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Everything posted by jayski

  1. @Horton MSRP is not a BS number, it's consistent and usable, an end sale price is not feasible, based on dealer desires, area of country etc...too many factors... and to say MSRP is BS is like saying every one of the prices of the 20,000 plus items I have in my store I have just magically pulled out of my a$$...There is ALWAYS thought into MSRP, one considers customer perception, marketplace, a starting point for dealers...Just because the majority doesn't pay MSRP does not mean it is a BS number. Almost 25 years in retail and in risk of getting a panda you are a smart guy but your off base on that : ) @bigtex2011 we will sit down for burritos and bevy's and I'll explain it you...
  2. So as a site owner/Tourney organizer with that thought a $100 3 rounder is now $130, Florida which charges $150 plus for 2 rounds is now $170+ That will stifle participation numbers Also at $10 a pull of possible income, why would I care about a promo program, Use my own new model year boat and offer it to other tourneys. One could just end the promo program all together with that type of remuneration. (on a side note @Horton your cost per pull $10/$15/$20 just confirms my $100 per hour depreciation coverage in the other thread you thought was too high)
  3. @Horton if I take the MSRP of my new '19 and look at the current market price at 200hrs it works out near exact in the first year, same with my previous new boat, two different brands. Obviously we are all aware that the initial hit is always more hence the sliding scale, but the first 3 years are probably the biggest hit then it starts to level off to a smaller amount. Also in speaking to more than one dealer in the past the consensus on $/hr of going over the 'specified' promo hours was set at $100/hr
  4. @Horton based off what starting point? A purchase price? Which is a fluctuating figure between discounted promo pricing and even actual purchase pricing. Then you have to factor in location of boat, some areas get a higher value than others for used boats by a significant amount even if 'purchase' prices are similar. I think you need to base your calculations on $$/hour but based on age. Due to the fact that one year old promo's sell for 'cheap' per say, retail buyers will take a hit within that first year (no different than a vehicle). In reality the promo program has bastardized the 'newer' used boat market and the new boat market to a point. I think the first year $100/hour is more realistic, then $75 for year two then $50 year three and sliding each subsequent year...based off of MSRP
  5. From a business perspective I think Nautique is on the right path with their promo program, it isn't 100% and could easily be tweaked to create sales and enthusiasm and be super beneficial to Nautique and the dealers. As a site owner and tournament organizer, in a location that is not 'easy' to obtain promo's, all brands are the same, difficult to get and costs money. It's way easier to run my own boat, take the costs of having a promo and factoring that in for the resale cost of the boat when I turn it over for a new one. for @dbutcher question about 'other countries', In Canada there is no promo boat program, any level of tournament is run using the 'clubs' boat, could be 2-3 years old, could be 6...
  6. 1. AWSA needs to stop the implementation of an "age" rule on boats for tournaments, assist the clubs in fiscal expenditures, regulate speed controls and drivers for tolerances not what ship their driving. 2. "Promo" boats should be distributed and handled by the manufacture not the dealers. Dealers/Manufacture/Promo person work hand in hand to create a program to give the boat the most exposure possible to garner sales and drum up enthusiasm for the brand 3. Strategically placed Promo boats geographically with people THAT ARE ENTHUSIASTIC AND CAN REPRESENT. Not people that get a boat for personal reasons and do not assist from a sales aspect. Dropping your boat at a lake Friday and picking up Sunday at a tourney is not proper representation. 4. Promo boats at tournaments are a poor way of selling boats. Promos should be taken to a lake community/club for a day, on the water demo's, let people use it the way they use their current boat. In a tournament, a extremely small percentage get to drive it, most have 8-12 passes behind it, most get to just look at it. Who buys anything of that magnitude in that fashion? 5. Promo people do not own the boat, they 'rent' the boat for their own personal hours (with a gratis hour amount for time, effort and expenses based on area to cover and number of events coordinated) 6. AWSA 'point' system for promos needs to evolve, trying to manoeuvre promo boats to 3 event tournaments because with greater 'points' inhibits the program and not assisting manufactures
  7. @Bruce_Butterfield 2 cases won't get @skidawg very far...might want to reconsider that
  8. $650 and @skidawg @bigtex2011 , Skippy, and I will drive it back to Louisiana and record the whole thing for the first BOS reality show!
  9. @BraceMaker Mayan complex runs perpendicular to the ocean/shore line and regardless of what southerly direction the wind was coming from it was blowin full steam down the course All I am saying is that if I was putting efforts into a lake I would run it parallel with the ocean as I assume winds generally are off the ocean
  10. After the adventure, copious amounts of self help, and basically taking over & running the ski lake at Mayan Watersports complex this winter for a couple weeks with @schafer here's my thoughts for a "lake" by the ocean. If the winds are predominately from the south off the ocean it better have a massive amount of trees and bush to break it up and it better run east/west. Mayan is NOT on the ocean and it has trees all around but runs more or less north/south and that place was not calm, like dam near whitecaps everyday, didn't matter what time you got out there...on a positive note the rough water hid the ridiculous amount of backwash. Also please no offence but if it's run at the speed and effort of how everything else moves in Mexico your customers frustrations will be near epic proportions. Admitting I am a little OCD/hyper so factor that in a bit : )
  11. In reference to @adamhcaldwell statement of "bio-mechanically, it helps our hips to move forward into the so called 'stack' to where our bodies become capable of handling much greater loads" Let's look at it this way, if anyone has ever done any deadlifts the weight 'feels' the 'easiest' to hold at the top of the movement in comparison to any other part. In the deadlilft if we label the barbell as the 'energy' we are trying to move (or hold/resist from gravity?) and use that term to reference the 'energy' we are resisting between skier and boat then what position is most effective? In addition to the "less effort" aspect, it take less effort to hold that weight at the top, load a barbell hold it 3/4's of the way through the movement, feels much harder to maintain than at the top, hence the feeling of "less effort". One can hold MORE in the top position than anywhere else, so in relation to skiing with the standing tall position one can hold more "load" (My reference to "less effort" here is not to be compared/confused with @adamhcaldwell use of it in his post, I am not commenting on creation of energy) Just a different thought process to relate the theory too...
  12. @klindy then all scores on par, works for me too, I pretty much guarantee that the majority of people opposing this thought process WILL start submitting "practice" scores and get on the program. In the end the better skiers will always prevail no matter how they arrive there...
  13. @klindy I love it! Let's start a world online ski league and I will hold the World Championships at Cottonwood this September! Skiers can send their videos in and we will keep an online ranking list! Practice scores can be 50%, 'C' scores 80% and "L/R" scores 100% value or something like that Down to help make it happen!! Lets talk!
  14. Everyone that I know of has been pretty close to factory, one thing that was different is most were downsizing and a move of JUST the rear binding back a bit was helpful to most I had helped set up
  15. @a_bax added workouts or not I think you are already kickin butt! And if it's just scores it won't take you long to achieve that either!
  16. Think they missed a small area that they coulda added more holes and slots
  17. Congrats @DavidN !!! Nice boat!
  18. https://correctcraft.com/correct-craft-acquires-electric-boat-drive-system-pleasurecraft-engine-group-prepares-for-the-future/ https://watershedinnovation.com/
  19. Terrible situation and very sad for the kids, I agree
  20. @The_MS that's not even that far of a walk! You shoulda just stopped @teammalibu house and had a beer!
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