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Everything posted by lkb

  1. Stone88, if you decide on the 08 196, I have one that I will sell you
  2. lkb

    New Binding

    KG, does the zip up outer layer cover up some laces or buckles that snug them down? Could you tell how rigid the outer shell is compared to something like a reflex shell? Thanks for posting the pics.
  3. lkb

    New Binding

    How rigid is the shell? It's hard to tell with that outer covering  that zips up. How does it cinch down on your feet?
  4. Not many entries yet. Guess people heard MS is going to be there :-0
  5. I'm having 6 rounds on the 22nd and 23rd of August if you can get to North Alabama.
  6. Scot, Let me know how the 65.5 works out. I'm thinking about getting one also. lkb
  7. Skidawg, would you recommend it for a 28/32 off skier whose still learning how to maintain good outbound direction of the second wake?
  8. Is anyone besides me having trouble putting ads on the BOS classifieds?
  9. I dont know crap about tricks cept that i bought it for my wifes son and he never used it the girl i bought it from "forgot" totell me bout the holes
  10. Please buy this stuff so I can get an Obrien Elite the details are on Ski-it-again. here are some links with pics, Thx http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA09060  vest http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA09061  mpd http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA09058  fogman http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA09064  spare hardshell http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&postid=SIA09063  trick ski
  11. The rear shell on my powershell 4's is almost cracked into. My plan is to stay on this system until i see the new HO offering. Does anybody out there have a left small that you could part with. I would really really appreciate any help. Thanks
  12. I have skied about 150 sets on my Warp with no problems at all but I have seen one that got popped by a handle...the guy put some tape on it and kept on skiing.
  13. Skidawg, have you ever skied a Warp? If so, how does it compare with the elite?
  14. lkb

    HO S1

    An brand new 66" S-1 demo showed up at my lake late this afternoon. Does anyone have fin and boot settings? Horton? MS? anybody?
  15. I have been working hard on staying countered and moving through the pickup point. When I do this right ZO is not an issue. C3 feels pretty good. If you are behind it's gonna feel unfriendly. I think carrying speed through the hookup is key .
  16. Don't get me wrong, I have always known the Warp is an amazing ski. I don't think there is a ski out there that can match it in acceleration. It's instant. But it has a narrow tail which means you will have problems if you get back and don't stay over the center of it. I think that's what has been going on with me. But, for the last two days I have finally gotten to ski in warm water, finally gotten a good feel on ZO using c3 and I have really worked on staying up over the ski and keeping countered. Voile! Nice results. I really wish more ski makers would look at using the coreless construction. Warp is on to something with that. I would say it is a stable ski but I don't think it is very forgiving. All that being said, I still want to try soemthing else just for s**** and giggles. If I can find a Senate C cheap I will try it.
  17. I need some advice. This is my 7th yr skiing. 34 mph.  I have run 35 off. I don't have it anywhere near down pat but I have run it several times. At the beginning of last year I was skiing good on a Warp and felt like I might make some progress toward knocking down a 35 pretty often. As the year went on things got worse instead of better. I think it was hard for me to make the switch to ZO. Anyway now I think it's time to ditch the Warp. I want something that is easy to ski on and forgiving and not real sensitive to fin moves. I'm thinking Senate C. Any thoughts/ comments? Is it pretty fast through the wakes?
  18. It woulda been cool to see the "Water vs Snow" tv show that was mentioned. Does anybody know who competed in that besides Bob?
  19. Sure, I'll keep it up. Did you try to transfer the info to the calendar at your link?
  20. Horton, it's a slow day at work so I compiled a list of all the specified events I could find. There isn't much out there on the Big Dawg yet...just 2 qualifiers that I could find. I logged in to google calendars under the ballofspray.findatabase@gmail.com and put it there check it out and see if you can access it...I'm not real sure how to save it
  21. richarddoane, my wire fox terrier is the dock starter at my lake. Only problem is that she's pretty "vocal" and sometimes likes to "taste" skis.
  22. guess it lasts the whole movie that way
  23. is that popcorn you're eating with the chopsticks?????
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