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Everything posted by santangelo

  1. I'm on my 4th Carbon Pro. Every year has driven better due to minor modifications in the set-up from the factory. They have been fine tuning the steering characteristics since 2012. The 11/12 boats had the rudder offset. When they put the runner in-line with the shaft, it was much better and they've made other adjustments since then. If you have a 13 or later boat and it doesn't drive well, theres some tuning you probably need to do to make it better. My 17 is @Roger 's favorite boat to drive. It's just plain fun since you can feel the skier better than the other boats. Yes, it pivots a bit like old school boats, but its very controllable and predictable. Regarding the pull, I get the most positive comments from the longer line/slower skiers as the wake is very good there. Agree with many here...everyone want's a less expensive boat. The CP is considerably less. Has the same engine as the CC without all the extra's that jack up the price and as good if not better wakes over all the line lengths. It's built for skiing. That's what it does best. Mine is available to test drive/ski in South Florida for anyone interested. Paul
  2. @savaiusini , thank you. @braindamage , I'll add later today .
  3. @braindamage , I have 459 settings in the database, but unfortunately, not that one. I'll check with @savaiusini and see if he has any documentation on older settings.
  4. @Sxr_nathan , not a problem...I'll extend the range in the next release. @skibrain , check your spam/junk folder. I'll PM you and send an access code. @Bdecker , thanks. Hope to make it better in the future...been a bit busy so haven't been able to spend time making improvements. @SRAY1 , I'll consider it for a future release. Do you use centimeters for both fin and binding dimensions?
  5. @C5Quest , yes, name it whatever you want so you don't confuse it with other ski's in your list. I may build a feature that removes it from your view, but I don't plan to delete any ski's or settings. Next release may be in a few weeks. Working on it today since Irma has us all stranded down here. No prob @savaiusini . Thanks for reaching out to me. Paul
  6. @DanE , you are correct for the ARC S. I had some older documentation where it had DFT in both Flat and Needle measurements. I went with needle. So right now I seem to have a mix of both needle and flat in there. I'll review all the numbers and confirm with Crawford that what I have is correct and change accordingly. @C5Quest , when logged in, you can not delete a ski. I haven't built that feature yet, and not sure I will. I added the 'Rename' feature to help accommodate the desire to delete. @Wish , you can edit notes of the existing ski settings only, accessible from the icon in the top right. You can not add notes for settings in your history, if thats what you are referring to. I actually had a need for it this weekend, so I'm considering adding notes to previously entered settings. @PhilSymo , I couldn't find any T2 settings on the Mapple website. I sent them an email request those settings for all sizes and years. Thanks, Paul
  7. Thanks @skialex , I've updated. Let me know if you see any others. Paul
  8. @skialex , which mid? I pulled all numbers from here. Can you clarify...I'd like to correct. Thanks, Paul
  9. V 1.0.3 is currently available on Google Play for Android. Hopefully will be available within 24 hours on iTunes Store for IOS. @sfriis , I've added Denmark to the list. If you're on IOS, please wait until the V 1.0.3 version is available.
  10. I've identified a bug in the software (thanks to a user for informing me) for the latest release (V 1.0.2) which was released on July 27/28. The bug only affects first time users and they will not be able to fully log in. If you've already had an account and logged in successfully, you should not be impacted. I hope to get a fix up today. Should be available for Android later today and IOS tomorrow. @sfriis it's available in 18 countries. What country are you located in?
  11. @smalor , there is currently no ability to delete a ski. I may offer the ability to remove it from view in a future release, but doubt I'll create a feature to delete a ski. Also, no plans to add a second depth measurement. I'd like to keep this app as simple as possible and not head down the road of 'feature creep'. Thanks @bkreis ...good luck at Nats!
  12. Currently available for Android and should be available for IOS late today/tomorrow. finDB for Android Ability to add notes and water temperature for each ski set-up Added LE (leading edge) and B-LE (Binding to Leading Edge) calculation to settings Metric for other members using the same brand and model ski Minor bug fixes I'll be adding D3 NRG settings to the database today. Any other new skis that need to be added? As usual, let me know of any bugs you find. Paul
  13. @Bill22 , nope...after my time. We had a cheap Craftsman there. Not good.
  14. As @disland says, West Palm Beach. 5 purpose built lakes with year round skiing. Bring boat and pay less than $100 for a county permit and you're good...or ski with someone that has a boat already.
  15. IOS version approved and available. IOS version 1.0.1
  16. New version available for Android...hopefully IOS will be approved later today. Android Version Updates include: - Ability to rename ski's at anytime on the "My Ski's" screen. Swipe left to rename. - Added ski brand, model, length, year to the "Stock" link on "My Setting's" screen. - Ability to add ski's that do not have stock number available...such as the Denali. - Minor bug fixes. I haven't added the ability to attach notes and other calculations to settings. Working on that for the next release. Paul
  17. Thanks for the info @AdamCord . I've added the 2016 and 2018 skis to the db, but they won't be available until the next app release as the app currently doesn't handle ski's without stock settings. If you have stock settings for these skis, I can update the db now and they will be available immediately. Paul
  18. I never understood why some skiers say they won't ski a tournament until they can make 'x' pass. In my view, those that do not go to tournaments are missing out on an opportunity to accelerate their learning curve. Sitting on the shore/tower and watching the better/technically correct skiers is invaluable. Engaging in conversation about technique is important too and is readily available during tournaments. Go there with the purpose to get better, challenge yourself, and try to learn from those that are more skilled than you. It's an opportunity if you're up for it.
  19. @Wish , can you send me Denali ski models, lengths, and years for all their skis? I see they have 2018 skis on their website, but didn't know if they had previous models. Even if there are no stock settings identified for them. Next release will allow user to select skis even if no stock settings are determined. Thanks, Paul
  20. Looking to hear some feedback on the app and also feature requests. I have a long list of features I'd like to add, but would prefer to prioritize by user needs. @keithh2oskier , that's exactly the kind of information I'd like to have in the app. I haven't read Fin Whispering, but the concepts/calculations are in line with where I'd like this to go. Regarding the range slider to adjust settings, I'd like to hear how well that is working. It's a semi-custom control I built, with the thought that making that feature was one of the most important aspects of the app. Typically, changes are small and the slider tested well when configured correctly and easier to do than typing in new dimensions with the keypad. It is configurable, and I have the length/depth/DFT set to adjust .012 per slide. It likely works better/smoother on wider devices than it does on the narrow devices. I may need to take it down to .008 per slide to work better for all. Thanks for any feedback you may have. Paul
  21. @Mark_Matis ,we received several ski's from the Salma's...I'll need to find out what we did with them. We planned on keeping a few in the club house for collegiate events we plan to host.
  22. @keithh2oskier , so LE is Fin Length plus DFT? Is this something you would want calculated but not editable? @Wish , I looked on Denali website but didn't see any stock settings. Do you know where I can get some?
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