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Everything posted by colo_skier

  1. Congrats from Paris. Now the good times start.
  2. @skihard Are you going to get a chance to ski with the hardy lads of Scotland? I am in England at the moment but unfortunately don't have a ski!!
  3. @rawly, I am having issues getting the video off of the DVD that it was originally made. I am in England and will not be able to get to the original until after next week. Apparently they used some sort of proprietary burner. The quality is very high but I will need to get permission from the very original recorder before feeling able to post on a web site. I have had lesson from Wim and he is really about keeping everything level. If only I knew how to do it.
  4. Maybe a poll also of how long do you consider you have been skiing and at what age did you start?
  5. @gator1 and @Than_Bogan WOW I am an engineer by employment and I see a thread worthy of the Big Bang Theory. :)
  6. @kfennell Thanks for sharing the vid. A lot of good subtle points in there. Nice to see the improvements it made to your skiing.
  7. Shout out for Robby @Waterskigirl Emailed me this morning, Blue top being sent from Sunset and Modetec coming straight from Camaro rather than waiting for it to get to Sunset and then out to me. Thank you for the great service. Now if only I could make time to get to the lake to ski when it isn't windy!!!!!
  8. Just ordered a blue rash guard and one of those Modetec Skin Pro 0.5 Top's from Sunset Ranch. Hoping the sizing is the same as their full wet suits.
  9. Looks like each ski excursion is going to require Beer and steaks. The steak's are not for John. Congrats @Horton the place looks like it filled up really well and looks like it will be a blast for you to ski at. Wish I had such a set up here. Denver to Bakersfield $49 one way right now. How many Baller coins equals an airline ticket?
  10. That's what @Horton's neighbor used to think they had :). Seems they believe there will be a steady steam of out of state visitors running that new boat all day long.
  11. @kateskier It's not a long walk from the gate to the dock or even @horton's dock to pee off of. @Horton congratulations on all the life changing events and especially second what @6balls said. He is a man of wisdom on the family point. I may just have to find a simple excuse to fly out to California like hey Southwest is only $42 each way and a whole bunch of ballers are going to be out there.
  12. Hate to see anybody spend money when not needed. When you say you took off the water pump I am assuming you mean the engine water pump behind the large silver pulley at the top of the front of the engine versus the impellor pump at the front of the crank pulley. I agree with @Albertos that its something with your water pump. It actually sounds like a loose water pump pully as it goes away just as you let off the revs. Rods and bearings don't usually make that type of external metallic noise if they are bad. Hope you find it prior to paying some one to look.
  13. @MS congrats on getting the 2014 season started.
  14. I know @Horton knows some people that ski at the Newberry lakes. I am not sure to many BOSer's are on here regularly that ski these. If in LA their is also the Quarry and Canyon lakes that are a lot closer. I have been lucky enough to ski with people there. You may want to start a thread asking about skiing So Cal near LA versus just saying Great Lakes in Newberry unless of course that is exactly were you want to ski. Sorry re-read your thread and you say you are going to be at Great Lakes. Have a fantastic time. The skiing should be fantastic.
  15. @MS I work I ski. I am just so grateful that others on this site are so accommodating to allow me to make use of my travelling and getting some skiing in. Now if only I could get better at it. BTW A job and place like yours would be great. Especially the RV shows!!
  16. I was being coached by somebody we all know and respect. He was asking me to accomplish a certain quality to my skiing. After the set and after teaching several others he came and talked to me at lunch and I explained that I was not quite sure that I understood what I was trying to accomplish. He apologized and was upset at himself. The reason was that he considered coaching to be communicating no matter what the topic was. He then explained the concept in a completely different manner and I suddenly got it. Not that I was able to do it really well but I now knew the intent of what I was trying to do. A lot of people have asked what new stuff I learned when I was there. They wanted to know what I had been told I was doing right or doing wrong. To be honest I didn't really come away feeling I had been told do this or don't do that. I was given more subtle hints on what I should try to do to improve my skiing. For me that worked. As has been said before a genuine interest in the skier getting more successful is a given. Bottom line is the coach has to be invested in the results of the students.
  17. @6balls As are you welcome here in Colorado anytime. Looks like you and OTF will be skiing before John. Wish I had a chance to ski at SMRR in Austin but time did not allow it so I didn't take my ski. It's interesting skiing at other sites as you definitely do notice differences in the way the sites "feel". The swamp was as you noted very different than Pine Island and WPB is really different than my home site. Maybe if I was a better skier I would not be affected by the differences as much.
  18. I have to say a sincere thank-you to @richarddoane and Officer friendly for letting me ski with them at the Broho. It is such a fantastic site and if you are lucky enough to get an opportunity to try it you should. I don't ski anywhere as good as the guys their but they were very gracious and slowed the boat and let me use my long rope. I also would like to thank @Horton again for putting BOS together. It has allowed me to ski at places I would never have thought possible and meet people that really are a pleasure to ski with. Now if only I could get better!!! Also only place I have even been to were there is a volcano evacuation route posted.
  19. @kfennell Glad to see the "project" is working well.
  20. @Horton " If you stack is not good or your handle is away from your body at the wakes you are going to ski at the ball no matter where you look." That is one of the best explanations to me of why if I feel my hips are up and at the handle everything just seems to work a whole lot easier.
  21. It's probably a short line dock. Also probably doesn't like the rope being on backwards :)
  22. Any chance we could also add were you ski? I am in mid-state Colorado, Front range side.
  23. Found it I was looking in the wrong country.
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