 7 months after surgery.
  14. I would argue that even Nate and Terry, at least in those videos, hardly ever break the plane of their torso with their off hand, it is never flung behind their outside hip extended. Their offsides are a little more pronounced and over the top, but they are not counter rotating, they stay pretty square.
  15. Whisper Fin Pro upgrade from Original, Wider gate and never lose tension on the left arm in the gate glide, Off hand stays high (between waist and chest), shoulders stay more square/down course especially on my onside, off season training was amped up.
  16. this is a "me too" movement as my onside haunts me and holds me back from being a better skier.
  17. Eye wash and liability deflection.....that is all it is.
  18. Eye wash and liability deflection.....that is all it is.
  19. No More Lemon Pledge Consuela GIF from Nomorelemonpledge GIFs
  20. Dive shop or you can actually do it yourself. You can order the seals and glue them in with aquaseal.
  21. Is this ski for yourself or someone else? I have a 65" Quest (2012 or 2013) white top-pink graphics, softer flex.
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