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Everything posted by Drago

  1. Seems like extending the deadline to get the site up to snuff is better than moving it lock, stock, and barrel, 3 seas away, ? Unless the Greece site is completely ignoring iwwf, or they need to add a lake.
  2. or if all Monzas just sit there on the couch watching Friends reruns. 🐕
  3. Touché-- Changing towels are nice though. You should try one👍
  4. Another way to look at alpine skis is their camber goes away. It fairly common to MRI carbon bike frames to see if they are compromised. The tester has to be very trained, however, and I don't think it's cheap. I suppose we should ask ourselves if it matters ? The most 39s I ran were on a ski I bought on SIA for $400. I imagine the first owner thought it was dead.
  5. @Horton I’m not aware of any measurement of decline in snow skis' rebound. Mostly the pilot says, "These are dead". There are other variables prior to tossing a snow ski (no edge left, hit a rock...). Skis that don't work on ice can work in dry cold "aggressive " snow (Vermont--> Colorado). *we're talking about elite-level racing here, not powder skis in Utah
  6. @Cooper_TrelawneyThe testers/designers use bindings with plates, so likely no big deal. @tru-jackAlpine speed skis are different (SG and DH). Sometimes they will be several years old. When you hear Picaboo Street or Lindsey Vonn are using DH skis in Super G, it's because they are incredibly fast. Atomic owns the speed skis, they return to the factory after races. Mikaela, who I assume had #1 priority, decided not to start the super G, the other Atomic athletes stuck with what they chose earlier, so Ledecka got Mikaela's and flashed from the back for the win. (The track can also get faster and faster when the snow gets less sharp and glazed-over) World Cup Alpine SL skiers probably use at least 10 pairs of skis a season (and several boots!) Alpine skis flex more than 12 inches every single turn, obviously they break down quite a bit. (A SL course is around 50 turns). It would be interesting to know how much an H20 ski flexes when the greatest load is applied in water.
  7. @mike_mapple--what happens when you become the Baller of the Month?!
  8. @aupatking I think you're way over simplifying and at the same time overanalyzing this. Everything is important. Listen to the pros. It's much better to keep the variables to a minimum. Definitely if you're trying a new boot, keep the ski and fin settings the same. If you're trying a new ski, keep your boot and work on boot settings and fin settings.DFT is crucial and takes patience, depth and length matter, of course, but are "easier" to get "right" and if you're off a bit it doesn't affect you as much.
  9. @Beezer, it won't feel great in one set. You're using a "soft" setting on a soft boat. Try B2 or B1-2+.
  10. Not sure I want to know 🙈
  11. It's not , Later after the Buoy. It's Later after the Load. @chrislandy answered @Beezer's question the best so far, .I've found that skiers prefer A1 behind my prostar (5.7) when they ski A2 behind a 200 / Ski and visa versa ℹ️ it's been 15 years since zo has been crammed down our throats, maybe @Horton can bring up the thousands of pages in the archives for some light reading.
  12. Hmm, good point. Was she just talking about Masters? Maybe I should re-listen...
  13. Spoiler Alert. Pretty sure she said she will not ski an event behind a Nautique . Ever.
  14. Snow skiing in a couple weeks in Colorado, pulled the course yesterday, 52° water hurts the head🥶
  15. Great show. All the 39 tails were sweet. My humble opinion is this traditional format is more fun and exciting than head-to-head.
  16. @Horton Favret shouldn't be on the list Isn't that an easy list, Asher would be the first zo?
  17. It's pretty easy to pull the safety switch out, or reach up to the back of the switch, and tie the two wires together .
  18. @MitchellM you should probably pick up an inexpensive rope with a floaty handle. I use -28 for learners, and wake boarders might want somewhere around 32 off. I suggest not lending your nice handle to gloveless waterproof-sunscreen-transmitters.
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