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Everything posted by mrpreuss

  1. bingo..... with lack of speed and too much or xtra load late A more "countered/rotated" position allows the knees to work more independently of the upper body too
  2. That sounds great Dave, Text me with your # and I'll be in touch the week of the 18th 404-444-0304
  3. I don't see the Little Mountain Ski club on the map 5025 S NC 16 Highway Maiden , NC 28650 Address from the southern regional guide
  4. Hey Ballers, I will be working on a project in Charlotte, NC from Monday the 18th for 4-6 weeks. I would love to ski during the week during that time. Great driver, decent skier and will help with anything. Post, PM me or call or text at Chris 404-444-0304
  5. Great skiing! He is the only skier to get past the #1 buoy in a long time...
  6. It's the first time I've noticed how high up on the boat Nate gets in the pull out for the gates. It looks like that helps to allow him more room and time to accelerate with more speed carried in from there VS instead of load from the boat later....
  7. Correction on previous thought of recess there is a slight curve in the tail behind the rudder, NO recess the first pic is behind rudder to center of back the second is behind rudder to the side of the rudder, trere is a curve in the tail NO recess
  8. Best release system for safety I've ever seen. Great stuff Lots of torn achilles tendon tears from this type of ski catching the water that way
  9. There is a recess up into the hull on mine, anyone know if it's the same hull 99-00? I thought it's the same hull as the 2015 LXR
  10. There is a recess up into the hull behind the rudder for sure
  11. Unsure on the offset I never really looked at it. This boat is the tightest smoothest boat I have ever driven or been in. She drives like a brand new luxury car. If you want the specs on the recess or offset and or better pics let me know. I think the hull on our boats is the same as the 2015 LXR. My favorite slalom boat for sure.
  12. my recommendation is based on your profile picture this is usually done by strong/powerful transition/edge change sometimes referred to as handle control, first with 2 hands and then continues with one.
  13. Study the physical position of your on side turn (the reason it's better) and do more approaching the buoy into your off side to get into a similar position. (more handle control and better off side counter rotation is a good place to start) (weight to the inside of the ski/ass over the buoy) look at your profile pic vs Joel Howley to the left of you above
  14. Run PP classic on + or ++ and use a switch set at PX 20-40 closest pull to ZO and all RPM based, no weird stuff with PP GPS
  15. I'm with Horton, ski more works for me...
  16. one thing that helps me is to step on a scale EVERY morning Great advice to most is to NEVER buy larger pants. That's an indication you are going the wrong direction for sure
  17. I don't like the look or feel 60" up is necessary, will 18-24" do the job? If so do that. Some on my lake have what you are considering and I think it's awful. One has rocks just where the waves hit. It looks great and has been in the longest with no erosion.
  18. . At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is did I eat too much? If you did, you will NOT lose weight. Metabolism is not easily manipulated. Starvation mode/eat more to turn it up? Paperwork, charts food scales? too much work for the busy American. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight. Good luck!!!! My 39 lb daughter eats more than I do.... Hard to imagine how little you need to eat and once you get going. For me, I'm never hungry.
  19. . I'm super exited to hear your experience and thoughts on these. I don't ski enough to try different skis or even settings. Thanks for your reviews
  20. How much you eat determines your weight. If your stomachs not flat you are eating too much. Ever watch Survivor or Naked and afraid? They loose 20-30 lbs in couple of weeks.... You CANNOT, NO WAY, CANNOT out run, ride,swim,ski,lift,elliptical,pull,press,row,push,bike,curl your mouth... The fork always wins the race. ,
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