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Everything posted by Dacon62

  1. Thank you @ScottScott ! Front passenger side engine mount was the location. Love Ball of Spray!
  2. @Jody_Seal the least technical answer from the most qualified...?
  3. 17 Prostar with 5.7. Found this under the tranny today. What is it, where does it belong and if I don’t replace it before using the boat is that a problem?
  4. I liked the location of the Perko Switch and breakers on the old version. Any comments on the new boats location of these items? Electrical connections and breakers close to the bilge water now? The only thing on the new boat that makes me go hmmm??
  5. Prostar will not only give you the best wake at slower speeds and longer line lengths but give you a lot of interior room and superb functionality. Easy choice.
  6. Don’t know about the 3.0 but the 2.0 is nice!
  7. Rudder OK. Hit the top back area where it’s the thickest.
  8. Moved my attachment from outside to inside hole. Like it and all was well until I reversed a bit aggressively at full steering lock to try and clear some weeds out of the prop and the rudder pushed over the full lock from the pressure and chewed up the prop. $#*!. New prop on the way...hope the shaft didn’t take a slight bend!
  9. Thanks @FWinter. So you just use an Allen wrench to turn the tab in/out? Does it stay in the same position even after days of use? Those little screws have a habit of working themselves back or out with constant pressure like would be experienced there. Is the threading fine or is there something that locks it in place. Just trying to understand...thanks for your patience. PS love my 17 PS but this is like mine with a nip/tuck here and some Dow Corning there.
  10. Don't get the rudder tab, hows that work? Are there different tabs of different thicknesses or do you use the trailing screw to adjust the amount of angle of the tab?
  11. Anyone have a pic of the new adjustable rudder and steering cable/tiller connection?
  12. @Jordan you mean throttle goes to 7 o’clock position?
  13. Thicker, better rib protection and floatation, but less comfortable and not as easy to keep arms close to chest to maintain a good pulling position. Thinner, more comfort and better able to keep arms close to the ribs but less protection and worse flotation. Risk/reward dilemma. Go thin, perform better and crash less.
  14. @UWSkier was in your same position 2 years ago...Malibu guy all the way. Have a 17 Prostar and couldn't be happier. After I put a few more years on mine this new Prostar will likely replace it.
  15. Should get a lot of feed back about tracking and wakes Friday/Saturday after the demo day.
  16. Where are the rear seats and how do they fit/work? Nice to see cup holders for the driver and passenger located lower and out of the sun more. Finally a tune-able rudder! Very nice revision.
  17. Go radius. As far as stack I don't know but I look at this more as a body parts longevity issue as I'm well into my 50's. Put your hands straight out in front of you, palms up, an inch or two apart to simulate their distance apart when gripping the handle and notice the natural angle of your hands and the effort it takes to straighten your hands. I know you don't grab the handle both palms up...but you will notice the extra strain on the tendon on the inside of your forearms which means higher risk of tendon issues on your palm up forearm with a straight handle. Why risk it?
  18. You get use to it and it seems to be fairly consistent on my 17. Shows full till you get to approx 1/2 - 1/3 of a tank then dials down fairly quickly.
  19. @BraceMaker Adjustable rudder torque tab would be a welcome addition for sure.
  20. Was there any factory installed speed control available in 2000? My 2001 Response had PP installed aftermarket. Had the Malibu Cruise in my 2008 VTX and it was crap for skiing in the Speed setting. Gassed you on the edge change and slowed down in the turn. Completely out of sync. Was better to use the RPM setting and not the speed setting. That era of Response has a very nice wake for all line lengths.
  21. Well @tru-jack ...let’s get nuts! @Horton how about a free Prostar T to whomever guesses the closest? 1)Made for Prostar Dockstar/Trackstar system to make it track like a train. 2)Adjustable running surface toward the rear to be able to manipulate the wake, adjust attitude, side to side balance, etc. 3)Or an automatic MTS system. 4)???
  22. This area looks like it has been altered as it looks like it narrows far more that the previous version. Wonder what they have tweeked back there? I have a hunch but think it’s a long shot that it was done... Wednesday 3PM E.S.T. Can’t wait.
  23. Wife made me promise to keep our 17 Prostar that we picked up in 2018 for 5 years...arghh!! The countdown begins. Seriously though love the boat don’t know how they can make it much better.
  24. May as well post both deep/short and shallow/long for all sizes if availableThanks.
  25. Just ran my 17 on a fake a lake. Takes a while for the water to get out to the exhaust and is a bit of a nail biter waiting. As long as the fake a lake is oriented correctly, sealed tight and the shut off before the weed screener is in the open position it should work!?
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