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Everything posted by lpskier

  1. Is anyone on the BOS forum skiing in collegiate All Stars, or have children skiing in All Stars next weekend? My daughter is going. War Eagle!
  2. Depends on how you define "not started." I have skied a bunch in the south, a couple sets out west, and about 10 open water sets at home, but my boat is still hanging in the boathouse and we are a good two weeks away from having a slalom course. Ironically, the ice went out five weeks ago and I have already moved into the lake house for the summer.
  3. I recently had the privilege of skiing at Cheyenne Lake in Newberry Springs, Ca. It is a great skiing lake and one of the prettiest ski sites I have ever seen. They apparently have lots of tournaments, meanIng we can ski there without being shameless moochers. I encourage you to mail in your entries now!
  4. If the president is speaking without a mandate from the association, he is giving his personal opinion. Make sure you challenge him or her on the point. See if you can get the meeting minutes from the last two or three years of Association meetings to see if there is any discussion of your slalom course. If there is, the minutes will tell you where you need to focus your arguments. If it is not in the minutes, el presidente is speaking for himself, not the association. Also, I would stress the family aspects of water skiing.
  5. Just returned home from a Florida ski weekend (Thanks @Brent!). LOVED the new Prophecy. With my settings from my 2009 Prophecy, I had a much tighter turning radius and more ski speed. Great ski!
  6. Dave's Pond in Eire Pa. is one of the nicest ski lakes in the East. It would be a weekend site for you, but well the trip. Most of the club members are from Pburgh.
  7. Tell Lou and Eddie I said HI.
  8. I think the answer here depends to some degree on your age and level of fitness. Particularly as you age, rest is very important. You can't improve or score at tournaments if you are tired. The stronger you are at the start of the season, the more you can ski effectively. That said, I average five or six days a week, depending on the weather, one set in the morning, eight to ten passes. I might free ski in the evening if someone drops by and wants to go. At that time of day, however, i would rather go paddle or fish. Then tournaments most weekends mid June to mid October (love the fall records in the South!)
  9. For the record, I in no way resemble Chewbacka.
  10. Okay, this is the best advice you will get for your trip. It is an hour drive each way, but well worth it. Thai Thai Sushi Bar, 525 S. Park Ave., Winter Park, FL. Go your first night. That way you can decide to go every night and you won't be bummed out you missed a great meal. The soft shell crab appetizer is outstanding.
  11. @skiinxs Were you required to lay off the elbow after the injections? In other words, if I had an injection now, would I have to take time off while the elbow healed? Second question: Any problems with your insurance company? Thanks!
  12. In over forty years of southern skiing, I have never heard a credible story of a skier being "attacked" by a gator or bitten by a snake. There is the old wives tale of the skier falling into the moccasin nest, but that story, as far as I know, is BS. Also, snakes can't lunge at you to bite in the water. On the other hand, I would not let a small dog or a child play in the water near weeds. I've skied at Cory's several times and never seen anything wilder than Regina. I take that back... I've seen Jody there.
  13. I have tried and implemented just about all of the above, plus new rope twice a season to avoid overly stiff mainlines. Still have golfer's elbow pretty bad. Cortisone works for me, so I will probably get a shot as I get closer to June, but what I am thinking about right now is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Has anyone tried it? @Brent, what does your wife think? @Nater: What did you change in your ski set up that helped?
  14. I apply vitamin E liquid (from capsules) directly to the open blister morning and night. I keep a small tube of Neosporin in my pocket and apply as often as I can think of it. You are healed up in a few days. When I have a blister, I open it to start the healing process ASAP. I too clip off all torn skin using nail clippers. It is important to remove all torn skin. I use a pumas stone, not sand paper, and keep the calluses shaved down to reduce the likelihood of tearing. If your hands are sore, switch handles (i.e. use a different shape and/or diameter) for a few sets. Finally, if you have a tear and want to keep skiing, you can use what I call Pussy Palms, (Overton's calls them Hand Guard Protectors). They really help when your hands are trashed. http://search.overtons.com/?Ns=p_image_sort|1||p_purchased|1&cname=Gloves&Ne=1000&N=2891
  15. Perhaps the better question is what does Horton plan to ski on this year?
  16. @Texas6 Don't use zip ties. Use small diameter bungie cord and lace your safety device to your handle. No fray.
  17. lpskier


    @AB The problem I have with the chain saw / lawn mower cue is the "choke"!
  18. lpskier


    Seth is a tough act to follow, but a trick I learned was to take my releasing hand and "check my wallet", i.e. free hand to corresponding butt check with a reasonably straight arm. This has the effect (at least for me) of not only countering my shoulders, but initiating the turn with and rotating my hips while at the same time keeping my head up. If you have first dropped your head and shoulders, you can't counter, and the fact that you are reaching further to check your wallet is the confirmation that you are out of position. After you do it correctly for a while, you will counter naturally and and can just stop thinking about the cue. The beauty of the cue is that you don't have to think about what to do with all three body parts individually (head, shoulders and hips). All you have to remember is to "check your wallet." Seth, I'd love to hear your feedback on this.
  19. I have to say that a "closed" discussion is kind of like a bad car accident. You know there is carnage that you really don't want to see, but you just can't help slowing down and gawking as you pass by.
  20. Voted. I caught an edge like that once...
  21. I pretty much agree with Than, except I may go to -32 free skiing sooner than he does, and I try to free ski a lot of -35, -38 and -39 (although -39 and I aren't well acquainted in the course; we don't often see one another and when we do it isn't usually very good for either of us. Come to think of it, I didn't get along very well with -38 last year, either). I never slow the boat down until I start working on -38 in the course, although there always are exceptions to every rule.
  22. @Onside135 Onside135 Where are you now?
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