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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. I have a freind who added a strap to his blk reflex boot to help protect his achilles. and it has worked great.
  2. Jwroblew Just take off the block and turn it over and it will fit the 404. I have done 4 this year. go the hard ware store and get stainless t-nuts washers and screws Deano The new 500 release seam to wear out, as the old 404 one broke at the welded bar, check the welded bar for rust, see rust on the weld I would get a new heel. no fun to break the heal while skiing. Deano
  3. A reflex front boot and a loose rear rubber boot releases both feet for me 3 times this season. Back boot just be lose!!! MS I could not ski the reflex front boot until I cut the uper cuff down and put a slot between the first and second buckle, Like the old fogman boots. this gives the boot some latteral movement and the ski does not feel On and off gives you you some movement. I have seen lots of skier and pros ski with boots cut this same way. Deano
  4. Chef23 is right just flip the block over and it fits the 404 release Deano
  5. like Than said I to always go smaller If possibble. you tried the 66.5 and skied out of your mind get a 66.5 im 185-190 and ski a 66 strada pb 3-38 my 2 cents Dean
  6. rossi ski set up vid he just did 2.510 6.840 76.7 slot cali fb 29 5/8
  7. John hit me up at duren@us.head.com 425-765-0888 Deano
  8. John I have boxes of parts what does he need. old ARC Dude. Deano
  9. my freind wll take it off your hands call matt blk 206 390 7491 thx Deano
  10. what are the binding and fin # folks are using for shortline on the 66" strada and the strada 55 65" thx Deano
  11. Me and 4 other reflex users I know all like the plastic tongue in the front boot. I find like snow ski race boots the lower shell gives the user bigger angles and better ankle movement for fine tuning control. But you need to have strong ankles. so do ankle work outs and make or keep them strong them strong.
  12. fins change. And freind had a bad set the other day and we check his fin # and they where off 10- 15 th in all directions. put it back to the # he had writen down and he ripped. so check and write down your # and check them to make sure your fin is where u think it is. Deano
  13. ktm, like you a have been try a 67 and a 66 strada Im 6'1 190lbs, 5lbs heavy, ski at 34mph I have gone with the 66 Im at 28 3/4 front boot one hole back on the back foot. back heel at 16 /34 fin setting are 2,508 deth. moved the dtf from .75 to 74.5 length 6.865 wing 9 down, reflex front animal rear I founrd that at -35 -38 the 66 was just felt better for me turns and hold angle better. the 67 I was running 29. 1/2 front boot 2.501 6.850 74.5 so now on 66 and the 67 I have the same measurement for the toe of the boot to the tip of the ski. just add deth and decrease the dtf to make the ski feel a liitle bigger. and rock the 66. think short Deano
  14. mike u still have two holes in the red blocks for the heel prussure adjustment tighter is better
  15. Mlange, stainless spacers? these are for the toe loop. for boot sizes 6 and bigger. this makes the toe loop taller to fit the bigger boots. make sure after the system is mounted on the ski. put the boot in the binding the heel should not be able to be pulled off the heel block. if you can pull the heel off the block move the heel forward one hole. there should be a fair amount of resisants when pulling the heel lever on the block of the boot. then set up properly IMO this is the best system Deano
  16. A deeper fin will also help the ski feel more secure. I also split my bindings back foot 1 hole back.
  17. cheap dish soap, been using the same rear boot for 10 plus yrs with no problems Deano
  18. I will trade you some snow ski equipment for it. I work for head usa and live in wa. let me know duren@us.head.com
  19. scuppers your posted pic is the right way to measure. I beleive your fin setting is right or its wrong 8-9 th is a big difference that most skiers can feel. Deano
  20. a few pieces of 2x6 a saw and some screws and you can have one. made one 10yrs ago Deano
  21. scuppers all skis measure differnt from one side to the other, the caliper sits on a different pant of the ski when measuring. always measure your ski with tip to the left bottom facing you. Deano
  22. Matt, depends where you live you might find one at a ski shop that specializes it AT gear. That happened to me last yr at 2 ball -35. I found one at the local back country ski shop just had to drill the heel off the silveredo AT mech. They had 1 that was brand new got it for 50.00 since then I carry a spare( back up) got it from a freind who had a pr for At snow skiing and never used them. I would get the new red anchore blocks they are worth the 59.00 keeps the boot from wearing out on the bottom, got my from H20. Good luck Deano
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