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Everything posted by lpskier

  1. I am accompanying my wife on a business trip to Las Vegas in late April. I have zero interest in the bars, casinos, strip clubs, firing ranges, etc. Especially golf. I'd like to do something athletic while I am there. Any suggestions? Ski sites anywhere nearby? Tennis anyone?
  2. @Jody: That ski kinda looks like a gator.
  3. I, too, am a solid Lucky fan. He may not be the world's greatest communicator, but he knows what he is talking about and he knows how to make you a better skier. Going to Lucky is not for the faint of heart; it is not for the skier who wants to get better; it is for the skier who is determined to get better. He may give you a hard time, but I believe only for two reasons: 1) He wants you to improve; and 2) He thinks it will motivate you to improve. Lucky's coach was Jim McCormick, and, speaking from experience, Jim could be pretty tough as well.
  4. I was in my course one morning (which also happens to be a floater) when some crunchy granola looking types paddled toward me in their kayaks. I figured "Here it comes, some tree hugger is going to yell at me for causing global warming with my ski boat." The male of the two got about five feet from me, and asked if I would pull him skiing for $20. They spent the next hour with us, and it turned out we had several friends in common from the neighboring state of Vermont. You just never know...
  5. I pick Parish. He is the most duplicatable skier out there, and his style stands the test of time, both in terms of how long it has been around and how long the skiers that ski that style are able to last in the sport without back problems. Every turn is the same, whether it is 35 or 41, 1,3,5, or 2,4. CP's results speak for themselves. I think April's style is similar, and Regina's, too. Regina just has to make for height (compared to, say, Jennifer Leachman LaP) by being scrappy as hell. But I don't think she could scrap like she does without a Parish-like "traditional" style (shoulders back, hips forward, ski in front) to build from.
  6. @Brent: Dr. Dejourdy in Plattsburgh is my guy. Email or text me if you would like his contact info. He is great, but I'm not sure how your insurance will work. As I understand it, the universal coverage/single payer Canadian Health Care system has resulted in inordinate delays and other difficulties in getting non-emergency insured treatment. True? I fear we can look forward to similar "progressive health benefits" in the future here in the U.S. of A. Looking forward to Jack's in April. Tomorrow is my last day down here this trip.
  7. @Brent: Dr. Dejourdy in Plattsburgh is my guy. Email or text me if you would like his contact info. He is great, but I'm not sure how your insurance will work. As I understand it, the universal coverage/single payer Canadian Health Care system has resulted in inordinate delays and other difficulties in getting non-emergency insured treatment. True? I fear we can look forward to similar "progressive health benefits" in the future here in the U.S. of A. Looking forward to Jack's in April. Tomorrow is my last day down here this trip.
  8. Further update: With three in the boat, there is a slight bump at 22, similar to the Malibu but still noticeably improved over older MC hulls.
  9. Further update: With three in the boat, there is a slight bump at 22, similar to the Malibu but still noticeably improved over older MC hulls.
  10. @rwskier Is that uninsured and under insured?
  11. Stillwater Lakes in Palm Bay, Fl. MS, it was a bit cccccchilly in Florida this weekend!
  12. I am skiing this week behind a brand spanking new 2012 ProStar. I am happy to report that the 22 off ankle breaker has been mysteriously corrected. I am told that the hull is unchanged but that the engine is new. I don't know if it is the drive shaft angle or what, but the boat is wonderful at 22, 28 and 32. I also skied behind the Malibu that Regina set her record on last fall. Sadly, I did not run my 39.
  13. I really like Zero Off and I would be really pissed if they eliminated C3. For me, that would be a big step in the wrong direction.
  14. @thompjs The other half of that equation is the skier not turning in to the boat when he drops.
  15. You are very close. "If you aren't bleeding, you aren't having fun." It is our family motto.
  16. Well, it does segue into a legitimate topic, to wit, what do we aging slalom skiers use to manage pain. Tylonal etc., is a given. Anything else? I have had cortisone in both shoulders, both elbows, and in my back. I regularly go to the chiropractor. I do a ton of core work. And I still hurt. I have a prescription for hydrocodone and it works great, but the second day after I have taken it, I can't think straight. So I avoid it until I am desperate. Other solutions?
  17. I have skied at Corey the last three springs. If you are a three event skier, you can't do any better. If you are a slalom only skier, you may be able to get better coaching somewhere else, but I am a level 8 skier and have been nothing but fully satisfied. One key to getting out of ski school what you are hoping to get out of ski school is to tell them up front what you are trying to accomplish. And don't forget that it is your job to show up fit enough to ski enough to ski long and hard enough to accomplish something. Hint: If you spend the whole week working on your gate, someone thinks you are out of shape. By the way, one of the things I like best about Cory's is that there are a lot of very good junior skiers there. In my mind, it is a lot cooler to hang out with the juniors (the up and coming heart and soul of the sport) than a bunch of old guys from New York. BTW, I am 55. And from NY. Go Giants!
  18. You missed a little ironic metaphor there, fellows. Think bigger picture. ;-)
  19. Isn't it only fair for us, the wealthier group (there are more of us paying dues) to subsidize the less wealthy groups, to support the programs they need, and to provided access to the insurance they need but can't afford, or would choose not to buy for themselves?
  20. I pulled a wake boarder last weekend who "skinned" it. I thought he was nuts, and I was in Alabama! In fact, after I was done pulling him, I didn't even want to ski.
  21. That's pretty eye opening, isn't it. AWSA has twice the clout with the other groups merged in. Hydrofoil has 168 times the clout. I am surprised that the wake board number is as small as it is and that the show ski number is as big as it is. If we bail, we should take the show skiers with us.
  22. That would be "the folks that do not understand.."
  23. Well, that is the problem. You and I may understand it, but the folks that do and hold on to stuff they shouldn't are the ones that will get hurt. I have read and am reasonably sure I understand most of the rules. Before I became interested in becoming a judge, I had never read the rule book. I suspect that the vast majority of tournament skiers have not.
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