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east tx skier

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Everything posted by east tx skier

  1. I have a Dorsey. So I basically am just sad they went out of business. I'm sure CC's trailers were fine. But Dorsey trailers are absolute tanks.
  2. That is definitely the hardest I will laugh all day. Of to check the pantry for some Hershey products.
  3. When I sold my old MC, there was no test drive because I was delivering from Tyler to St. Louis. Boat was paid for before it left the driveway. I offered a test drive if he wanted to come down and pick it up. But I wasn't opening any doors for negotiations 1,500 miles form home. I started it on the hose before I left to make sure it ran. He had a really hard time starting it when he got it home. He called me and it turned out he wasn't giving the Perfect Pass servo motor enough time to wind tight after he gave the throttle a good couple of pumps.
  4. @kfennell, I always bask in the irony of winterizing on the hottest day of November. We have been in the mid to low 20s for the last three nights here in Texas.
  5. If you drain, particularly with an Indmar, bump the engine over a couple of times to kick the water out of the water pump housing. I love the off season. I winterize, brew beer, and don't worry. Never a frozen block.
  6. 98 was an improvement over the 97 in a couple of respects. Downswing tach made it visible in the newer dash configuration. Also, new engine box and dropped the engine into the bilge a bit more to make a bit more room in the aisles. Love my boat so very much. Have pulled skiers with smiles at 15 off and 30 mph up to 38 off at 36 mph. It does it all world class.
  7. Man, my kids were freaked when that little farker was hanging from the light fixture tonight. Tomorrow will blow their minds. Thanks for the idea that I'm totally stealing. I usually just use it to torture them when they act up. :)
  8. He didn't have an appointment. He wasn't on their calendar.
  9. Everyone has missed the critical question. Is the girlfriend who wants to get into the cold water hot? I wouldn't buy a boat without test driving it. And I definitely skied my current boat and gave it a long test drive before buying it (in September). That said, is it a 93 Pro Star? If so, see if they will let you run it on a hose or let them send a mechanic over to give it a clean bill of health. Sure, the buyers might not be around in the spring. But a 93 Pro Star won't be around for long if its in good shape. Anyone who knows will know that that boat's wake is pretty much beyond reproach. Still, they said that about the TSC SN and, frankly, when I test skied it, I didn't love it compared to other boats. Once I got used to it, I wondered what I was smoking though.
  10. @AB I did some self hypnosis tapes (from Sharper Image) when I was about 20 and had put on too many lbs. It worked like a charm and I lost too much weight (I think I bottomed out at 148 lbs. (starting at 186). I had to ultimately intentionally gain weight. I am actually following the basic concept of those tapes right now without the hypnosis and am down 10 lbs this month. It is coming off more slowly, but they are good habits in my opinion and make a difference for the long term. Combine that with the fact that I started before Thanksgiving and am continuing to progress through the holidays and it's even more impressive. It takes a lot of self control, but it doesn't restrict your diet much (during meals). It's a simple concept, but one we often forget: It is as follows: (1) Make good food decisions (this is basically optional, but it helps; (2) chew your food slowly and drink water between bites; (3) be mindful of whether you feel full and stop eating the instant you begin to feel full. About 10 minutes later, you will feel much more full than when you stopped eating. Put the rest of the food away for later or toss it. There will be plenty of food for the next meal. So cleaning the plate, as we were often taught, isn't necessary. The additional instructions are no eating in between meals, sit down to eat, lots of water, if you're at a restaurant and there's bread, eat about half a roll (no butter) or 1 or two chips, and lay off since you won't be able to enjoy the entree if you fill up, and, finally, when it comes to dessert, have some, but limit it to one or two bites. You enjoy everything, but don't overeat. The first two or three days is hard, but after that, if you let it, it can be routine. That's it. It works.
  11. Happy birthday, Horton. Turning 40 next year (assuming, as I do, that the Mayans couldn't predict the future). Party will be billed "Dougtoberfest!"
  12. Having grown up in and lived in Houston for a good portion of my adult life, I can say that it is a great place to live. However, @lhoover, I have never heard anyone say that it is hotter in Dallas. The heat/humidity combination in Houston during the summer is beyond oppressive. I never realized how bad it was until I moved only a few hours north. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer Houston, overall, to Dallas, and Dallas is hot as can be in the summer (I don't live in Dallas). I will always consider Houston to be my hometown. It is relaxed, cosmopolitan, and suits a variety of interests for those who live there and visit there. But I never realized that sweating through my clothes during the summer wasn't normal until I moved away. Rod, I think you will like it a lot there. Dallas is also not a bad alternative though. I have done the nonstop flights to Mexico City from both Houston and Dallas when my mom was splitting time in the Yucatan, and I prefer AeroMexico to Continental (better food) for that leg. Good luck with the move.
  13. Ski is in great shape. Some minor cosmetic markings on the top from the boots. Would love to keep it, but I needed a 68. Blank with fin. $325 plus shipping. http://www.ski-it-again.com/photos/sia21495img0.jpg More pictures on Ski-it-Again ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Slalom&postid=21495
  14. @Phil2360, by antenna, I should have said the "Garmin puck." I sent it back to Perfect Pass around April 2012. Perfect Pass bench tested it and determined it to be dead. Replacement puck functions better than original did new.
  15. I had a GPS antenna on SG go out at the beginning of the year. Replacement antenna works much better than the original ever did.
  16. 1. Thou shalt not complain about thy wife's driving.
  17. So, has anyone typed the URL www.thewaterskiforum.com in a while? I did it today. Guess where it took me. All hail Horton! :)
  18. Thanks. It's due to arrive today. Hoping I can get a set or two on it before it gets too cold for my driver/wife. We're spending Thanksgiving at the lake. So maybe some long river runs are in its future.
  19. Thanks everyone. New ski should be here on Monday. I have the MPD up for sale and will shop for a longer one if the Vice doesn't suit me. We have too many spare skis as it is. :)
  20. Cool. Thanks for the info. I'm really resistant to sell the MPD, but I am thoroughly in the 68" weight range at this point.
  21. Well, after putting on a few pounds over the years (and I haven't given up on getting rid of those), I started shopping for a 68" ski to replace my beloved 67" MPD. I am a slower speed long liner, but have always enjoyed riding the higher end skis. I had hunted for a reasonably priced Strada, but never found a 68 in my budget. I picked up a closeout 2012 Radar Vice yesterday. This looks like it will be a good fit for my speed and line length. Anyone care to expound on what I might expect in coming to the Vice from the MPD? P.S. I have read Horton's review.
  22. Do you want something used or new? I'm pondering selling a gently used 67" Radar MPD in the coming weeks to move up to a 68".
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