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Everything posted by Sethro

  1. My neighbor has a couple year old decibel vest in size XL...I actually have a little extra room in it when it's wet. I'm 6'5 210ish, not sure on chest measurement but probably about that. I purchased the XXL Eagle vest with additional flotation and it fits perfectly.
  2. I've been out a few times here in NW Illinois. Even got the dock and rails put in during the last week of February. That was a first for February. But then had to winterize the boat again the following week for a few consecutive days of below freezing high temps, with one low for the night at 7 degrees. But Sunday the water cracked 50 degrees (50.6) and my rear foot didn't even get cold in the toe plate...so no looking back now!
  3. I remembered this thread, and see it's still has an open question about Moomba and the current. I didn't quite understand that ZO was adjusting speed based on a set distance until reading this thread again. I always kind of assumed it was adjusting to skier input based on the speed at which it was set, and timing it in the process. So, ZO is adjusting for the current by default as long as it's in a mapped course. Hmmm. We now have two ZO boats and a PP Stargazer boat in the rotation. So trick skiing on the river for us means adjusting for the current and it's a bit of a pain. It's amazing how much the current varies from one spot of the river to the other, and yes it's quite noticeable on the trick ski. I much prefer my boat with the paddlewheel for river skiing.
  4. @UWSkier, I'm with you on the cooler water. I would say low 70's would be ideal for me. It seems over the years my hands hold up very well until the water reaches about 80 degrees. Then they begin to fall apart. There must be a science behind it? I like the air to be about 75-80 if I get to choose.
  5. Didn't have enough time to drop the boat in before darkness arrived, but hoping to dodge the wind and rain forecast for tomorrow and ski after work. I did get the dock and rails in the water tonight after work, which is necessary to get my boat in the water. I've skied a few times in February before, but never have installed my dock in February. Still have some adjusting of the new bumpers to do yet.
  6. Ahhhh, the memories. I started dunking the summer between my freshman and sophomore year in high school as well at 6'1" and topped out 6'5" or so. I could also do most every type of dunk, but I think my favorite was an alley oop in the half court offense or a put back offensive rebound dunk. Something about having all 9 other players on the court in close proximity was more rewarding than a break away. Up until this year I've always dunked at least once per year just to say I can still do it. Sadly, I didn't get it done at age 41 this past year, but only because I didn't try. I know I still can, and probably easier than the last time as I'm 40+ pounds lighter than the last time I dunked a ball. Surprisingly, my neck fusion surgery causes the most limitation as it flat out hurts to extend/land/look up/etc. during the process.
  7. No matter the speed at which we approach a dock, even if it's the perfect speed....someone in our group will typically yell "brace yourself, coming in hot"
  8. There is plenty of room in my size 13-14 vapors for me. I just checked my shoe, and it says 13D which I didn't think was a wide size. I was just "sized" by a running shoe store last spring and came away with that 13D which is the same thing I've been purchasing for the last 30 years.
  9. @Mitzysman....just to clarify a couple of questions you had in an earlier post: The original SV23 hull only became named the SV23 Wake Hull when wakeboarding became so popular. It's still a very capable skiing hull in direct drive configuration. That would be found on the Echelon and Response boats up to 1997, as well as the Sunsetter LX starting in 1995. In 1998 the Response and the Echelons produced that year got the diamond version of the SV23 hull...at least my 98 Echelon has it, though literature will say it's not the diamond hull on the Echelon that year. The Sunsetter LXI you would be interested was produced only through 1999-2004. I've skied two of those boats in the slalom course and it's simply amazing how well they ski for such a big boat. Here is a pic of the diamond hull from my 98 Echelon. It's basically just the sharp, downward turn of the outside chine. The non-diamond hull is pretty much rounded right there.
  10. I agree. I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves here. Give the engine a couple of quick rpm boosts and I bet water flows out of the exhaust.
  11. @WBLskier, I think that's a tad high. Ironically, just had my observer's seat and driver's seat (bottoms only) for my 98 Echelon remade by a guy in California who does skins for older Malibu boats for $350 shipped to IL. I can't imagine the rear seat base would be $1000. That was for the skins only, so add another $80 for the local vinyl guy to install them. He now has the patterns for the 98 Echelon, as I sent him my old observer's seat skin. If you're interested, I'll get you his contact info. They look factory new.
  12. I went through this last summer. My beloved ML ergo handle sank to the bottom of the river in 12' of water when it got flipped in the water while trick skiing. Of course ML was out of stock at the time as there was a problem with the aluminum supplier, and wasn't sure when one would be available. I can't remember his name, but someone from ML said he'd call me when they were going to start making them again...I thought "sure you will" to myself. I decided to try US Gear from all the great product reviews here, despite the negative reviews for customer service. I went online and ordered a rope and handle, seemingly without issue. Of course weeks went by without any order confirmation from US Gear, and the ML guy called me one afternoon and said the aluminum was in and he'd be willing to make my handle if I still wanted one. So I said yes, of course. A few days later I got a mass e-mail from Randy at US Gear stating he had some severe medical issues and he would be trying to catch up on orders. I emailed back explaining I had already purchased one, and he got a little snippy about canceling my order...not too bad though. Basically just saying he didn't understand why I wouldn't want the handle anymore after he was ready to fill my order. I explained again, and even sympathized with medical issues as I understood completely. I also suggested just a simple banner on the web page indicating there would be no response to orders due to a medical issue if something like that happened in the future. Or a voicemail message indicating the same, as I also tried calling numerous times. Moral of the story...put some cheesy floats on your ML handle bridle like I have now and it won't sink. That, and ML really does offer some great customer service.
  13. I've got kids, and the neighbors have animals. Those traps are deadly...though I did set some right before the river froze one year. Literally froze two days after setting it so I didn't get one with the trap.
  14. Ugh, I feel your pain. I had an entire row of upright yews chewed down to nothing a couple of years ago. And a few other minor issues on other trees. This fall a beaver went through my yard, across the road, an into the cornfield to bring cornstalks back down to the river. My neighbor was able to destroy that one, however. I have a standing nuisance permit with the local DNR officer...I just need to let him know if I "get" one. They are elusive creatures, and I've wasted many hours sitting and waiting for the damn beavers to show up. On a side note, my uprights yews are rejuvenated and look better than ever!
  15. It's not a late model Sportster, as it's the same dimensions as the Response LX with difference being walk through open bow instead of the step over open bow.
  16. I just went through this late summer with a new Vapor binding as well. Luckily I was expecting it (from past experience) and just went free skiing the first few sets. Amazing how I could barely turn the ski the first few times as it felt so different from my well used Vapor binding.
  17. Still going here in NW Illinois. But it's anything but warm. And no course. I'm hoping to find a way to get to a warm climate this off season for some skiing.
  18. If you use the same foot forward, you could each have a liner specific for your foot and thus each have a custom fit. With that said, I've purchased two used boots vapor/strada bindings and didn't notice a problem the first few times I used a liner that someone else had been using for an extended period of time.
  19. If anyone was looking for a billet aluminum VR 140, we could likely work out a three-way trade for ski Jay's black one.
  20. I happened upon a used PTM VR-140 for a great price this past summer. I've always said I would never spend $600 for the PTM mirror and bracket, but after having it now I think I would. It's really nice, no doubt. I just wish it could lock half way between fully up and fully down position, but purely for aesthetic reasons I guess.
  21. I'm 6'5" and 210-215lbs on the 69.5" Vapor at 34mph. I don't feel at all like it's too big, but I'd sure like to try the 68" just to see the difference. I also skied a few times out at 32mph nursing bruised ribs and it performed just as well at that speed.
  22. I'm sure many of us have "that guy" in our rotation that we try to avoid having drive in the course. I'm not really proud of it, but we'll go to extremes like asking him to observe instead of drive, race him to the driver's seat, skip a spot in the rotation....etc. And yes, we would try to explain what was detrimental but it never seemed to help. I would never spin at the end because he for some reason refuses to go in a straight line out of the exit gates, and instead dives to the right so the skier sets up for the course coming back in rollers. But, it's better than no driver, and it didn't really cause a missed pass too often anyway. :)
  23. Our engine box is the perfect platform for your 4th event!
  24. On my 98 Echelon, I added a direct 10 gauge wire from the battery to my ground bar under the dash 15 years ago. I had some intermittent grounding issues before that.
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