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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. Snowskis at least good snowskis have a milled vertical laiminated wood core. foam core snowskis suck!!!! they loss there camber (break down) and are bouncing waterskis have a foam core so they break down faster. only the glass or carbon holding it together. (Fact) DeanoÂ
  2. Head owns Tyrolia, Tyrolia makes bindings for the followingf ski company's Head,Fischer, Elan, amplid, 4fornt,Kneissel,and Palmer Jim shoot me ane-mail !! Deano durenski@charter.net
  3. slow, I'm also the nw head sale rep! I work for Head!! no really! Deano
  4. I have been snow skiing and water skiing since I was 4yrs old there are some things that are simalar like stay square to the fall line or the back of the boat. I still race a few times each yr, I'm lucky enougth to be able to ski/ train with the locol ski team MRST  mission ridge ski team . In the summer I have skied mt hood in the am niced hard ice then water skied a set or two in the after noon. That is always fun! ski fast think short Deano  Â
  5. hogexpress   can you share ski size and # with us? Deano
  6. John,if your dad needs arc boot parts I have tons of odds and ends sitting around! Â ARC boots were way ahead of there time. your Bro jumped in them if I remember right. I got a pic of him in my garage Jumping I think it's him. Deano
  7. My name in Deano U'Ren 46 yrs old started skiing on lk sammish in 1970. first skied the course with my aunt Judy anderson in 1972-1978 on lk sammish then just free skied for many yrs, got coaght up in soccer and mtn bike racing. started skiing agian in 1996. when I started hanging out with terry goodman and building ARC waterski boots ( the first hard shell boots system) married now 2 boys 10 and 5 yrs old. live in wenatchee wa, ski at cresent bar columbia river. have not been at a turny in two yrs hate ZO off and not much extra time!!! I did ski c-3 two week ago and liked it skied well so be may I'm getting used to it finaly. work for Head skis as a sales rep service 5 states ak wa or id mt. ski a 67 strada reflex front boot animal rear. pb 4@-38 tpb 1@-38 34mph. wife skis the coarse for fun -15 32mph kids are still not water skiing, they love to snow ski. so I hope soon they will get the bug like dad.I have learn and got many good ideas from this site! thanks JH!\ think short Deano
  8. Jody, could I put that in my 1990 sn? Â thanks for your expert advise. Deano
  9. Thanger do you have the gt-40 moter in your boat  I want to get a new older boat I can put zo in. is 2002 the last yr you do this to? using a old 1990 sn still runs and pulls strong 560hr on it thanks for the help Deano
  10. I hope some one comes out with something, so us poor skiers can practice behide zo in older boots..
  11. Jumpers did not like the zo system until they put a switch in. with the switch it can respond faster. all the jumpers I know love the zo system. thats all the slalom zo system needs a switch seems so simple. Deano
  12. I have a g-10 plate that has been covered in carbon one sheet top and bottom. Then I bolt the boots directly to the carbon/g-10 plate. it nice have the same spacing when you try new skis. I have the the front fixed and the rest of the 8 inserts are sloted so the plate flexs. I believe it also beefs up the tortional stiff of the ski having the Boots on a 1 piece plate.  ski swap time winter for summer! Deano
  13. just bend your front ankle !!  TG told me that yrs ago works great! the ankle keeps you centered. DeanoÂ
  14. connelly new hard shells are fogmans cats out of the bag!!! Reflex fb animal or willey rear is my vote for best setup!!Â
  15. Jody, can I put zo in a 2001-205 196sn  looking for a newer boat that I can put zo in the big question is The boat just needs to have a 350 chevy motor? for zo to work? Thanks Deano
  16. skibug move your fin forward aliitle. it will give you less tail side on the off side and will carry more speed for a faster onside. .003 forward then move ,003 agian if needed Deano
  17. Reflex rules!!! animal or wiley rear
  18. Jamman leave the bingings at 29.50 and move the fin back to help the off side, I was having the same problem then went to 74.5 dft head 2.500 6.853 tips fin back gives you more tail slide on the offside. bindings forward does not work well for most short line skiers. have you been skiing CB much?? DeanoÂ
  19. 67 strada  29 .5 fb reflex, animal rear 17.25  2.500 6.853 74.5 the ski is fast moving the fin back helped it setlle in at short line Deano
  20. Rich, im in AK working home in two weeks ,I did go home for 4 days two weeks ago skied 4 days in a row ran back to back -35 every day after not skiing in 20 days. the 67 strada is working well for me best ski setup I have ever been on.  Period!   Turny's are not for me right now young kids jobs ect. and Forken ZO sucks I'm sorry I ski like sh#t with ZO I know some peolpe love it < thats cool !!!   I do not like it. I may do The Tate lake turny? or go to AZ for the oct turny with Mb and TG. PS    I believe every time you ski it counts!! Ski short Deano
  21. pretty close to stock 6'2" 185lbs -35  29 1/2 fb   2.500 6.853 tips 74.7 dft head i had a hard time with the ski until I moved the fin back. since then I have not missed a -35 Deano
  22. 67 strada it ripping !!! 29 .50 fb reflex   2.500 6.853 74.5 9 down   I have been in AK working for 4 1/2 weeks came home for 3 days, skied two sets ran back to -35 sunday and monday, now back to AK for 4 more weeks, then ski time.   I will try to talk the wife into taking a arizona ski trip this fall. oct  I wish I was home I would go to reginals I'm skiing better than I have ever skied! this ski is a Keeper!!! I may get a back up!  I still have a back up MPD down stairs, Time to sell it!!! and get a back up Strada. think short Deano
  23. Deanoski


    zo off drove me away from the turys, and few other I know.  I just ski for fun run -35 34mph  pb 3@38 zo has not been not good for the sport period!!!! Deano
  24. working in k-town for 6 weeks anyone ski up in k-town?    TW do you know anyone??? Deano durenski@charter.net
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