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Everything posted by dbutcher

  1. When you click on your name in the AWSA rankings list, it shows your expiration date is 8/9/22. If you haven't done Safe Sport, perhaps you are considered "inactive" since 1/10/22. I'm not sure where you found the date 1/10/22 on AWSA's web site, but I've heard there are some problems with the website of late. But I have no personal knowledge.
  2. There are good people at the ski school too. I wish I could go.
  3. dbutcher

    H@LY SH!T!

    It's kind of impressive to me that the safety chains held. Also, the tow vehicle appears to have gone through the median guard rail without overturning. The trailer wasn't that fortunate. I have never seen a drawbar that appears to have been solid or filled with something. Of course I've never seen an aluminum drawbar before so I wonder if that is typical of aluminum drawbars. I know I will never buy one that is filled or is solid aluminum.
  4. Unsanctioned tournaments can be fun too.
  5. Is Margaret Ann still skiing? She apparently hasn't skied any tournaments in a while.
  6. Tri-Lakes in Zachary, LA (just north of Baton Rouge), home of Bennett's Ski School, is probably your best bet. There is a private lake near Covington, but I don't know a contact or how active it is now. There is also a private lake on the south side of I-12 in Slidell for which I do not have a contact. I don't know how active it is either. I am almost positive there is no slalom course anymore on the Bogue Falaya River.
  7. I know it's probably not practical to buy a different trailer, but Ramlin makes (or did) a trailer designed for the 200. It works for me on any angle ramp - put the trailer in deep and drive the boat on until it gently hits the bow stops. No problems in over six years launching and loading 4 times a week in the summer.
  8. @klindy That is good news, but how does one know that it is actually true? And, if so, how is ERCOT doing it, Texas being such an oil and gas state?
  9. Unless the electricity generated to run our future cars, trucks, and boats is produced exclusively by wind and/or solar energy, how much emissions will really be saved???
  10. @ALPJr What size C85 is your friend on, what does he weigh, and what line lengths does he ski? Thanks.
  11. 2 quarts is right on a 200 if you get all the old out. Pump it out when the oil is warm. When you refill, do not overfill. I change my transmission fluid every 50 hours. If one does not use a boat 50 hours a year, the fluid should be changed once a year anyway.
  12. I use a metal line such as a brake line (as opposed to a flexible rubber line) on my electric drill pump. That way I am certain I get to the bottom of the transmission case and get as much of the old transmission fluid as possible out. A slight angle at the end of that line allows the line to touch the casing without getting suction locked on the bottom of the case.
  13. Does anyone else remember the adjustable brake? I think it was by EP Skis. There was a dial on the top of the fin which allowed you to change the wing angle after each pass (if you wanted to). I guess it was legal. It didn't move while the ski was in motion, but you could choose to add wing angle for faster speeds or shorter line lengths. It didn't survive - I don't know why.
  14. If we really want to participate in ski tournaments, we are going to do the Safe Sport thing. It's like paying taxes. Nobody wants to, but we all have to - or suffer the consequences. Writing and complaining about Safe Sport changes nothing and has caused much irritation amongst good people. I'd rather not have to take the training, but I will because I want to remain active in AWSA competition. This thread is much ado about nothing.
  15. Someone mentioned that there may have been a design change in manifolds that hopefully eliminates this leak problem. If so, when, ie what model year would have the new design? I have a 2015 with 500 hours so I am wondering if I have leaking manifolds to look forward to. If one manifold costs $2,800 plus labor and miscellaneous other parts and both manifolds are likely to go, how much does a whole new engine cost? Are complete new engines available quicker than new manifolds?
  16. During the class C parts of a C, L, R tournament, you can bet that some. if not many, of the L,R standards are not used. Only class C standards are used to give people (judges and technical people), a break.
  17. @swbca Please don't do underwater course work by yourself. Then you don't have to have a front zipper.
  18. It's not 1/2, but could it be a legitimate 1/4?
  19. If there was legal error by the trial court, the defendants have a chance for some relief on appeal. Appellate courts are less likely to adjust damages because the jury saw the damages evidence and heard the damages testimony. The appellate court only has a trial transcript to read (I think). I am curious about settlement efforts, if any, by defendants prior to trial. Every case with damages of this magnitude has settlement value even with questionable liability. Defendants or their attorneys and insurers had to know that. But, even settlement value would be difficult to estimate. The jury had no problem calculating damages however, or so it appears. It is a tragic case for all involved. Settlement value has gone up post trial, but how much? Plaintiffs are in the driver's seat now more than before trial based upon the available, very incomplete information.
  20. @Cent Now that I think about it, the Camaro Black Tec must have a zipper. It almost has to have to get it on - I'll go look at it tomorrow if I can find it. It's still summer here in Texas.
  21. The best full wetsuit I have ever had is a Camaro Black Tec 1.5. It is flexible - completely non restrictive - and warm. It allows a thin film of water to come in between the suit and your skin. That film warms rapidly to your body temp. It has no zippers. It is a little fragile. I have torn and patched mine. I can't remember what I used to patch it with - perhaps silicone - but it worked. The suit is soft to the touch and quite form fitting to your body shape. It is almost equal to a drysuit. Some prefer it to a drysuit.
  22. Lefty, I am going to send you a private message. There are some things to watch out for. I don't have first hand knowledge so I hesitate to publicly post.
  23. In my experience on many boats the rooster tail and maybe the wake are more challenging at 22 off than at 15 off. When you feel like you are hitting a brick wall, you may be losing some of your aggressiveness and going flat. That's when you have to be more aggressive and attack the wake on a good strong edge. Getting wide (high on boat) on your pullout at the right time becomes more important as the line gets shorter. Just my opinion. Others may have different ideas.
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