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Everything posted by JAS

  1. What can you share about the skis, setup, and coaching tips? Sounds like you had a great experience
  2. @I5boi‌ Explains why no hours posted
  3. @ Portland Boat show there were (zero) new Tournament Boats brought in. Did see a nice used Nautique 200 :(
  4. Any comments, 34 or 36? Comparison to S2?, sizing?
  5. @AdamCord‌ I was under the impression that the 9100 had KD 7000 genetics?
  6. Cool picture. Also gives me a great visual of why shoulder rotation toward wake and early loading puts you on tail of your ski.
  7. For those interested, a continuation of skijay's discussion of smearing can be found @ the skiall6.com forum
  8. @AdamCord‌ A new ski design touts dampening with metal plate. Considering the relatively stiff nature of waterskis and the constantly changing load dynamics, merit or hype?
  9. @ Horton Assuming good stack, does pull=push with legs? Seems that you can have same upper body lean at wake 1, midline, and wake 2 but a meaningful difference of ski loading all created by leg push.
  10. @wish, @A_B, a very interesting interview with Corey Vaughn can be found at www.skiall6.com site that goes perfectly with this video. A good read , highly suggested. Can be found through Interview bar on left side of home page.
  11. @A_B‌ you nailed it. Simply a tale of two arcs. Easy to to see why more pronounced at shorter line lengths. Long pull locks hinge.
  12. Maybe an unspoken topic but what keeps a ski company from building a plug off of a successful ski made by another company? A change to top skin cosmetics and most of us would never know difference.
  13. In a recent post by @JoelHowley‌ he mentioned the 2015 GT was going to have reduced torsional rigidity much like what my impression of what Mapple has done with New T series. Possibly things to come with new ski designs from all companies? "The tail modification does tend to make turning a larger ski an easier process however we have made the front torsionally softer than the Prophecy as this allows the front of the ski to unwind when/if you happen to overturn so I would suggest sticking with exactly the same length.
  14. @horton What post about ski efficiency/spray was getting at. Energy has to go somewhere, acceleration, drag, spray, where else? Is it a significant amount that makes a difference? Drag yes, spray maybe not?
  15. @horton retesting or just your current daily ride?
  16. @Horton I'm sure you are right, ski design process seems a little like that of a surf board shaper with good dose of reverse engineering. Lots of trial and error. Was watching GS ski racing video with commentary about minimal snow spray in turns = least amount of speed loss. We are constantly hearing about carrying speed through water ski turn, got me thinking.
  17. Wondering if ski designers look at spray patterns as they test new shapes and bottom textures. Considering conservation of energy, it has to go somewhere. My S2 seems to send a monster wall of water compared to Goode 9800.
  18. I too have a S2 and hate to give up anything that the ski has to offer. What were the design elements that they decided to improve upon? Does the v-type still ride relatively flat? Effort to ride? Is there truly merit in design for 34 or 36 mph specific ski. Seems like there was lots of cross over with elite skiers in both divisions. Thanks for your insight
  19. Are s2's still produced? Does V-type have speed steps on bottom of ski? How does 68" compare with 67.5 wide?
  20. My guess is that being able to sell a ski on sia allows many sellers to purchase a new ski and some skiers to get on sticks they couldn't otherwise afford. Interesting revelation, a "lemon" ski?
  21. @BRY Totally agree with comments about Lange boots and Head skis.
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