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Everything posted by ToddA

  1. @Shell...It is what I have convinced my wife I would need if I had to ever give up skiing! ;). Whenever I have picked out new gear, and she looks at me with a "questioning" in her expression, I just say, "Prozac and Counseling..."
  2. Seriously, though, a ski is much less than a lifetime of Prozac and counseling, right?!?
  3. Also, you might get away with, "Radar felt the need to send me a new ski as a "replacement" in the off-chance that something were to happen to my other ski...At the retail price". That last part may or may not be mumbled...
  4. @Stevie Boy , can you use the "What...This old thing?!?" response when she finds the new stick? Just tell her that a new ski justifies her clothing allowance.
  5. @webbdawg99 I would also agree with getting with a sport specific Physical Therapist who has a very good understanding of tri-plane function and functional strength, conditioning and flexibility (I am a PT, so I have an obvious bias!). :). I would specially ask the PT to address your Psoas and Iliacus tension/flexibility, as well as Glute Medius/Minimus weaknesses and flexibility issues. Now, as to the Psoas and Iliacus, be certain not to be mislead to thinking "I stretch my hip flexors and I don't have a problem with them.". I see people all the time having been told to stretch hip flexors and they have such poor mechanics, that all they are doing is to shift into lumbar hyperextension, this shifting all load onto your lower back, not targeting or addressing the hip flexor group...This the specific need for a PT with great skill at coaching and correcting mechanics. As you progress through static stability, dynamic tri plane stability will be crucial. It is a long road, but one that you will crush with commitment, dedication and hard work/time. You will come out better for it! Best wishes, and shoot me any message or questions you may have. Todd
  6. @ Gloersen, I think that might have been one of the last model year S2's, black top, red bottom.
  7. I could watch that over and over....And over!
  8. @twhisper great point on the 50/50 hands/handle pressure! I have never thought of that, and I can almost say for certain, that I am not doing even pressure. When you come back to Hilltop you will have to remind me of that point! Hope you and the family are well! Todd
  9. Awesome Naughtibynature! What is up with the $5 fines down with Gordon? I heard (vaguely) of fines for some reason, but I have forgotten and I have never made it down there. If it is for missing gates, well, I would have to bring along a lot of extra cash! :)
  10. Hey Ballers, I just wanted to give a huge Thank you and show of support for Steve aka "Chez" @ Pacific Slalom. Awhile back, I had a crack/defect in my Hardshell binding, and with no response from the Factory of that Hardshell, I called Steve to ask how I might go about getting in contact with the company to ask for some assistance. Without pause, Steve had a new shell shipped via FedEx, without any charge to me. This was a shell that I had not even purchased from Pacific Slalom! Steve went out of his way to take care of me and make certain that I did not loose any time on the water. I can't imagine a better experience and customer service situation, and I will give Steve and Pacific Slalom any business I can! Thanks again "Chez!"
  11. @gt2003 , I learned the hard way a lesson...Because we had an 8.0' wide door on our last house, I "made certain" to specify to our builder of our current house to put in at least a 9.0' wide garage door for our SN 196 on our 3-bay. Well, after the foundation was poured, and forms removed, I was looking at that single bay opening, thinking, "man, that still looks like an 8' opening.". Sure enough, grab my tape measure, it was 8.0'! Ticked would be an understatement, as we paid for the "upgrade" and now the foundation was set. Called the builder, and his response was, "well, we will just take away 6" on either side of the opening to fit the 9' door!"....Not exactly what I had wanted or paid for.... Grrr...
  12. @gt2003 yeah, as indicated above, check the width on that single bay garage, as a lot of builders scrimp to save $$ by putting in an 8.0' wide door, which will not accommodate the width of the trailer. Your middle stall on your double width door should be fine with a swing-away tongue and the platform removed.
  13. @xrated I am sorry to hear that!!! Biceps Tenodesis procedures have come a long way since I became a PT 17 years ago. She should expect a full functional recovery and back to surfing/skiing etc. Wish you all luck in moving forward!!
  14. @ESPNSkier you can alternate between heat and ice, benefits to both. Thanks for the well wishes! Yeah, my nerve blocks CK wore off as of a couple of hours ago...Not nearly as nice as it was before! Grrrr....
  15. @ESPNSkier the "heat, rest, IBU" comments are all on track. Sternum cartilage can be slow to heal, partly due to location, partly due to cartilage blood flow/repair, partly due to it being so prone to re-flare as we heal. After a couple of weeks of progress and symptoms management, very cautiously/lightly lie on your back with arms outstretched to a crucifix position. As you can do this without pain, progress to standing up in a door jamb in a similar crucifix, but go very light and be certain not to " hang" your body weight on your arms. These postures will help "open" your chest up. We have a poor tendency to rest in chest forward/collapsed position and heal up in a very "shortened state," making it vulnerable to reinjury. Hope this helps.
  16. @Shell thank you! Life is pretty good living under the nerve block...Fun will come about 6 hours from now when it wears off unfortunately! Yeah, I nursed mine since January 2016, and with the lack of comfortable sleep and it constantly affecting work, it was time to just get it done. Happy new year to you and best of luck with your shoulder!!
  17. @GaryWilkinson have you looked into PRP injections? You might do some reading on I as well as ask your ortho. I am a PT, and have seen some tremendous success in situations such as what you have described in your circumstance. Just a thought and option...Best of luck in moving forward!!! And, I also have to agree...You are not done!
  18. Just had surgery today...Repaired two tears of my Rotator Cuff, SLAP/Labrum tear repair, Acromioplasty, debridement and manipulation. Sitting under an ice pack on meds reading BOS!
  19. Roger, my buddy Ed is interested, and would like you to give him a call or a text. His cell number is (425) 367-1967. Todd
  20. @bogboy, hope we can catch up soon on the water!
  21. Picked up a 67" Type-R demo this week after they launched the program. @savaiusini and Dave Wingerter are class-acts and know what they are doing. Give them a shout and they will get you set up with a phenomenal opportunity to ski this impeccable design!
  22. Thanks to @savaiusini and Dave Wingerter, I picked up a demo V-Type R on this past week. I have been skiing the last few months on a '15 V-Type, and have skied the best, and most consistent I have ever skied, so of course I was very curious about the Type-R (...can always buy "hope", right?!?). Thanks to @savaiusini and DW, they got me dialed with the right fin and binding specs. Went out my first set, and off the dock ran passes that for me are close to PB's. My first impression was that it was very stable, and unlike some of the characteristics of the S1, S2, and first V-Type, could be pushed, even if running a bit late, or not quite the line/start you would like. I have a feeling that I am really going to have a long-term relationship with this one! :) Thanks Sam and Dave, you guys are the best!
  23. @Horton, would you mind changing this over to "public" instead of viewed only by members? Thanks! I didn't see that I had made it only available to BOS members. ToddA
  24. I just wanted to give a shout out to Brian Detrick, of thanks and appreciation for a tremendously successful coaching clinic this past Saturday at Hilltop Lake, Arlington WA. Brian came up to spend some time at the HO Factory on Friday, and then shot up north to spend Saturday coaching many of the Hilltop Members. First, I have to speak to Brian being tremendously "professional" with how he conducted himself as well as how he coached. Having had the opportunity to be a part of many different coaching clinics, Brian was the first that I have noted to be taking copious notes in the boat with each skier, following up after each set with the skier on what tips were being noted during the set. Before the second set of each skier, Brian again reminded each skier of what specifically was being worked on during that first set, and after the second set, would write each of his "coaching points" to each skier on a form for the skier to take with them. Again, I cannot speak more highly of how his concern came across for each specific skier, and their specific points of interest at their specific skier-level. Being the driver for the majority of the day, I was impressed at his ability to coach any/all levels of athlete out there, from -15 and up to deep shortline. I had the great opportunity to have Brian stay at our home with my family Friday and Saturday nights, and he is a true gentleman and respectful individual, including being around my 8 year old and 6 year old kids...of which he proved to be a great role model for them! I was truly impressed with his concern with the sport in general, and his unique position as a professional skier to promote the sport as a "whole." He is actively pursuing all avenues to promote slalom, trying to bring it back in front of the general public through TV coverage of events/tournaments, and educating the public on the physics of the sport to have people appreciate all that goes into the athleticism of the sport. We spent many hours talking about his "take" on what needs to happen for this sport to continue to build. Brian is wise beyond his years in so many ways, and takes his responsibility as a "Pro" to a new level. If anyone is interested in bringing in coaching to their site, I would highly recommend Brian without reservation or pause. You will not be disappointed!
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