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Posts posted by LakeOneSkier

  1. My last two boats were promos (one from No. CA, one from OR). Not that I buy boats often but I will always buy a promo.


    My 'local' dealer is Liquid Edge/Doug Meeker in Farmer City, IL. No offense to PerfSki and the other BOS advertisers but Doug gets all my ski, vest, shirts, wetsuit. etc. business. I may pay a bit more but he has a wide selection of product that I can see and test before I buy. And if nothing else I enjoy talking to Doug when I visit his store, great guy with a lot of boat/ski knowledge.


    Only exception are ropes and handles, Masterline has treated me very well. :-)

  2. I've lived in a private gated four lake community (avg of 12 homes per lake) and have also lived in a two-lake community which was very much like what you have outlined: higher density of lots at 'reasonable' prices, a limit of 15 'lake/boat use permits' per lake, but everyone could 'access' the lake, located in a very small town but within 40 minutes of a city with 2.7 million people, etc.


    The four-lake community I miss every day… 48 other lot owners who had the same passion as I did, appreciated the lakes for what they are, worked to keep them in great shape, and (mostly) respected each other.


    The two-lake community, even though we built a beautiful home that my wife still says was her favorite, I could not leave fast enough. Sold after living there 2.5 years. At that price point, at that density, there was not the appreciation of a private ski lake with a slalom course. Other than a few of us it was full of weekend warriors who felt it was there right to do as they pleased, partied as much as they'd like at all hours of the night (city had no noise ordinance, so the police were no help). When I skied it usually involved 30-60 minutes of fixing the course beforehand. Make a pass down the lake and come back for another only to have kayakers paddling down the center of the course. Or another boat coming straight at you because they felt your 10 minutes were up. I could go on and on.


    I commend you for what you are undertaking, and I hope you are successful, but unless you are in an area that can support that many homeowners who understand private lake/slalom skiing living you really need to nail down your CCR’s and Lake Use rules and enforce them.


  3. @bassfooter , give it a go!


    Our lake just purchased a new jump that we will be installing in the spring. By that time I will have made it 57 years without going over a ramp, but I've already committed to my jumping lake neighbor that I'll give it a go.


    Peer pressure, the result of many an injury. >:)

  4. @Bobross , we sold a home on a private lake a few years ago. We did the research, we knew the market, we knew the comps, etc. Just for grins we had a realtor come out and give us her opinion. She was supposedly the top rep in her office, talked a lot about herself, looked at the house and went on her way to do her research. She came back a week later with a very professional looking assessment and proposal. We said thank you very much but no thanks. We sold the home 6 weeks later for $100k more than what the Realtor told us it was worth.


    Unless you are in FL where you can find a rep who knows about 3-event private lake living, do your own research.

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