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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. mb has a used one for sale! dont you!! it is a sweet 67" RS-1 he got it at the end of augest and we dont water ski in nov-april Deano
  2. tell maxwell to bend his ankle!!! ÂÂ
  3.  Jam man,  Matt blk and I  R putting inthe CB coarse in 1-2 weeks Deano
  4. senate c is the same  strada is all new shape and rocker , it is total different skis than the rs-1   I like the rs-1 but loved the strada the two sets I skied it this fall. amazing off side with the killer on side like the rs-1 Deano
  5. well watch R ich on the ski he has no tip rise!!!  he running 38 now something that he did not do before the new ski!! I have skied a proto ski it was soft and had or felt no tip rise!!  Demo the ski your self!!!   it has a amazing off side turn!!  I'm getting one forsure!  get out side do something!!! Im going snow skiing 11 time this year. happy new year!!! Deano
  6. Richard you are skiing the 66 at 29" front foot?  is that correct? when we were skiing the new ski ,Trent and chris  had us at 28 3/8 my wifes 66 MPD is at 28 3/4 I wounder were CR is skiing his? Deano
  7. Rob, Terry goodman is a great three event coach, I believe he is one of the most under rated coaches out there. he has a great eye for seeing things and can translate them well to skiers. and he knows how to set up equipement right for slalom ,trick and jump. Deano
  8. Richard, do you what # you are running onthe new stick? fin and binding placement Deano
  9. Goodmanski.com there new hand pass trick I hear is the bomb, e-mail Ron and he can get you apic of one. the bonus parts is thet are bomber and do not break!! Deano
  10. the Goodman is the way to I can not wait until they make slalom skis. Deano
  11. Richard, you mean watch how much beer I drink!!  a good friend from MT says theres a pork chop in every glass!  ^6 pork chops in one night?
  12. Richard, that is the same ski Matt and I skied with trent and sully on sept 27th I tried to pry that one out of there hands but no go! glad you did!! I just ran btb 22,28 32 the ski felt early fast stable, with a sweet off side, being 185lbs a 66 was a little small, but it was sweet better than my MPD 67, I will switching soon!! DeanoÂÂ
  13. he was one the new ski the strada 66  witha rs-1 graphic. he ripping onthe new stick. Deano
  14. Well I got to ski the new strada on sat with Trent and Sully just one set. it was 1-of 3 made 66"  (flex medium)         I like stiff skis!! 28 3/8 front boot .74 dft the other two I do not remember. I usallaly ride a 67" mpd  6' 2" 185 lbs the ski has a new embossed top sheet in the forbody and the tip for less swing weight, it has a little longer flat spot, narrower profile in the binding area and a wider forbody just a litte not a wide as a A 1 bevels are rounder and biggger. feel easy to turn both sides, rolls over nice, it is easy to ski on. fast fast fast holy sh%^^^t, with big easly angle, like the mpd it is easy to get wide, with or without handle cotrol.  the speed was the biggest thing I noticed. ran some 22 28 32 my 32 were the widest and earlest I have ever run them. to early some times the ski carries out off the 2nd wake nice better than a MPD  I may be on a 66 next I will wait and see when the 67 is done. 66 did not feel real small it has more surface area than a 66 Rs-1 plus bindings at 28 3/8 is back.  Hats off to the team for putting together a better ski not just a new one. I think this is mold cut # 4 or 5 time and Money. My bud Matt skied it also he is on a 67 RS-1 now .  he wants a new strada bad first set 4 @-35 new pb  his pb before was 2 @-35  he is getting a 66" I'm sure they will have some more 66 out soon for people to try and buy, then they will cut the other molds soon I'm guessing. think short Deano
  15. I'm off to try the Radar strada today with Trent and sully should be fun I will post tomorrow my thoughts. current ski 67" MPD reflex front aniamls rear. 3 1/2 -38 34 mph pb Deano
  16. AB, Radar MPD holes front heel to back front holes are 55mm apart,  You need a 1 peice plate so your spacing is aways the same when you switch skis. I went to a 1 peice carbon plate two yrs ago, now when I try skis the spacing is the same. the animal rear boot can be moved for and aft on the rear plate. 6 screws. think short Deano
  17. Does any one have # s for binding and fin for a Goode 9100 65.5 I just got one from a friend in great shape. Thanks DeanoÂÂ
  18. I run a reflex front animal rear  I use a 1mm hell lift 10mm long in my front boot it help my fore aft balance, try it !! the reflex boot seam to be a litte heel low if you put a level in the shell the ball of the foot is higher a 1mm lift makes it level.  ski short Deano
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