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Everything posted by jimbrake

  1. @The_MS "Genova Convention". You did that on purpose, didn't you?
  2. @Liamfm - Will Ferrell is not a bad boat driver! Who knew?
  3. Apparently the meditation is not working for me. Serenity now!!!
  4. I’ve used it to some degree. For me it’s more meditative and relaxing than anything. I use it to increase my underwater breathhold time. Helps. @The_MS - come on, man. That kind of statement about the CDC is evidence of one of the biggest flaws in this country - people somehow thinking they know better about a subject than scientists that have dedicated their lives to research. Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Don’t believe everything you think”? Just because you don’t like the message doesn’t mean you’re right and they’re wrong.
  5. @The_MS thanks. Do you have your front binding at stock or back? When I tried the XTR at stock it was good. Went back a bit and it got heavier/slower but still pretty good.
  6. @The_MS - are those stock for the XTRcc or your personal numbers you've settled on? I've got a 68 XTRcc coming next week. Thanks for posting as I too will be using caliper tips.
  7. Ryan Canepa looks similar to me. Nate, Ryan, and Brooke all appear (to me) to ski similarly. Tall, centered, and not moving to the inside until way up on the boat. Nate's been doing it the longest and has it down, obviously.
  8. @MNshortliner - that billboard is offensive. Not everyone in California surfs, OK? I do, but you know, not everyone.
  9. @eleeski - you thought our winter was a good one snow-wise? It was a fun season for sure, but Sierra snowfall for the season ended up ranging from about 50 to 70% of average. Not good at all for California water storage/supply/delivery.
  10. I was at Gordon’s in Acapulco in ‘08 right before Brett Yager put his head through. Found out about it and was about to put a handle guard on my handle but just didn’t get to it right away and put my arm through at 35 and dislocated my elbow. Out for the season. Agree w @ski6jones - handle guard is not keeping your arm in there.
  11. @Cooper_Trelawney - Folsom never opened to boats at speed at all this year. Just a few fishing boats at trolling speed.
  12. ‘62 I was 4 years old and my daddy threw me in the San Jacinto on two skis. ‘75 I was 17 and I called the course my home. I don’t know when that water turned into the water I’m on now.
  13. I don't think I have not had a sore muscle or two every day since I really do not now when. '70s? '80s?
  14. Flew United SMF to IAH and back in May with my ski and gear in a Dakine roller bag. $200 each way. Yay.
  15. Damn! Bad run for the McLain family. I hope everyone is going to be OK. Sorry to now hear about Logan, too. Did that happen on the roads in Arkansas?
  16. @JackQ - funny you mention that. Reminds me of back in '06 I was using a sort of predecessor to the T-Factor that Connelly made. Terry W. actually had some input on the design. Can't remember the name of the binding, but it had a funky cable cinch system. I came in and just yanked it off my feet in frustration after a crappy set without first loosening it up. It kinda hurt my Achilles a little, but it seemed like no big deal. Later that day at home was running to jump in the pool with my kids and SNAP!! my Achilles let go all the way. That and the surgery and the cast and the ensuing months of rehab sucked.
  17. Yo, SDMBBSC members or just whoever is skiing at Fiesta Island that is here on BOS, could you please help out a Bell Acqua skier looking for a few sets while she (not me) is in SD? Not much in the way of responses to her requests so far, but then I'm not sure she is reaching all the skiers there or not with her inquiries. I told her I'd check in via BOS. Thanks!
  18. Yeah, but seriously...not sure if less weight would up my scores, but it would certainly ease the load on my body and that would be a very good thing. I can eat really well, burn cals a variety of ways, but every single night that one, really nice IPA or DIPA is just sitting there staring at me. That does not help. I'm all in on light and strong being the way to go. Rockclimber strength/weight.
  19. This better not involve drinking less beer, because if it does, then just go ahead and f......... Ah, gd it, this better not mean drinking less beer.
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