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Everything posted by ntx

  1. @LeonL if you look at the top of the ranking list for m3/m5 slalom you will see om/ mm. that is a open with a 34 mph score
  2. So you can ski 5@-32 off at 36mph and it will score as 5@ -32 off at 34. Yep , that's what I want to do.
  3. @MISkier Unless you hold a Open rank, you can not ski open at regional or nationals. Not sure about what you can do in a class C. A open rank in tricks will not get you a pass into open in slalom. You can get a open overall but most of those skiers have a open rank in at least one event and usually two.
  4. I wonder if the ranking list (easy access to scores from around the country) is hurting the numbers at nationals. Prior to the list, you had no knowledge of your standing against others across the nation. You had to go to nationals to see who was the best. Now you get updated standings after each tournament. If you know you are 40th ranked are you likely to go ski?? As I understand it, part of the goal of the list was to increase local participation by adding a penalty to skiers with fewer than three tournament (2 in some cases) I am not sure if that is working or not. Locally for us, it looks like most of the tournaments are full. Maybe it is decreasing the numbers at Nationals.
  5. So based on numbers that @klindy posted, is it unrealistic for the sponsors and exhibitors to want 1000 skiers? In the past 25 years the most is only 960. Pretty interesting.
  6. @Than_Bogan Yes, the open men trick and slalom event at the same time was a problem. Sad that it worked out that they had two events to ski within a short time frame.
  7. @mattp keep doing what you are doing then. Hopefully you have better results next year.
  8. @mattP There was no safe place to swim out away from the dock to allow the boat to go behind you? That's usually how it is done. If the skier ahead of you falls late in his pass back toward the dock, I understand not being ready. Otherwise, get in the water and swim out to the drop zone. Pretty simple really and a technique that has been in use for many, many years. I guess the dock starter was not doing a good job. Shame on them.
  9. @mattP The first thing I learned when I skied tournaments, was to be ready, IN THE WATER when the boat gets to you. That concept has gotten lost to some degree at some class C, but it is still in use at regionals and Nationals. They are not going to wait for you to get ready. It is on the skier to be ready. As a driver, I hate for the skier to be talking BS on the dock while he is putting his binding on and the boat is ready to go. In my mind it is disrespectfull to the host of the tournament. Maybe the M1 skiers have not learned that yet. Something to think about and learn the next time you ski nationals. Again, at class C it is a little more relaxed but you wont see that at higher end events.
  10. @skidawg @Bruce_Butterfield shots fired. LOL Should be fun next year.
  11. @texas_slalom_trick I think Logan has another year left also in B2
  12. I want a division for skiers that work 60 plus hours a week, has two kids, lives in a state that you can only ski less than 8 months a year, is over both 6 feet 4 inches tall & 300 lbs and has a awesome wife. I think I can be competitive there. I hope my wife does not divorce me...then i don't have a chance.
  13. @aupatking not really cheating. Cale posted it on Facebook about three hours earlier.
  14. @horton I know. Mr Cale Burdick is riding it.
  15. Just starting out I would stay on 72. No need for bigger skis when first riding off the ramp.
  16. My kid was three weeks into a real first job. Even with a boss with a tournament skiing background, he was reluctant to ask for time off. I know he wanted to be there but I am proud of his "big boy" decision to pass on nationals this year.
  17. @Horton Taylor passed on first jump and he was early. Second jump dropped a tip and took a digger. He did not take a third jump. I am not sure what happened to his trick score. It looked like open men trick and open men slalom were going on at the same time. Tough to get into the correct mind set needed for the two events.
  18. I know this is off topic but..... Is the decline in numbers have anything to do with the been there done that attitude? I have seen MANY talented skiers move from the sport for many reasons. Most have private sites to ski on. Have been going to nationals from early in B1/G1 they have achieved success in the sport up to the elite level and just stop. They get to M1 and jobs and other interest start to kick in. Nationals is not a big deal to them. They have skied and placed at many. Take a look @MattP m1 skier that has never qualified before. There is no way he is going to miss it. On the other end many of the usually top end skiers are missing this year. Go down the list. Greenwood?? Selsor?? (might still be hurt from last year) Brooks devito?? How do we keep the top talent coming back?? The scores are pretty low this year on some of the podiums. Less than 2500 in tricks should not place in m1. 2500 is 18th on the ranking list but finishes 5th at our biggest event?? This might not be the case in all events, and all division, but it looks like the 3 thru 5 scores are lower than in years past. I guess with lower numbers of participants, quality goes down too.
  19. @GregDavis watch a recent episode of real sports about how we are creating a entire generation. Of entitled kids rewarding them with trophies for participation. Kids in college feel that they deserve a B grade just for attending class. Lets all ski 32 mph. That is real easy. Yes 36 is hard. If it was easy everyone would do it. Many small size kids have made the transition. Mine included. You have to have good form.
  20. If you have poor technique at 34 ... 36 will eat you alive. Way back they started 36 much earlier. Soooo in a sense we have already lowere it. Bruce is correct that international tournaments require 36 at a earlier age. I sure hope Griffin Stange can get acclimated to 36. (Read sarcastic)
  21. @waterskigirl I think this years nationals registration number is right at 600 give or take a few. I am not sure about largest. My guess would put it between 1100 / 1200. Lets see what @klindy has. @Klindy enjoy your first ever nationals as a three event skier!!!!
  22. I think Radar had a white top ski a few years ago also.
  23. I can't believe that they were able to keep that quite. @klindy are you on your way out???
  24. My guess is that with nationals going on next week, it will be next to impossible to get a set with chet. If you can, bring a big wallet
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