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Everything posted by ntx

  1. Wait..... I thought he was focused on his slalom
  2. ntx

    Mastercraft IPO

    If I remember correctly when malibu went public about a year ago, it was offered at 17.00. It has gotten has high as 24. Currently In the 19 to 21 range. It will be interesting to see what mastercraft starts at.
  3. @MISkier looks like only 1.5 at - 32 for Freddy. I have not seen the 246. Dodd did post a 241
  4. My guess is that is owned by a former collage skier
  5. All I know is what is posted in the score book. Look for yourself.
  6. Freddy slalom scores from weekend in Fl. NO joke. 3@35 & 4.5@32 NO jump score.
  7. I hear that is the ski Freddy is on.
  8. My guess for the stars and strips is 77-79. The 80 had a three sided windshield.
  9. @ShaneH why do you think you got burned out? What were you expecting to achieve from your skiing? Did you achieve it? If not, did you get burned out because of that? Why are you not having "fun" anymore? What can a tournament host do to change that? I know the tournaments that you ski are generally slalom only. Why are they not fulfilling anymore? All of the answers will help sites to plan for Shane's fun and retain you as a tournament skier. Tell us what needs to be done. It can't just be more rounds and slalom only. You do that now.
  10. Lower to class C only if the requirements for some of the elite tournaments remove the class ELR score requirement. For example..... Now, in order to qualify for some Jr tournaments like team trials and Jr US Open, you need to submit scores from class ELR. Outside of Florida there are not a ton of that type of tournaments.
  11. It is starting to make sense. It is only fun if you win. Silly me. All this time I thought that mentality only existed in the younger generation we have. I guess it has also crept into middle age. The bottom line is that you can set up and run your tournament just about any way you want. If you want to have a 22 off group, fine do it. If you want three rounds slalom only, fine do it. Three events fine. Do it. There are plenty of slalom only tournament out there. I don't see how a new organization will do any good. In the big dawg beginning, there was a big buzz about it. It filled up fast. Now it looks like it is starting to loss some of it's sex appeal. Events are still filling up, but with lower rated skiers filling spots 30 - 50. You still get the same top 20-30 but the lower half looks like it is turning over. The lower ranked guys don't win so they are starting to say "This is no fun" "I'm not winning" I'm not going" It is fun once or twice for the experience but how many that don't make the top 16 ski most of them? @ob said it. "If the rounds don't count, they don't come" So, is it about the fun or the score that needs to count. For me, if I pay to ski a tournament, the score needs to count. I can have fun any day goofing off with friends with old skis or opposite foot slalom or wrong side start or trick ski slalom or...... If I pay for a tournament I need the scores to count. The fun stuff can happen post event at the host site discretion, whatever that may be. For some sites it might be adult beverages. For others a pizza party for the kids. It depends on the event and the skiers involved.
  12. @GregDavis that sounds like a big dawg event.
  13. That's a picture of what they carried onto the podium. Not necessarily what they skied on. Several years ago, a pro in a rush to get to the podium grabbed one of my sons skis for a photo op. I had to laugh at the sigh of relief he had when after a few seconds of cameras going off when he looked at the ski knowing that the brand was correct but thankful of the huge mastercraft sticker proudly displayed.
  14. Are you guys ever happy. Everyone complains when there is no web cast.... And when there are commercials. Go to Australia and watch live. I am happy to see any web cast at all. Thanks for what ever they send over.
  15. Is that the one that was listed just under 40,000?? We paid 5,000 under that for one new in 2009. People are asking and paying crazy money for them.
  16. @MS 15 state champs!! I think that worse than a D1/D2 national champ. It all does come back to skiing. GO STARS.
  17. @bananaron I think Canada is really hockey town.
  18. @bananaron pretty sure if you ask anyone that follows the NHL " where is hockey town" the response will be Detroit. Minnesota is not a town. If you want to promote it as " hockey state" go for it, but leave hockey town to Detroit. One of the few good things left there. GO STARS. Ohhh I forgot they left Minnesota. What a great hockey state. Lol. Way to support your team.
  19. @skierjp be careful. That works fine for MM slalom. What do you do with the ultra high end b3/g3 who have a open rateing? Samantha and Taylor have to ski against Regina and Nate? More power to them if they choose to, but they should not be forced to. How do you handle a overall skier like someone like Dane Mechler? Open level slalom but level eight trick and jump. Should he have to ski open overall with Siemers? I am not sure that Dane skied overall last year but you get my point.
  20. @waterskispreads‌ Eller is in the south also, correct???? Looks to me like the South has greater numbers than any other region.
  21. I wonder if @rivvy will take advantage of the 50.00 set option? How bad do you REALLY want to ski?
  22. @waterskispreads I am the dad of a level 9 overall skier. He has been to every Nationals since 2004. PLEASE DO NOT move to the Labor Day weekend. I know that this has been discussed in the past. The holidays give us a break from skiing that otherwise consumes our life. Plus, the cost to travel and lodge get inflated on holidays.
  23. Something to keep in mind. With the newer bigger boats without a bigger motor 36MPH can be a challenge in less than 2000 feet. What worked with a nautique 196 does not work with the 200. The same can be said about the pro star. We are at 2150 feet. Straight in with a 200 at 36 and three people in the boat you are not to speed at the 55's. With two people in the boat barely by the 55's 1800 will require a spin.
  24. I hear that there is a group appointed to come up with another idea to submit.
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