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Everything posted by ntx

  1. I have seen man made fiberglass turn islands that have Styrofoam under them for flotation. Never have to worry about erosion. That way they are removable if you don't like them. Work perfect and you can use a smaller size.
  2. @Horton‌ yes I did read your 93 experience. I can't say if you should have had the gold or not. I will say if you had a open, why not ski open? Did you only ski age to win the medal? I bet Jody wanted both you and Mike to ski open.
  3. @Horton So.... Nate is M1, Travers is M2 and Parrish is M3. You do away with ALL Open Men and everyone skis age div.????? That does not sound good to me at all.
  4. @Horton‌ The level 9 / age group is a tough call. What are Taylor and Ellie going to do this year? Both have a Level 9 trick rating. Should they be forced to ski Open against Erika and Adam or ski age group. I guess do you want to be last of the best? or first in your age? I know I always want to be with the best. Even if I finish last.
  5. @Horton‌ Don't forget about the one score deduction. 102 only gets you 92.8
  6. @JC McCavit‌ Wow. There are a ton of variables. Only one tournament score will carry a deduction. The amount of deduction will depend on the class of the tournament. Ten percent deduction for class c and five percent for class ELR. I am not sure what level is required for regionals in the West for your age. Plus the lowest level score can move until it gets locked in several weeks prior to the event. If a level 7 is required and a class c event my guess is about 102 buoy count. If you can ski with a level 6 about 93 should be close. Hope this helps. With the ranking system there is no way to know for sure until the scores get locked in.
  7. So it sounds like the intent is to increase the number of skiers from the 600/700 range we have had recently back up to the 900/1000 range of years gone by. That would generate significantly more revenue for the host site. I wonder if SMRR would have been interested in hosting again with this format?
  8. I agree with @klindy. Regionals is the place for the level 5-7. If you wish to eliminate the regional requirements for nationals, then I think you have to eliminate qualifying for national thru regional placement. I strongly disagree with the forcing of level 9 to ski open. The age range can go from B3 on up. Nick Lange is a B3 level 9 jumper. He has to ski against Freddy?? Or Freddy has to ski m3. I also disagree that skiers will only ski in the place where they have the best chance to medal. If I am qualified to ski open I would rather compete against the best and finish last as opposed to winning my age group. Sometimes you do what works best. Level 9 has the option to skip regionals now but you must ski open. I would like to see more of the level 9 ski open. There is some peer pressure starting among some of the level 9 overall skiers to not ski age division.
  9. @Rpc29‌ there is a large group of the sking community that regional is there big tournament.
  10. @klindy. If held concurrently what does this accomplish? You can't have multi rounds due to time constraints. Not sure of the benefit.
  11. @jcamp‌ this is not a change to grow nationals. This is a change to decrease it so that the slalom gods can have a national with multi rounds. It might be easier to break away and start the national slalom league.
  12. With the exception of m 3-5 slalom most other events and division won't have more than a half dozen skiers at best in level 9. So you have a event with 3 or 4 skiers. If separate tournament, are they at the same site and time, or are we adding additional cost for families with skiers above and below level 9? What about a skier in level 9 trick and jump but level 8 slalom? Do you have to ski two national tournaments? Is the division 2 champ really the best in the nation?
  13. I have seen people wrap short length of bungee cord with hooks around it and attach the hooks to the drink holder.
  14. @drewski32 it depends on what you are calling "junior tournaments" If you are talking junior worlds, it is top 10 on the list. Team trials willl have qualifications based on one, two, or three events. Jr Us open is open to all skiers but only the top seven skiers in each divsion get in unless open spots are avalable from othe events or divsion that do not fill. It is limited to about 84 pulls I think.
  15. @Colebrah Please keep us in the loop when and for how much you sell this boat for. I know what I paid for mine new in 2009. It was several thousand dollars less than what you are asking.
  16. @skoot1123 has a point. Cosmetic things are easy and cheap to fix. We have club boats that get a ton of hours. The motor maintence is done on a regular basis. Unfortunatly, several members are not the best drivers around the dock. We get gel coat damage that looks bad but the motor is good. We do end up selling our boats cheap every two years or so. Think about a farmer with a tractor. They might never wash the tractor, but you can bet that they take care of the motor. The boat is a tool. The most important part of the tool is the motor. I would rather have one that gets oil changes over one that gets waxed each week. My guess is that @eleeski thinks the same way.
  17. The problem with the wax "running down" has been a problem for many years. Scot at one point said that the formulation was changed for the hotter areas of the country. When we did ours last year, we told him we are in Texas and had no problem. We have never used the red dye.
  18. @razorross3 I think you missed the joke. The post from @rab has the dates that look like the event is a month long.
  19. @Horton there is always another solution. Kind of like voting. Unless you do it, you can't bitc* about the out come. You can double your rides by putting on the short ski.
  20. My guess is that the last time north Texas hosted regionals was at Ken Whites in the mid 80's
  21. @moskier3ev they have a guy named Brian and his wife. I think they should do it.
  22. @disland are you volunteering?
  23. @horton There was a product out about 4 years ago called Shadowbox. I am not sure what happened to it. Cost was right about 500.00 @disland do you remember it? It would have worked on a trick or jump ski also to measure height and distance. It did a over lay of your path onto a Google earth map. The possablities looked great. They did a first generation and before the second rev was released, they disappeared. I wish someone would start it back up. You can find some old info with a google search of "shadowbox tracking device"
  24. @Razorskier1 Yes, you missed the fianals. The event finished yesterday. Nate won
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