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Everything posted by Drago

  1. That sounds scary if it takes you 2 seconds to get to the ramp🥶
  2. That's a bit strong, just people with opinions. I used to bolt 2 hardshells down on plates. Never got hurt. Destroyed my ankle, twice, in rubber bindings.
  3. An Open friend of mine went to Goode Lake. Starting at 32, RFF, center punched the zero ball and beat it in. IIRC, went a little later after that
  4. @LoopSki Don't sell the house yet. I was right there with my second ankle break--so nasty it took me 10 days to find an Ortho that would even attempt to work on it. I truly thought I might not ski ever again. Several years later I'm back at it. I finish where I used to start, but I continue to enjoy this sport with my family and friends 🤙
  5. That is counter-intuitive. It's not as high as it appears, probably close to the normal ramp angle of most waterski bindings. The carbon in the heel of the skate boot is maybe 3mm thick and there's a big posting block under the metatarsals. I used to do stuff like this, working for my brother making custom skate and bike shoes. I tried double skate boot hardshells (scared the livin' heck out of me); used to add tons of plastic to bindings, etc. T-Whisper solved all binding problems when he created the T-factor (.)
  6. I'd pay if it works on a phone (actually, My Phone). My wake eye doesn't work anymore and doesn't update. phones are great: always with you, easy to share/transfer to another device, light and uncomplicated (unless it's someone else's phone that has a different OS)
  7. I recommend you Don't order fin whispering
  8. o add • • • • • • To Add a Tournament into WSTIMS without accessing the Server a tournament without it trying to access the server do the following. Click the Add icon When the add dialog opens simply click cancel This will go back to the tournament setup window with all the fields blank Fill in all the fields except leave the edit code field empty Save Double click the new tournament in the list to make it active
  9. Seems like you're breaking rule #1 , @vtmecheng
  10. Uhh , should've known wsr doesn't work.
  11. @lpskier are you on a Stiletto with the custom plastic fin box?
  12. I was referring to the "there should be a marking at your ankle " comment. I would add, bigger feet tend to move back from stock (likely because of inside ankle bone to heel distance) and I never met a shortline skier who moved bindings forward from stock
  13. There is no "standard" foot or standard ankle bone location (.) Thats like saying, Men weigh 190 lbs and women weigh 120 lbs.
  14. @Horton So when you bring back old threads, banned posters get clemency?
  15. I think the Larson's swapped world records , so one wouldn't have been very long (?)
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