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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Thanks Brady!I appreciate your comment and i think you re right too! I m not high enough on the side of the boat when i turn in for the gate.Truth is, i ve got a poor gate when i start cutting rope off...I ll work on this too! Keep those comments coming guys! I appreciate the time you take to help me! I really do!
  2. @mwetskier Thanks for the comments.That s what i was looking for.Another perspective from my own analysis.Just back from skiing and stayed at 28 off to work on body position and delayed my reach while keepin the handle close,that help on width.Thanks! Good coaching is not an option near where i live.You guys are the only ones that can help me ski better so go ahead and tell me what i am doing wrong! T.I.A. Andre
  3. I feel like one.Ran my first 32 6 years ago.No 35 yet. Sometime ,i get the feeling everyone on BOS run 39... OK.maybe not a Wally but still need your advices Than ...and others!!! Thanks!
  4. I really don t have the chance to video often.Last time was like 5-6 years ago. I thought i had improve a bit...until watching!!! I read about about every technical article and post but it seems that everytime those 55 are approaching,my brain just die on me and it s chasing bouys time again and again...and again! I live on a lake and ski 12-15 sets a week.I know it s a lot but summer is so short here.My 6 weeks of vacations are almost over and i will be back to skiing 5-8 sets a week soon. I would like you guys to spot and help me on my 3 biggest mistakes that you will see in those videos.I know that there is a lot more then 3 things i need to fix but i want to concentrate on those 3 big ones that could help me the most. Be prepare to see bad technique every step of the course!!! So,enjoy and spot those 3 big things that could help me the most! Hope this work! 28 and 32 off including brain fart at 5! Thanks for taking time! Andre
  5. Anyone knows when is his next tournament... Webcast...
  6. Congrats!You are a shortline skier! Still stuck at 5@35 6 years after my first 32 off.Pathetic...
  7. Strada 2010 Front Reflex with rtp Masterline K Palms Radar curve handle O Neill Outlaw vest All clothing only O Neill.
  8. If it is really the same suit as the Assault then the price is really really good. Paid 389 for my O Neill 4 years ago. If you are thinking of a drysuit,that s a good buy!!!
  9. ///Picturing Ed and his staff running around in his shop,modifying every EZ slalom course with each new post!!!
  10. Inflate right side gate buoy to 20 inches and let it sit high in water. Nobody gonna cut that gate anymore and no way you can ski over that gate buoy!
  11. Check oil level when hot and immediately after stopping the engine. Clutch pack could be slipping too but check level first.
  12. Sorry i can t help. But man that 200 look nice!Would love to see a pix !!!
  13. Bad gate,slack lines ,overturning. Me and Nate have the same problems... ;) His 41 was sooooooo smooth!
  14. Looked at it a second time. Are all the air shots from a boomcam or is there some flying involve... Again,well done!
  15. What a beautiful site!!! Great overhead camera shots,great video! Congrats! Where is that lake...
  16. Yes i agree,not a clear answer...
  17. Wrote to Nate about breaking the record behind another brand boat. Congrats for your amazing season.Just watched the Malibu open,quite a show!!! Over on Ball of spray,someone mentionned that maybe you wouldn t want to break the record behind another brand then CC even for the 10k bonus. We,Wallies,are sure that it is only a matter of time before you run that 3 bouys.If the turn at 2 is good,would you be going for it if behind another brand boat ... Congrats again!Can t wait to see you skiing and breaking the record!!! Andre Andre, Thank you! Glad you got to see the tournament and follow me. I didn't really give up at 43 but I had my mind set on just getting two. I was pretty much stretched all the way out at two ball so pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to get to three ball. Hopefully that will come sometime soon though!! Thanks for being a fan! Nate Smith
  18. Well,I wrote to Nate and asked. Congrats for your amazing season.Just watched the Malibu open,quite a show!!! Over on Ball of spray,someone mentionned that maybe you wouldn t want to break the record behind another brand then CC even for the 10k bonus. We,Wallies,are sure that it is only a matter of time before you run that 3 bouys.If the turn at 2 is good,would you be going for it if behind another brand boat ... Congrats again!Can t wait to see you skiing and breaking the record!!! Andre Andre, Thank you! Glad you got to see the tournament and follow me. I didn't really give up at 43 but I had my mind set on just getting two. I was pretty much stretched all the way out at two ball so pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to get to three ball. Hopefully that will come sometime soon though!! Thanks for being a fan! Nate Smith
  19. I skied poorly last nite and my body is hurting from 14 sets in 8 days. Not sure if that thread is cheering me because there s a chance i could ski for many years or depressing because all of those older guys skiing way better then me.
  20. Just visited his site. Nice slogan... http://www.progear.ch/index.php
  21. Bump! Don t know why nobody is jumping on this offer.Any members in that area... Whish i was closer!
  22. Are everyone switching to the Nano switching to Powershells and Velcro too... Did someone successfully put inserts on a Nano... (Sorry,question mark nor working :) )
  23. Do you have to rearrange the BB each time after it s been hit ...
  24. Can someone explain the no continuation rule please...
  25. Seem to remember Parrish doing it behind a MC not long ago while being a Malibu skier... ICBW.
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